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All You Need to Know About the Polish National Anthem


Most countries have an official national song, also known as an anthem, sung or played during important occasions. These songs are usually different from tracks that people listen to for pleasure. The music often is a march or a hymn in style, while the lyrics often refer to feelings of patriotism and national pride.

Poland is no different, and the Poles have their own national anthem. From a learner’s point of view, the Polish national anthem is an interesting way of learning more about the country’s history and culture. The story of the anthem itself is interesting as well. Keep reading to find out more!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Lyrics
  2. History of the Dąbrowski’s Mazurka Polish National Anthem
  3. Occasions for Singing the Polish National Anthem
  4. Interesting Facts About the Polish Anthem
  5. Final Thoughts

1. Lyrics   

Musical Notes

The Polish anthem is known under the name Mazurek Dąbrowskiego (Dąbrowski’s mazurka). Mazurek (mazurka in English) is a type of dance. Mazurka is a musical form that originated in Poland, based on Polish folk dances, but in the nineteenth century, it became popular outside Poland, especially in Europe and the United States. It’s also worth noting that mazurek in Polish can refer to a Polish cake, typically made for Easter.

Going back to the anthem, it’s worth mentioning that not all Polish people may know its actual name. Because it’s often referred to by its first words Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła (literally: Poland hasn’t died yet), some people would provide that as an answer to the question about the anthem’s name. Here are the full Polish anthem lyrics, along with a translation: 

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, – Poland has not yet perished,

Kiedy my żyjemy. – So long as we still live.

Co nam obca przemoc wzięła, – What the foreign force has taken from us,

Szablą odbierzemy. – We shall with sabre retrieve. 

[Chorus] Marsz, marsz Dąbrowski, – March, march, Dąbrowski

Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski, – From Italy to Poland.

Za twoim przewodem – Under your command

Złączym się z narodem. – We shall rejoin the nation. [end of chorus]

Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę, – We’ll cross the Vistula, we’ll cross the Warta,

Będziem Polakami, – We shall be Polish.

Dał nam przykład Bonaparte, – Bonaparte has given us the example

Jak zwyciężać mamy. – Of how we should prevail.

[Chorus again]

Jak Czarniecki do Poznania  – Like Czarniecki to Poznań

Po szwedzkim zaborze, – After the Swedish annexation,

Dla ojczyzny ratowania – To save our homeland,

Wrócim się przez morze. – We shall return across the sea.

[Chorus again]

Już tam ojciec do swej Basi – A father, in tears,

Mówi zapłakany – Says to his Basia

„Słuchaj jeno, pono nasi, – Listen, our boys are said

Biją w tarabany”. – To be beating the tarabans.

[Chorus again]

You can listen to the anthem, as performed by Polish soldiers, here on the official channel of the Ministry of Defense:

Learning Polish by listening to songs and analyzing their lyrics is also a good way of polishing your Polish. You can find the top 5 tools for learning Polish, by clicking on the link. You can also learn more about famous Polish musicians thanks to our resources about Adam Makowicz, Frederic Chopin, and Karol Szymanowski.  

As you can see, the Polish national anthem lyrics are quite poetic. The feeling speaking through the song is that of defending the Polish territory from foreign forces. This has to do with the difficult history of Poland, which disappeared from maps in 1795 during the third partition of Poland. Polish territories and identity have been under threat numerous times throughout the country’s history, which is why the sentiment of protecting Polishness prevails in the national anthem. 

Interesting mentions include two Polish rivers, the Vistula and the Warta and the French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte. The lyrics also mention a saber as a weapon, giving you an idea about the age of this anthem. Last but not least, we have the mention of tarabans, which are drum-like, percussive instruments of Turkish origin that used to be played in Poland and Ukraine. 

If you’re interested in Polish history you should read the trilogy by Henryk Sienkiewicz. It’s a long commitment so before you do, check out our lesson about the movie based on a part of this book series, “Ogniem i mieczem.”  

2. History of the Dąbrowski’s Mazurka Polish National Anthem

Polish soldiers marching

The lyrics to the anthem were written during the third partition of Poland. It was created in Italy (Włochy), where the Polish Legions were then stationed. The idea was to increase the morale of people whose country no longer existed on the map. The song quickly became popular among soldiers. The author is a Polish poet and military activist, Józef Wybicki. The original lyrics were slightly different from the current version of the anthem. In 2021 there was a law drafted to introduce some changes, including swapping lines around, but so far, it hasn’t been passed. 

Interestingly enough, even today, we don’t know who created the music for the Polish national anthem. The composition first became the anthem unofficially and then became it officially in 1926. That, of course, means that there were other Polish national anthems before this one. Previous national anthems included Bogurodzica, Gaude Mater Polonia, and Rota, with Bogurodzica being the first Polish anthem. 

We told you how to say Italy two paragraphs back, but do you know how to say the names of other countries, including your own? Check out our lesson on world countries to learn all you need to know. 

3. Occasions for Singing the Polish National Anthem

A Polish Flag

The anthem is played and sung during Polish national holidays and meaningful anniversaries such as: 

  • Święto Niepodległości (Independence Day)
  • Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja (Constitution Day – celebrating the Constitution of 3 May 1791)
  • Narodowy Dzień Pamięci „Żołnierzy Wyklętych” (“Cursed Soldiers” National Remembrance Day – the anniversary of the execution of Polish officers)
  • Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Powstania Warszawskiego (Warsaw Uprising National Remembrance Day) and more

Sometimes the anthem is just played, and sometimes both played and sung. Apart from national Polish holidays, it’s also played during sports competitions, particularly international ones, such as football matches or the Olympics. 

The national anthem belongs to the group of Polish national symbols (symbole narodowe) stipulated in the Constitution (konstytucja). This means that it’s protected by law. The etiquette when the anthem is played is to stand up, take off any headgear a person is wearing and remain silent and respectful. Soldiers and other people wearing uniforms should salute. Being disrespectful to the national symbols can be penalized with a fine of 20 up to 5000 PLN.

4. Interesting Facts About the Polish Anthem

The Polish Emblem

The anthem is taught in Polish schools. Still, some Polish people make mistakes when singing it, and some don’t know all the lyrics. It’s particularly common to sing póki my żyjemy (until we live) instead of kiedy my żyjemy (when we live) in the second stanza. There have been reports of politicians and other famous people singing the anthem incorrectly by misplacing words or entirely not knowing some parts of it and humming to the music instead. Do you remember all the lyrics of your country’s anthem? Let us know the answer and where you’re from in the comments section. 

In 2002 during the FIFA World Cup, a famous Polish singer, Edyta Górniak sang the anthem in her own artistic interpretation. The footballers were unable to sing to her tune. Many people thought this was disrespectful and unnecessary. The performance is still well-remembered today. Some countries are more lenient or encouraging toward interpretations of the anthem, notably the USA. Poland remains quite conservative in that respect, as another controversy of this sort is quite recent. It was caused by a different Polish singer, Lidia Kopania, who also sang her own interpretation of the anthem during a boxing event in 2021. Yet again, the Polish public found it disrespectful, but the backlash was smaller, perhaps because the event was less prominent.

Speaking of sporting events, do you know what’s the most popular sport in Poland? Click on the link to familiarize yourself with our lesson on this topic. Before you check the answer, try to guess what it could be. 

5. Final Thoughts

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Today you’ve learned all you need to know about the Polish anthem. We hope that the history of the anthem was interesting for you and that you’ve gained more understanding of Polish history thanks to it. Anthems often tell us a lot about the cultural context of the country.

Knowing more about Polish culture will help you with the understanding of the language, but you need more to actually speak it. You can start or continue your Polish language journey with PolishPod101. It’s a platform with many, many, many recordings by native speakers that can help you improve your listening comprehension skills, vocabulary, and general Polish knowledge. Don’t dilly dally and join us at PolishPod101 today!

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A Brief Overview of Polish Culture


There are many components that go into learning a language. Knowing the culture surrounding that language is one of them! 

This brief Polish culture overview will provide you with all the information you need to get a head start, from traditional values to the country’s art and cuisine. These interesting Polish culture facts will help you better understand the country and its people, thus helping you acquire the Polish language more quickly.

Let’s get started.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Values and Beliefs
  2. Religion in Poland
  3. Family and Work
  4. Polish Art
  5. Polish Food
  6. Traditional Holidays
  7. Final Thoughts

1. Values and Beliefs

A Polish Flag

Many people in Poland adhere to traditional values and family is very important to them. In general, people living in small villages are more traditional than those living in big cities. In fact, the big-city lifestyle in Poland doesn’t differ much from the lifestyle of people living in other European cities.

The Polish culture values collectivism over individualism, though this is changing these days. Community is very important to Polish people, which has both its advantages and disadvantages. 

One of the more notable features of Polish culture is its straightforwardness. Unlike people in many Western European cultures, Polish people prefer to get straight to the point. This is why asking “How are you?” (Co u ciebie?) is more than just a mere nicety. People really want to know how you are, so feel free to answer at length. 

2. Religion in Poland

A Sculpture of John Paul II

Polish culture and religion are intertwined. Poland is a predominantly Catholic country, with around 90% of Polish people identifying as Roman Catholics. This means that Catholic values and the Catholic Church influence social, artistic, and political life.   

Close to 1% of the Polish population is Eastern Orthodox. Representatives of other religions are less numerous. That said, these statistics are likely to change as Poland is becoming a more attractive destination for immigrants from (and outside of) Europe.

3. Family and Work 

Because religion heavily impacts Polish culture and traditions, many people in Poland have conservative family values. In many families, the man is still considered to be the head of the household. Polish legislation doesn’t recognize long-term cohabitation, nor has it legalized same-sex marriages. 

Despite these conservative values, the Polish family landscape has been changing in favor of assisting Polish women professionally. Poland gives women a generous allowance of up to a year to give birth and take care of their child. Today, women can share that allowance with the father of the child. 

Work culture is another factor that needs to be taken into account. Polish culture values laboriousness, punctuality, and respect for deadlines. The Polish are known to be hard-working and they generally adhere to strong work ethics.

4. Polish Art

Art is often intertwined with history, making it difficult to understand one without the other. Polish art is one of the things you’ll have more access to once you have a better understanding of the language. 

A- Polish Architecture

A Picture of Warsaw

Architecture in Polish cities is a mixture of modern buildings, Soviet-style aesthetics, and older constructions that survived the Second World War. There are many cities you can visit to appreciate the architectural features of Polish culture: Warsaw (Warszawa), Cracow (Kraków), Wrocław, Gdańsk, Gdynia, and Sopot, among others.

A typical Polish city has an historical part called ‘old town’ in the middle of it. Some old cities have buildings that are centuries old while others, notably the Old City in Warsaw (Warszawska Starówka), were largely destroyed during the Second World War and had to be reconstructed. Other parts of a city are usually full of modern buildings with older ones mixed into the landscape. 

After the Second World War, Poland was under the influence of the Soviet Union. The particular style of the period added to the Polish architecture. Famous buildings such as the Palace of Culture (Pałac Kultury) in Warsaw and the multipurpose arena in Katowice (Katowicki Spodek) are good examples of such architecture.

B- Polish Literature

Some Polish books and poems will only be accessible to you once you’ve developed your Polish language skills. However, many books have been translated into other languages. 

Andrzej Sapkowski, the author of The Witcher saga, is perhaps the most famous Polish author at the moment. However, other notable Polish writers whose works have been translated into other languages are the Nobel Prize winners: Henryk Sienkiewicz (1905), Czesław Miłosz (1980), Wisława Szymborska (1996), and Olga Tokarczuk (2019).

C- Polish Music

Mazurka Dancers

Like people in countries around the world, Polish people like music. 

Poles listen to both international music and homegrown Polish music. There’s Polish pop, rock, metal, and all other genres that come to mind. One genre that has been gaining popularity over the years is folk music. The modern spin on musical tradition was popularized in the 90s by bands such as Brathanki and Golec Ouerkiestra. Their work also incorporates another element of traditional Polish culture: clothing.

Here’s a selective list of Polish bands and musicians who have become internationally famous:

  • Joanna Kulig is a well-known Polish actress and singer who became an international star after her performance in the 2019 Oscar-nominated movie Cold War.

  • Poland hasn’t been particularly successful in the Eurovision Contest, but Edyta Górniak came in second place in 1994.  

  • If you’re a fan of metal, you may already know the two famous Polish metal bands: Mgła and Behemoth.

  • Krzysztof Komeda is a famous film composer who worked with Roman Polański on movies such as Rosemary’s Baby.

  • Wojciech Kilar is another famous film composer who worked with Polański. He’s known for his work on The Pianist as well as other blockbusters such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula and The Truman Show.

These are just some highlights to get you started in your exploration of Polish music. If you want to learn more, we have a series of lessons on the top 10 Polish musicians, including Frederic Chopin and Krzysztof Kieslowski.

5. Polish Food

Polish Easter Food

Polish culture and food go hand in hand. Of course, modernity has brought changes to our traditional eating habits, but eating remains a very important part of Polish holidays.

Polish food is quite typical for the region, with many dishes having close equivalents in the Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Polish cuisine also has many Jewish influences.

Polish food is quite filling and contains a lot of meat, with pork and beef being particularly popular. Still, there are many health benefits associated with eating certain Polish dishes such as pickled vegetables. Kapusta kiszona (“sauerkraut”) and ogórki kiszone (“pickled gherkins”) are great examples.

Let’s not forget about drinks! Polish drinking culture is social. For instance, vodka (wódka) is an important presence during Polish wedding toasts. Polish people also like to drink beer (piwo) in a bottle (z butelki) or draught (z nalewaka). As for non-alcoholic beverages traditionally present on Polish tables, there is the sweet kompot made of different kinds of fruit. 

Would you like to learn more about the food culture in Poland? Have a look at our lessons: 

6. Traditional Holidays

A Family Celebrating Christmas

Polish people celebrate many holidays on the Christian calendar such as Christmas (Święta Bożego Narodzenia) and Easter (Wielkanoc). They’re both a big deal in Poland, and some days around that period are public holidays so that people can enjoy time with their families. There are also Polish traditions that aren’t related to Christianity, such as Children’s Day and Labor Day

There’s also a number of cherished traditions and holidays in Poland, which are either exclusively Polish or are only known in a handful of other countries. Among them you can find:

  • Drowning of Marzanna. This is a tradition where we drown a doll called Marzanna to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

  • Śmigus-dyngus. This day is also known as Wet Monday or Easter Monday. People all around Poland throw water at one another on this day!

  • Tłusty Czwartek. This is a day meant for pre-Lent indulgence, and we celebrate by eating sweets such as pączki (donuts with jam).

Would you like to get more information about Poland? Culture-related events are discussed in our lesson on the Top 5 Important Dates During the Polish Calendar Year

7. Final Thoughts

Today, you’ve learned some key Polish culture facts that should help you better understand the country. We hope that our overview has answered some of your questions. Remember to explore our website to find even more information about Poland and the Polish language.

Culture isn’t everything! If you want to know the language, you need to do some work.

Fortunately, thanks to, your work can be much more fun! Here, you can find countless lessons, recordings, and videos featuring native speakers. You can learn tons of new vocabulary with our vocabulary lists and dictionary, both of which have recorded pronunciations. 

Are you ready to up your game? Start your free trial today!

Before you go, let us know in the comments how Polish culture compares to that in your country! We look forward to hearing from you.

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Ostatki in Poland: Do-Nut Miss These Carnival Festivities!

A couple of years ago, we wrote about the famous Fat Thursday in Poland. But really, Fat Thursday only makes up a fraction of a larger holiday season: Ostatki. In this article, we’ll give you a more detailed look at the end-of-Carnival festivities in Poland, from Fat Thursday to the following Fat Tuesday. 

And yes, there are even more donuts involved. 😉

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1. What is Ostatki?

Three People Dressed Up in Carnival Masquerade Attire

The Polish celebration of Ostatki takes place during the final few days leading up to Środa Popielcowa (Ash Wednesday), which is the beginning of Lent. Because Lent is a forty-day post (fast) for practicing Catholics, the days of Ostatki are taken advantage of as a time to overeat, indulge, and just bawić się (have fun). That said, there is no official religion in Poland and the country is known for its secularism, despite having a large Catholic population. Even those not affiliated with the religion can—and do—participate whole-heartedly. 

Let’s clear the air on a topic of some confusion before diving in…

Fat Thursday vs. Fat Tuesday

Because these two holidays have such similar names, many people who are unfamiliar with the celebrations get the two confused. Both days are a part of Ostatki, and the traditions associated with them are very similar. 

Fat Thursday (often called Donut Day) marks the first day of Ostatki. The following week, Fat Tuesday (also called Shrove Tuesday or Śledzik) marks its final day. As you might imagine, these are the two most widely celebrated days of the Ostatki season. 

2. When is Ostatki This Year?

A Man with an Ash Cross on His Forehead Reading the Bible for Ash Wednesday

The dates of Ostatki change each year according to the dates of Lent and Easter. Here’s an overview of its start and end dates for the next ten years. 

  • 2021: February 11 – February 16
  • 2022: February 24 – March 1 
  • 2023: February 16 – February 21
  • 2024: February 8 – February 13
  • 2025: February 27 – March 4
  • 2026: February 12 – February 17
  • 2027: February 4 – February 9
  • 2028: February 24 – February 29
  • 2029: February 8 – February 13
  • 2030: February 28 – March 5

3. Ostatki: A Food-Lover’s Paradise

Several People Dressed in Masquerade Costumes

As mentioned, Ostatki begins on Fat Thursday and ends a few days later on Fat Tuesday. These two days have the most festive celebrations, though there are plenty of activities and much fun to be had in-between as well! 

Fat Thursday in Poland means one thing: donuts, and plenty of them! This is the first day of indulgence before the long period of Lenten wstrzemięźliwość (abstinence), so Poles make a point of enjoying their delightful pączki donuts while they still can. According to tradition, the donuts are not only a decadent treat to be savored, but also a way of warding off bad luck or ill fortune in the coming year. 

Starting from Fat Thursday, people all over Poland take advantage of the several days before Lent to really enjoy themselves. While most Poles still need to work or go to school on these days, it’s not uncommon for bosses, colleagues, teachers, or fellow students to bring pączki with them for others to enjoy. In addition to donuts, people tend to indulge in other fatty or sugary foods as well as alcohol. Another popular sweet on this day is angel wings

On Fat Tuesday, the celebrations reach their climax as this is the final day before Lent begins. Polish Shrove Tuesday traditions are similar to those of Fat Thursday, but in addition to gorging on donuts, many families enjoy a nice dinner together and celebrations outside the home are more lively. 

Throughout Ostatki, many Poles enjoy events such as maskarady (masquerades) and may even attend a bal (ball). Events like these are popular even outside of Poland, in regions that have large Polish communities. Those attending will be dressed up in costumes, usually masquerade-style, and will have the opportunity to eat lots of good traditional foods and alcoholic beverages. 

4. A Brief Pączki History 

Unsurprisingly, one of the most iconic Polish foods is also one that’s been around for quite a while. The Polish began making and consuming pączki in the Middle Ages as a way of using up any remaining perishables (such as butter and eggs) before the Lent fast. In fact, Ostatki translates to “leftovers,” referring to the use of leftover food items. 

Do you know the origin of your favorite sweet treat? 

5. Vocabulary You Should Know for Ostatki in Poland

Traditional Polish Floral Pattern

Here are a few words and phrases you should know before your first Ostatki celebration! 

  • Karnawał (Carnival) – noun, masculine
  • Środa Popielcowa (Ash Wednesday) – proper noun, feminine
  • Wstrzemięźliwość (Abstinence) – noun, feminine
  • Bawić się (Have fun) – verb
  • Śledzik (Shrove Tuesday) – proper noun, masculine
  • Huczny (Rollicking) – adjective
  • Radość (Joy) – noun, feminine
  • Post (Fast) – noun, maculine
  • Maskarada (Masquerade) – noun, feminine
  • Kultura ludowa (Folk culture) – proper noun, feminine
  • Bal (Ball) – noun, masculine

If you want to practice your pronunciation, you can also visit our Ostatki vocabulary list which has audio recordings of each word’s pronunciation for you to practice along with. 

Final Thoughts

Whether you have a wicked sweet tooth, a penchant for alcohol consumption, or are simply enthralled with Polish culture, Ostatki is a can’t-miss event. We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new to motivate your further studies! 

If you would like to visit Poland in the near future or dive deeper into the culture for the sake of your language studies, you can visit the following pages on

If you’re serious about your Polish studies and would like a fun yet effective approach to maximize your efforts, create your free lifetime account on today. We provide numerous audio and video lessons on a range of topics for learners at every level, in addition to free vocabulary lists, a Polish-English dictionary, and spaced repetition flashcards. Better still, you’ll always have the support of our native Polish-speaking teachers and your fellow students. 

Happy learning from the PolishPod101 team! Enjoy a donut for us. 😉

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Celebrating International Children’s Day in Poland

Do you remember being a kid? The world was bigger, our imaginations seemed to cover more ground, and weekends, summer vacation, and holidays were the best thing ever!

In Poland, International Children’s Day doesn’t mean a day away from school, but it is a day of fun and enjoyment for children across the country! In this article, you’ll learn about Polish Children’s Day celebrations, the holiday’s history, and some useful vocabulary.

Let’s get started.

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1. What is International Children’s Day?

This holiday has roots in the United States, having started when a Massachusetts pastor gave a special sermon for and about children in 1857. However, International Children’s Day officially began in 1925 when the World Conference on Child Welfare declared it in Geneva, Switzerland. The holiday quickly spread from then on, and International Children’s Day in Poland was officially recognized in 1950.

Polish Children’s Day is predominantly a day for children to have zabawa (“fun”) and enjoy themselves. There’s also an emphasis on protecting children’s rights—particularly those outlined in the Konwencja o prawach dziecka (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”)—to ensure that they have a fulfilling dzieciństwo (“childhood”).

2. Children’s Day Date

A Mother and Her Young Daughter in the Grass Smiling

Each year, Poles celebrate International Children’s Day on June 1. This is when many other countries (though not all) celebrate this holiday as well.

3. How to Celebrate International Children’s Day

Two Kids Playing on a Playground

Activities for International Children’s Day vary from year to year, and there are no set traditions set in place. This is not a national holiday, meaning that children (unfortunately) still have to go to school on International Children’s Day.

Still, schools and parents do what they can to make this a radosny (“joyful”) holiday for the kids. Schools often organize special activities, usually involving sports competitions or other games such as tug-of-war. Parents may spend extra time with their children, make their child’s favorite dinner, or give their child a new zabawka (“toy”) and słodycze (“sweets”).

On International Children’s Day, Poland is also experiencing its first bout of summer. This makes Children’s Day in Poland a fantastic time to engage in outdoor activities such as picnics or outdoor games. In 2015, even then-Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz got involved, inviting several children for a picnic with her.

Another defining feature of Poland’s take on this holiday is the Parliament of Children and Youth. Each year on Children’s Day, Poland’s chosen high school students—determined by the quality of essays they write on a given topic—meet together and discuss modern topics of interest concerning the country’s youth. The parliament has gathered together each year since 1994, and Poland is the first European country to have organized such a parliament.

4. Brushing Your Teeth…?

If you have kids—or remember being one—we’re sure you know the struggle of getting a child to brush their teeth regularly.

Many Polish parents face this struggle every day, but on Children’s Day, they make a special concession for their children. Yep! Most Polish kids don’t have to brush their teeth before bed on this holiday (even after eating so many sweets…).

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Children’s Day

A Basket Full of Different Sweets

Let’s review some of the vocabulary words from this article!

  • Dziecko — “Child” [n. neut]
  • Słodycze — “Sweets” [n. neut]
  • Zabawka — “Toy” [n. fem]
  • Zabawa — “Fun” [n. fem]
  • Dzieciństwo — “Childhood” [n. neut]
  • Szczęśliwy — “Happy” [adj.]
  • Radosny — “Joyful” [adj.]
  • Bawić się — “Play” [v.]
  • Lizak — “Lollipop” [n. masc]
  • Konwencja o prawach dziecka — “Convention on the Rights of the Child” [fem]

If you want to hear the pronunciation of each word and phrase listed above, be sure to check out our Polish International Children’s Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about International Children’s Day in Poland with us, and that you took away some valuable information about Polish culture!

Do you celebrate Children’s Day in your country? If so, what are the most common traditions and celebrations? Let us know in the comments!

If you want to continue learning about Polish culture and the language, has several free resources for you:

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Happy International Children’s Day from the PolishPod101 family!

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Święto Pracy: Celebrating Labor Day in Poland

For Labor Day, Poland consistently gets a whopping three-day weekend to relax, celebrate, and protest for more workers’ rights. But this holiday doesn’t resonate well with everyone!

In this article, you’ll learn about Labor Day traditions and history in Poland, and pick up some useful vocabulary words along the way.

Let’s get started.

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1. What is Labor Day?

Someone Holding a Wrench in Their Hand against a Red Background

International Labor Day is a public holiday in Poland, and is also part of the Majówka (May holidays). Because May 3 is another major holiday in the country, many people take not one day off, but at least three.

In Poland, Labor Day is a day for workers to odpoczywać (“rest” ) from their normal day-to-day duties. Some people take advantage of this day to demonstrate for more employees’ rights or to simply honor the working class. Perhaps most importantly, Labor Day is associated with patriotyzm (“patriotism” ), considering that May 3 is Poland’s Constitution Day.

Despite the laid-back nature of this holiday today, there’s a lot of controversy in Poland regarding Labor Day. This is because, during the communist rule in Poland, Labor Day was largely associated with the communist agenda and was one of the most important holidays at the time.

    → Study our vocabulary list for Jobs / Work to learn some practical Labor Day words!

2. When is Labor Day?

A Man Relaxing on the Couch

Each year, Poles celebrate Labor Day on May 1. This is the same date as the rest of the world, except for the United States, which celebrates on the first Monday of September.

3. Labor Day Traditions & Celebrations in Poland

A Group of People Having a Picnic Together

On Labor Day, Poland has plenty of time to relax, because Labor Day is part of a długi weekend (“long weekend holiday” ).

During this time, cities compete with each other based on the number of attractions, organizing picnics, concerts, performances, exhibitions, fairs, tastings of regional dishes, and reconstructions of historical events. During the picnic in the Mazovia region, the region’s largest knightly tournament takes place, while at the Museum of Battle of Grunwald, people can watch an International Horseback Archery Competition.

A favorite tradition is to spędzać czas z rodziną (“spend time with family” ), often outdoors in the fresh spring air. Many families go on a picnic together (usually with BBQ food!), or sometimes a longer trip to somewhere outside their city or town. Though not as common as it once was, some places in Poland still hold Labor Day parades and demonstrations for more workers’ rights.

As we mentioned earlier, Labor Day is considered a patriotic holiday. Many people decorate their buildings or homes with the Polish flag!

    → We have vocabulary lists on Cooking and Polish Foods. Check them out to learn some related words and phrases. 😉

4. Making Up for Lost Time

This long Labor Day weekend sounds great, until you realize that one of the days (May 2) isn’t actually a holiday. How do Poles make up for losing this normal workday?

Usually, Poles need to go into work on a designated weekend day in order to make up for this lost time. But it’s well worth it for three days off in a row!

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Labor Day in Poland

Someone Wearing a Shirt with the Polish Flag Colors

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this lesson? Here’s a list of the most important words and phrases for Labor Day in Poland!

  • Odpoczywać — “Rest” [v.]
  • Święto Pracy — “Labor Day” [n. neut]
  • Flaga — “Flag” [n. fem]
  • Patriotyzm — “Patriotism” [n. masc]
  • Dzień wolny od pracy — “Day off” [n. masc]
  • Robotnik — “Worker” [n. masc]
  • Pochód — “March” [n. masc]
  • Uczcić — “Celebrate” [v.]
  • Długi weekend — “Long weekend holiday” [n. masc]
  • Majówka — “Picnic” [n. fem]
  • Spędzać czas z rodziną — “Spend time with family”
  • Protest — “Protest” [n. masc]
  • Biało-czerwony — “White-and-red” [adj.]

To hear the pronunciation of each word and phrase, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Polish Labor Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Labor Day in Poland with us, and that you took away some valuable information.

How do you celebrate Labor Day in your country? Are Labor Day traditions similar or very different from those in Poland? We look forward to hearing from you in the comments!

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Happy Labor Day! 🙂

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How to Celebrate Nicolaus Copernicus’ Birthday in Poland

How to Celebrate Nicolaus Copernicus’ Birthday in Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus. You’ve probably heard that name before in school. But do you remember who he was exactly, and what he did? What world-changing ideas was Nicolaus Copernicus famous for?

In this article, you’ll learn about Nicolaus Copernicus’ greatest achievements, more interesting facts about him, and how Poland commemorates Nicolaus Copernicus’ birthday.

Are you ready? Let’s get started.

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1. Who was Nicolaus Copernicus?

Poles celebrate the astronomer Mikołaj Kopernik ( “Nicolaus Copernicus” ) each year on his birthday. Copernicus is most well-known for his heliocentryzm ( “heliocentrism” ) theory, which revolutionized astronomy. This is the theory that the sun is at the center of our galaxy, and that the planets obracać się wokół ( or “rotate around” ) the sun. While Nicolaus Copernicus’ heliocentric model faced lots of criticism when it was first proposed, it’s today the working model we use.

Nicolaus Copernicus’ astronomy achievements—particularly the publishing of his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium—paved the way for later advances in astronomical science. Further, it both started the Copernican Revolution and contributed to the Scientific Revolution.

While Copernicus’ heliocentric model is perhaps his greatest achievement, this is far from all he accomplished in his lifetime. In addition to being an astronom (“astronomer”), Copernicus studied several other topics during his life and served in many different professions. These include, but aren’t limited to: a physician, an economist, and a translator.

2. Nicolaus Copernicus’ Date of Birth

Picture of Nicolaus Copernicus

Each year, Poles celebrate Nicolaus Copernicus’ birthday on February 19, the day he was born in 1473.

3. How Poles Mark Copernicus’ Birthday

Silhouette of Someone Looking Through a Telescope at Night

While there are no specific traditions or celebrations for Nicolaus Copernicus’ birthday, Poles do continue to venerate and honor him. In addition to specially marking Copernicus’ birthday, Poland is filled with numerous memorials of him.

For example, the Wrocław-Strachowice International Airport is named in honor of Copernicus. There are also two museums in Poland dedicated to him: Muzeum Mikolaja Kopernika in Frombork and the House of Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Copernicus’ birthplace of Torun. Lastly, there are also Nicolaus Copernicus statues and monuments in Warsaw and Torun.

If you’re interested in learning even more Nicolaus Copernicus facts in his very own home country, be sure to check these places out!

4. Polish or German?

Did you know there’s some debate as to Nicolaus Copernicus’ nationality?

Copernicus was born in Royal Prussia—an area that was technically a part of the Kingdom of Poland—but grew up in a German-speaking family. He first went to school in Poland before going to a school in Italy and joining a group of German-speakers there.

While these nuances of Copernicus’ life make it difficult for modern-day scholars to determine his nationality, some people are uncertain that we should assign Copernicus a nationality. During the Renaissance period, people didn’t adhere to the concept of nationality the way we do today, and rather had firm attachments to the actual region they grew up in or associated themselves with. Some people make the claim that Copernicus, for this reason, would have called himself a Prussian.

So, was Copernicus Polish? German? Prussian? Something else altogether? And does it really matter?

What are your thoughts?

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Nicolaus Copernicus’ Birthday

Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity Written on a Blackboard

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this article? Here’s the essential Polish vocabulary for Nicolaus Copernicus’ birthday!

  • Słońce — “Sun”
  • Księżyc — “Moon”
  • Ziemia — “Earth”
  • Mikołaj Kopernik — “Nicolaus Copernicus”
  • Planeta — “Planet”
  • Galaktyka — “Galaxy”
  • Teoria — “Theory”
  • Wszechświat — “Universe”
  • Astronom — “Astronomer”
  • Ciało niebieskie — “Heavenly body”
  • Obracać się wokół — “Rotate around”
  • Heliocentryzm — “Heliocentrism”
  • Obserwować — “Observe”
  • Rewolucja — “Revolution”

Visit our Polish Nicolaus Copernicus’ Birthday vocabulary list to hear the pronunciation of each word, and to read them alongside relevant images.

Final Thoughts

The Polish people hold Nicolaus Copernicus in high regard, and are proud to call him a fellow Pole (despite the ambiguity around his technical nationality). We hope you enjoyed getting reacquainted with Copernicus, and that you learned something valuable about Polish culture.

Who are the most famous and well-respected people in your country, past or present? We look forward to hearing from you!

If you’re interested in learning more about Polish culture and holidays, you may find the following pages on useful:

Know that whatever your reasons for developing an interest in Polish culture or wanting to learn the language, is the best way to expand your knowledge and improve your skills. With tons of fun lessons for beginners, intermediate learners, and more advanced students, there’s something for everyone!

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Święto Trzech Króli: Celebrating Epiphany in Poland

Epiphany in Poland

The Feast of the Epiphany in Poland is an essential Christian holiday with a variety of fun traditions! In this article, you’ll learn about how Poles celebrate Epiphany as well as the story behind the holiday.

At, it’s our goal to ensure that every aspect of your language-learning journey is both fun and informative—starting with this article!

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1. What is Epiphany Day in Poland?

Epiphany, or Three Kings’ Day, is called Święto Trzech Króli in Polish. This is a Christian feast that takes place in numerous countries around the world. In Poland, it’s a national public holiday, meaning that most businesses, workplaces, and schools are closed.

Epiphany Day in Poland is usually celebrated as the day that the three “wise men” (mędrzec) visited the Baby Jesus. The wise men followed Gwiazda betlejemska, or “Bethlehem’s star,” and arrived with gifts of frankincense, gold (złoto), and myrrh (mirra). For this reason, Epiphany is also viewed as a day of charity and giving.

Some people also celebrate Epiphany as the day on which Jesus was baptized, thus “revealing” the Holy Trinity.

2. Epiphany Date

Wise Men on Camels

Each year, Poles celebrate Epiphany on January 6. The night before is called Epiphany Eve.

3. How is Epiphany Celebrated in Poland?


Epiphany traditions in Poland are vast! On Epiphany Day, Poland tries to make the most of the last day of the Christmas season.

On Epiphany Day in Poland, parades featuring live animals, children, and the colors of Europe (red), Asia (green), and Africa (blue), march through the streets. The most popular of these parades takes place in Warsaw, though several other Polish towns host their own parades as well. Sometimes, the people in this parade will throw candy to children and other spectators!

Another common tradition of Epiphany in Poland is nativity reenactments. During these reenactments, children dress up as the most important characters from the story of the wise men and act the story out. People also enjoy singing carols (kolędy) on this day.

For Christians, the story of the wise men is a major component in the Ewangelia, or “Gospel.” Thus, devoted Christians—especially Catholics—will go to church on this day to receive blessings from priests.

In particular, very devout Catholics will bring a piece of chalk to the church, have a priest bless it, and then use that piece of chalk to write the letters C, B, and M along with the current year on their front door. It’s debated whether these letters represent the names of the three wise men, or if they stand for Christus mansionem benedicat, which is Latin phrase asking for Christ to bless the home.

Chalk isn’t the only thing blessed on the Epiphany holiday in Poland. Because the wise men brought three gifts with them, Poles bring three other items with them, usually in boxes. These items are meant to signify the wise men’s gifts (dary) to Baby Jesus, and are usually a gold ring, some type of incense (kadzidło), and some amber.

4. King Cake

Along with a variety of breads and other sweets, a popular Epiphany dessert for the Feast of the Epiphany in Poland is King Cake. This is a special round cake also eaten in many other countries for Epiphany.

Inside the cake is a coin or almond. The person who finds it in their slice of King Cake is the “king” for the day.

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Epiphany in Poland


Ready to review some of the vocabulary words we saw in the article? Here’s the essential Polish vocabulary for Epiphany!

  • Złoto — Gold
  • Kolęda — Carol
  • Bóg — God
  • Ewangelia — Gospel
  • Betlejem — Bethlehem
  • Święto Trzech Króli — Epiphany
  • Pokłon — Obeisance
  • Kadzidło — Incense
  • Dar — Gift
  • Gwiazda betlejemska — Bethlehem’s star
  • Mirra — Myrrh
  • Mędrzec — Wise Men

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Polish Epiphany vocabulary list.

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Epiphany in Poland with us!

Do you celebrate Epiphany in your country? If so, are celebrations different or very similar to those in Poland? Let us know in the comments!

If you’re interested in learning more about Polish culture, or if you want to learn some wintery words to get you through the next couple of months, you may find the following pages useful:

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Barborka: Miner’s Day & Saint Barbara’s Day in Poland

Miner’s Day & Saint Barbara’s Day in Poland

On Saint Barbara’s Day, Poles celebrate faithfulness, feminine beauty, and miners. In fact, this holiday is also referred to as Miners’ Day!

In this article, you’ll learn a little bit about Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners. You’ll also delve into the most popular Polish traditions for this holiday and learn some relevant Polish vocabulary.

At, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative. Let’s get started!

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1. What is Saint Barbara’s Day?

Saint Barbara’s Day (Barborka/Miner’s Day) is both the feast day of St. Barbara and the name day for girls with this common name. Considering Barbara’s role as the patron saint of miners, Poles also celebrate this holiday as Miners’ Day.

Saint Barbara’s popularity as a religious and cultural figure originated in a story, which today is debated as to its accuracy.

In the story, a young woman named Barbara lived in a tower, where her father locked her away. At some point, she is said to have developed a keen interest in Christianity. One day, her father came home and discovered that she had made three windows—representing the Holy Trinity—in the bath he had been building. Barbara admitted to him that she was now a Christian and, angry, her father beat her before handing her over to authorities. (Christianity was illegal where they lived at this time.) Her father sought to behead her, but he was struck down by lightning before he was able to do so.

Today, Saint Barbara is portrayed as a prime example of genuine Christian faith and as the patroness of miners.

2. When is St. Barbara’s Day?

Saint Barbara

Each year, Poland observes Saint Barbara’s Day on December 4.

3. Saint Barbara’s Day Celebrations & Traditions

A Ritual Being Performed

1- Miners

Barbara’s Day is celebrated mainly as a holiday for miners. Their work is both dangerous and rewarding, and the fruits of their labor were quite valuable in times past.

On this day, miners from the Silesia region of Poland gather together for special celebrations. These usually take the form of a ball, for which occasion the miners dress in nice black suits. To complete their celebratory outfits and further accentuate their high ranking in society, the miners wear hats with different-colored feathers in them based on rank.

The miners also take part in parades, marches, and concerts, as well as a special meeting with each other.

2- Cherry Branches

Poland hasn’t forgotten the more feminine side of this holiday, either. As Saint Barbara is considered a prime example of a faithful Christian, especially for women, on the Barbara name day, Poland has traditions that reflect this.

Perhaps the most popular is that of the cherry branch. In Poland, young women take the branch of a cherry tree into their home, place it in a pot of water somewhere near the stove, and hope that the warmth of the stove and nourishment from the water will help the cherry blossoms bud sooner.

While the specifics of this tradition vary from region to region, most people believe that if the blossoms do bud, the young woman will marry in the near future.

4. Patroness of ___?

Do you know what else Saint Barbara is the patroness of? Here’s a snapshot:

Essentially, Saint Barbara is the patron saint of many a difficult but rewarding occupation. Can you guess where her association with lightning comes in?

5. Vocabulary You Need to Know for Miners’ Day in Poland

A Mine

Here’s some essential Polish vocabulary to learn before Barbara’s Day!

  • Górnik — Miner
  • Śląsk — Silesia
  • Kopalnia — Mine
  • WęgielCoal
  • Wydobywać — Extract
  • Patronka — Patroness
  • Święta Barbara — Saint Barbara
  • Patronować — Patronize
  • Rytuał — Ritual
  • Orkiestra — Orchestra

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Polish Barbara’s Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

What are your thoughts on St. Barbara’s Day in Poland? Are there any traditions here that remind you of holiday traditions in your own country? Let us know in the comments; we always love hearing from you!

This holiday doesn’t even scratch the surface of Polish culture. If you’re interested in learning more about Poland and her people, or want to memorize more fun words for winter, you may find the following pages on useful:

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Polish National Independence Day: Traditions & History

There’s no need to convince anyone that Poland has had a colorful history. For more than a thousand years, from its legendary beginnings to the most recent events, the fate of our country has been very diverse. There were times when Poland, united in a union with Lithuania, was a power that other countries had to reckon with. But, let’s be honest, that was a very long time ago. Newer history has been much less gracious to Poland, and as a result, the country ceased to exist for over 120 years!

In this article, you’ll learn some Polish Independence Day history, and how Poles today celebrate! At, we aim to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative!

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1. What is Polish Independence Day?

1- The Regaining of Independence

From 1772 on, Poland fell victim to attacks from three countries—Russia, Prussia and Austria—which resulted in three partitions of Poland. The end result was the seizure of all Polish lands and the disappearance of Poland from the map of Europe for 123 years. Thanks to steadfastness, patriotism, and a never-ending battle, the Poles finally regained their independence, with the great contribution of Marshal Józef Piłsudski.

Regaining its independence at the beginning of the twentieth century after such a long time was a really big event; after all, all the people who remembered Poland from before servitude times were long dead. You must be thinking that in such circumstances, the Independence Regaining Holiday must be the most joyous day of the year for Polish? Nothing of the sort.

While the regaining of independence in itself is joyous, Poles can never forget all the lives that were lost in their fight for it.

2- Holiday History

Though Polish Independence Day was officially established in 1937, it was only celebrated twice before the outbreak of WWII.

From 1939 to 1944, during the war and Nazi occupation, everything that was Polish was destroyed, and any displays of Polish culture were also forbidden. Likewise, in the following years, when Poland was under the control of the USSR, all patriotic demonstrations were suppressed. Finally, after the fall of communism, this holiday was restored in 1989 and is celebrated to this day.

2. When is Independence Day in Poland?

White and Red Flag

Each year, Poland celebrates its independence on November 11. While the regaining of Poland’s independence obviously took much longer a day, Józef Pilsudski chose this date as the day of celebration.

3. Polish Independence Day Celebrations

People Celebrating

For Polish Independence Day, Warsaw has some of the biggest celebrations, mostly on Pilsudski Square and by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where a ceremonial changing of the guard always takes place. On Polish Independence Day, November 11, Polish flags are hung up everywhere; on buildings, and on special flag poles.

In Warsaw and other major cities, marches, parades, and political speeches are organized. For those who are not interested in lofty speeches or assemblies, other events are also organized, which aim at uniting Poles.

One of the most interesting Polish Independence Day traditions is the Warsaw Independence Run, which in 2012 registered a record number of participants, over 7,000. Each participant receives a medal and a certificate to say they completed the race. At the start, all the runners make the formation of a living Polish flag, which is an amazing sight.

4. Curl the Mustache?

What does the Warsaw marathon code phrase “Run straight, curl the mustache,” mean?

This is a playful form of respect and affection for Polish history, in which Józef Pilsudski played a big part, greatly contributing to Polish’s victory in restoring its independence, among other things. Marathon participants, who follow in Pilsudski’s footsteps by growing or sticking on a fake distinctive mustache, get a chance to win great prizes.

5. Essential Vocabulary for Polish Independence Day

An Emblem

Here’s some vocabulary you need to know for Independence Day in Poland!

  • I Wojna Światowa — World War I
  • Odzyskać niepodległość — Regain independence
  • Uroczyste obchody — Celebration
  • HymnAnthem
  • Godło — Emblem
  • Okupacja — Occupation
  • Suwerenność — Sovereignty
  • Rozbiór — Partition
  • Zabór — Annexation
  • Państwo — State
  • Stolica — Capital

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to visit our Polish Independence Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Polish Independence Day with us. Did you learn any new Polish Independence Day facts? How does your country celebrate its Independence Day? We look forward to hearing from you!

Learning about a country’s culture and history may be the most rewarding and enriching aspect of trying to master its language. If more Polish cultural information is what you’re after, you may find the following pages interesting:

We know that learning a new language is a monumental task, but you can do it! And will be here with constant support and tons of essential learning materials, every step of the way. Create a free lifetime account today, and learn Polish effectively!

Happy Polish Independence Day!

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Warsaw Uprising Day: Remembering the Warsaw Uprising


The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 is known to be one of the largest, most ambitious attempts at conquering the Germans during WWII, and each year Poles remember those who lost their lives as well as the overall bravery of those involved. This is one of the most significant remembrance days in Poland, and one that you’ll do well to learn about as you seek to master the Polish language and understand its culture.

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1. What is Warsaw Uprising Day?

Polish Underground State Symbol

On Warsaw Uprising Day, Poland remembers the Warsaw Uprising and those who lost their lives as part of the resistance against the Germans who occupied Warsaw. But what was the Warsaw Uprising, exactly?

1- The Warsaw Uprising 1944

The Polish Underground State organized this movement in 1944 during WWII, and it lasted for about two months before ultimately failing. Essentially, the Polish Underground State started the Warsaw Uprising to resist the German occupation of their land, which composed the majority of Poland.

The Polish Warsaw Uprising was part of the larger operation against Nazis, called Operation Tempest. It was one of the most ambitious attempts in Poland, or the world, to rise against the Nazis and German occupation during WWII.

However, despite temporary victories with the help of the Russian Army at Vilnyus, Lublin, and Lvov, they faced far less favorable circumstances once in Warsaw. In short:

  • The Polish troops were outnumbered (as Warsaw had become a German fortress city)
  • The German troops had much more advanced weaponry (such as tanks)
  • The Russian troops who had helped previously didn’t arrive on time to Warsaw
  • Aside from the Russians, Poland had no real support from other countries

As August wore on, the Poles and Germans found themselves at a stalemate. When Russian troops still hadn’t arrived by September, the two sides decided to begin negotiation talks, which ended upon word of the Russians being near. Negotiations started and ended a few times until October 2, when an agreement was signed, promising humane treatment of the Poles in German-occupied territory.

Despite the overall failure of the Polish to overcome the Germans in Warsaw, no one can question their bravery, courage, or determination to help their country.

2. When is Warsaw Uprising Day?

Clock Pointing to Midnight

Each year on August 1 (the Warsaw Uprising date), the Polish commemorate the Warsaw Uprising.

3. How Do Poles Commemorate Warsaw Uprising Day?

Polish Army Marching

Seeing as Warsaw Uprising Day is a relatively new holiday, established in 2010, there are no set-in-stone traditions or celebrations. This is considered a memorial day, so many Poles reflect on the Uprising, those who lost their lives, and the bravery it all entails on the part of their countrymen.

4. The Warsaw Uprising Museum

Sixty years following the Uprising (2004), Poland built the Warsaw Uprising Museum in Warsaw (though in 1983, it was actually established). Its founders and sponsors aim to provide the people of Poland, and of the world, with a big-picture view of the Warsaw Uprising, most especially the Poles involved in it.

At the Warsaw Uprising Museum, Poland visitors can find many artifacts and other bits of preserved history associated with the Uprising.

5. Important Vocabulary for Warsaw Uprising Day

Person Stretching Out Arms to Sun

Here’s some vocabulary you should know for Warsaw Uprising Day in Poland!

  • Walczyć — Fight
  • Alarm — Alarm
  • Wystąpienie zbrojne — Occurrence of an armed attack
  • Armia KrajowaHome Army
  • Polskie Państwo Podziemne — Polish underground state
  • Ewakuacja — Evacuation
  • Godzina policyjna — Curfew
  • Siły polskie — Polish forces
  • Zdobyć — Conquer
  • Bohaterstwo — Heroism

To hear each of these Warsaw Uprising Day vocabulary words pronounced, check out our relevant vocabulary list.

Conclusion: How PolishPod101 Can Help You Master Polish

We hope you enjoyed learning about Warsaw Uprising Day with us, and that you gained some valuable insight into Polish history. What are your thoughts on this holiday, and the event behind it? Let us know in the comments!

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The Warsaw Uprising of 1944