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Archive for the 'Word of the Day' Category

Polish Word of the Day – clear sky (phrase)

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bezchmurne niebo clear sky (phrase)

Kiedy niebo jest bezchmurne, małe są szanse na deszcz, czy śnieg.
When the sky is clear there is little chance of rain or snow.

Dzisiaj niebo jest bezchmurne.
Today the sky is clear.

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Polish Word of the Day – take off (verb)

Learn a little Polish everyday with the free Polish Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

zdejmować take off (verb)

Zdejmij buty zanim wejdziesz do łóżka.
Take off your shoes before you go to bed.

Prawnik zdejmuje ubrania.
The lawyer is taking off his clothes.

Prawnik zdjął ubrania.
The lawyer took off his clothes.

zdejmować ubrania
take off clothes

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Polish Word of the Day – take off (verb)

Learn a little Polish everyday with the free Polish Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

zdejmować take off (verb)

Zdejmij buty zanim wejdziesz do łóżka.
Take off your shoes before you go to bed.

Prawnik zdejmuje ubrania.
The lawyer is taking off his clothes.

Prawnik zdjął ubrania.
The lawyer took off his clothes.

zdejmować ubrania
take off clothes

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Polish Word of the Day – seventh (numeral)

Learn a little Polish everyday with the free Polish Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

siódmy seventh (numeral)

Wszyscy śpiewają w siódmej rundzie meczu baseballowego.
Everyone sings during the seventh (7th) inning of a baseball game.

Siódmy dzień siódmego miesiąca księżycowego to chińskie Walentynki.
The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is Chinese Valentine’s Day.

siódme miejsce
seventh place

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Polish Word of the Day – joke (noun)

Learn a little Polish everyday with the free Polish Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

dowcip joke (noun)

To był tylko dowcip.
That was just a joke.

On nie zrozumiał mojego dowcipu.
He didn’t understand my joke.

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