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Useful Polish Classroom Phrases


Many people come to Poland to learn Polish or study. Regardless of the level of education you’re trying to obtain, Polish classroom phrases will come in handy. It’s also good to know them for cultural reasons, for instance, to understand better what’s happening in Polish movies or series. Of course, it’d also be very useful to know them for general Polish language learning.

The knowledge of the most common Polish phrases used in the classroom is also very helpful in understanding more about the country’s culture. The way that teachers and students interact allows you to better understand the levels of formality in the Polish language.

Please note that Polish is a gendered language, and genders will be marked in this blog post as follows:

  • m – masculine
  • f – feminine
  • n – neuter  

Without further ado, let’s discuss the most common Polish phrases used in the classroom!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Basic Classroom Greetings
  2. Understand Instructions from Teachers
  3. Ask for Clarification from Teachers and Classmates
  4. Explain Absence and Tardiness
  5. Talking About Favorite Subjects
  6. Check for School Supplies
  7. Final Thoughts

1. Basic Classroom Greetings

Two People Bowing while Greeting Someone

Greetings are a part of everyday life. When you live in Poland, the skill of saying hello no matter the time of day can come in very handy. In the classroom environment, there are certain special greetings you should memorize: 

  • Dzień dobry. – Good Day.

    You can simply say Good Day when entering the classroom. However, people, especially children, use a special greeting to show their respect for the teacher:

    Dzień dobry, Pani (Profesor). – Good Day, teacher. (literally: Mrs Professor)

    Dzień dobry, Panie Profesorze. – Good morning, teacher. (literally: Mr Professor)

    Dzień dobry, Panu. – Good morning, teacher.

    This form is also used at higher learning institutions. It’s worth noting that the required level of formality will depend on the personal preferences of a lecturer or rules at a given institution.
  • Cześć! / Siema! – Hi!

    Ex. Siema is a slang word for cześć.
    To say “hi” to fellow students, we use the expressions above. Both can also be used to say “bye.”
  • Co tam? – What’s up?

    We can also ask someone how they’re doing informally by using the above expression.

  • Do jutra! – See you tomorrow!

    Another informal expression used to say goodbye only. 

Now that you know how to say hello in different ways, you may also want to learn three ways to say “Bye” in Polish. All of them are basic Polish phrases.  

2. Understand Instructions from Teachers

A Student Confused After Hearing a Teacher’s Explanation

There are a number of instructions teachers use to communicate with their students. Traditionally, teachers in Poland require a fair amount of obedience. What can look harsh to an English speaker is related to the cultural straightforwardness of Polish, where words of politeness aren’t always used.

  • (A teraz) słuchajcie uważnie. – (And now) listen carefully. 

    A phrase often used by teachers before important details of a lesson come.

  • Proszę o ciszę! – Be quiet, please.

    Cisza! – Silence!

    Both phrases could be used by Polish teachers to regain control of a classroom where children or students are behaving badly.

  • To bardzo ważne. – It’s very important.

    Classroom phrases for teachers in Polish differ from teacher to teacher, but many like to underline the importance of something in this way.

  • Nie ma się z czego śmiać. – There’s nothing funny here.

    Polish children can laugh when uncalled for like any other children. That’s why Polish teachers will sometimes use this expression.

  • Wyciągamy karteczki. – We’re taking out pieces of paper.

    Polish classroom words and phrases also include the ones related to tests. Many tests in Polish schools are announced, and then they’re called klasówka. When teachers want to check whether students are learning systematically, they also prepare unannounced tests called kartkówka.
  • Any questions? – Czy są jakieś pytania?

    This isn’t a request per se, but it’s a phrase worth noting as teachers often ask them after concluding a topic or before finishing a lesson.

Classroom phrases for teachers in Polish, include the top 5 pet phrases. Check them out with our lesson. You can also learn more about learning strategies with the power of a good Polish teacher.  

3. Ask for Clarification from Teachers and Classmates

School Friends

If you’re a foreign student, you may not understand everything that a teacher or classmate asks from you. That’s why our Polish classroom phrases for students include asking for clarification from others: 

  • Nie rozumiem. – I don’t understand.


    A: Jaka jest Pańska godność? – What is your name, Sir? (literally: What’s your dignity?)

    B: Nie rozumiem. – I don’t understand.
  • Czy może Pan/Pani powtórzyć? – Can you repeat that, Sir/Madam?

    Czy możesz powtórzyć? – Can you repeat that?


    A: Jak leci? – How is it going?

    B: Nie rozumiem. Czy możesz powtórzyć? – I don’t understand. Can you repeat that?
  • Chciałam zgłosić nieprzygotowanie. – I wanted to say I’m not prepared.

    In Polish schools, some teachers ask children to answer questions orally and be graded while standing in front of the classroom. The questions usually revolve around what was discussed during the last few lessons. A student is allowed to tell the teacher that they’re not prepared a few times during the term. However, they need to say it before the teacher asks them to answer questions. When a student wants to express that, they use the phrase above.  
  • Mam pytanie. – I have a question.

    When you want to ask a question to a teacher you usually raise your hand to get their attention before you do that.

  • Co powiedział nauczyciel? – What did the teacher say? (when the teacher is a man)

    Co powiedziała nauczycielka? – What did the teacher say? (when the teacher is a woman)

    If you don’t understand what the teacher said, you can ask about that. Of course, there are slang words that children and teenagers use for teachers such as belfer (m) / belferka (f) or facet (m) / facetka (f).
These Polish words and phrases may come in handy during Polish lessons. To learn clarification phrases for other situations, visit our lesson “Can You Say It Again in Polish?”.

4. Explain Absence and Tardiness

A Person Giving an Explanation

Polish children, teenagers, and older students are great at coming up with excuses for their absence and tardiness. That’s something that students seem to have in common all around the world. Here are some Polish classroom words and phrases that can come in handy when you need an excuse yourself: 

  • Źle się czułem (m) / czułam (f). – I wasn’t feeling well.

    Example: Nie przyszłam na zajęcia, bo źle się czułam. – I didn’t come to class, because I was feeling unwell. (when the speaker is a woman)

    Nie przyszedłem na zajęcia, bo źle się czułem. – I didn’t come to class, because I was feeling unwell. (when the speaker is a man)
  • Przepraszam za spóźnienie, uciekł mi autobus. – Sorry I’m late. I’ve missed the bus.

    Przepraszam za spóźnienie, zaspałem (m) / zaspałam (f). – Sorry I’m late. I’ve overslept.

    Przepraszam za spóźnienie, straciłem (m) / straciłam (f) poczucie czasu. – Sorry I’m late. I’ve lost track of time.
  • Nie mam pracy domowej, bo zjadł mi ją pies. – I didn’t bring my homework, my dog ate it.

    Of course, some students would try this excuse. However, telling the teacher that one is unprepared is also an option to avoid consequences, as long as the student hasn’t used up their limit.

  • Przepraszam, nie zrobiłem (m) / zrobiłam (f) pracy domowej. –  I’m sorry, I didn’t do my homework.

  • Zapomniałem (m) / Zapomniałam (f) książki / zeszytu. – I’ve forgotten my book/notebook.

What excuses did you use at school, or were you too cool for school and played truant often? Let us know in the comments section. 

5. Talking About Favorite Subjects

A Stack of Books with Names of School Subjects

There are some people who simply don’t or didn’t like school. But even they usually had at least one favorite subject. The most common Polish phrases used in the classroom include those to speak about people’s preferences in that respect: 

  • matematyka – math

  • chemia – chemistry

    Ex. Jestem dobra z matematyki i chemii. – I’m good at math and chemistry.
  • fizyka – physics

    Ex. Nie rozumiem fizyki! – I don’t understand physics.

  • historia – history

    Historia nie jest trudna, ale jest dużo dat do zapamiętania. – History isn’t difficult, but there are many dates to remember.

  • (język) polski – Polish

    Polski jest fajny poza gramatyką. – Polish is cool, apart from the grammar.

  • (język) angielski – English

    Ex. Angielski jest łatwy. – English is easy.
  • geografia – geography

    Ex. Geografia Europy jest skomplikowana. – European geography is complicated.

  • biologia – biology

    Biologia nie jest obowiązkowa w mojej szkole. – Biology isn’t obligatory at my school.

  • WF (wychowanie fizyczne) – PE (physical education)

    Lubię sport, ale nie lubię WFu. – I like sports, but I don’t like PE.

  • Mój ulubiony przedmiot to [subject]. – My favorite subject is [subject].

    Ex. Mój ulubiony przedmiot to (język) polski. – My favorite subject is Polish.

  • Nie lubię [subject]. – I don’t like [subject].

    Ex. Nie lubię fizyki. – I don’t like physics.

  • Jestem dobry (m) / dobra (f) z [subject]. – I’m good at [subject].

    Jestem dobry z matmy. – I’m good at maths.

    Ex. Matma is a slang word for matematyka.

  • Jestem słaby (m) / słaba (f) z [subject]. – I’m bad at [subject].

    Ex. Jestem słaby z WFu – I’m bad at PE.

  • Mam dobre / złe oceny z [subject]. – I have good/bad grades in [subject].

    Ex. Mam złe oceny z geografii. – I have bad grades in geography.

If you’d like to learn more Polish vocabulary on this topic, here’s a lesson on talking about school subjects in Polish. You may also want to learn more about the education system in Poland

6. Check for School Supplies

A Backpack

It’s equally important to be able to speak about school supplies. Some of them are similar to the ones you can find in the office. Here’s a list of Polish classroom phrases for students:

  • zeszyt – textbook

  • książka – book

  • długopis – pen

  • pióro – fountain pen

  • ołówek – pencil

  • plecak – backpack

  • kalkulator – calculator

  • Zgubiłem (m) / Zgubiłam (f) mój (m) / moje (n) / moją (f) [supply]. – I’ve lost my [supply].

    Here the choice is between the form for a male and female speaker, and then the form of the word “my” has to be in agreement with the gender of the noun used.

    Ex. Zgubiłem mój długopis. – I’ve lost my pen. (said by a man)

    Zgubiłam moje pióro. – I’ve lost my fountain pen. (said by a woman)

    Zgubiłam moją książkę. – I’ve lost my book. (said by a woman)
  • Potrzebny mi nowy (m) / nowa (f) / nowe (n) [supply]. – I need a new [supply].

    Ex. Potrzebny mi nowy kalkulator. – I need a new calculator.

  • Widziałeś (m) / widziałaś (f) mój (m) / moje (n) / moją (f) [supply]? – Have you seen my [supply].

    Ex. Widziałaś mój plecak? – Have you seen my backpack? (When a woman is asked).

Note that our list of Polish words and phrases doesn’t have a name for uniform (mundurek szkolny). That’s because they’re not obligatory in Poland.

Do you know by now what’s in your school bag? If you still have doubts, review our lesson on this topic by clicking on the link and learning even more basic Polish phrases. 

7. Final Thoughts 

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about all the Polish classroom words and phrases. They’ll come in handy whether you’re taking a Polish course, attending a Polish school, or living in Poland. Perhaps it made you remember the times when you were at school yourself.

Knowing classroom phrases for teachers in Polish, as well as these for students, is just the beginning of the road. To truly speak the language, you should use a platform that has countless recordings from native speakers and a large Polish lessons database to help you learn Polish vocabulary and much more. PolishPod101 is exactly that kind of platform. Try it out today and learn Polish with us! 

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Must-Know Polish Restaurant Phrases 2022


Polish food has its fans all over the world. That’s why when you’re in Poland, you’d almost certainly like to visit one of the Polish restaurants. Restaurants in Poland, of course, are not limited to serving Polish cuisine, and you’ll be able to find any type of food in this country.

In this blog post, you’ll learn what to say when entering a restaurant, how to behave during the meal, and everything about ordering. This is just a short summary of all the useful Polish restaurant phrases that you’ll get to know thanks to our article.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Basic Polish Phrases in a Restaurant Before Dining
  2. Ordering Food and Drinks
  3. Learn Polish Restaurant Phrases to Use During Dining
  4. Polish Restaurant Phrases for After Dining
  5. Final Thoughts

1. Basic Polish Phrases in a Restaurant Before Dining

A Table That’s Been Reserved

Polish people eat with forks, knives, and spoons. You can expect different cutlery in establishments serving different cuisines. For instance, a Japanese restaurant is likely to give you chopsticks. If you feel you don’t know the right vocabulary, check out our lesson on food utensils and tableware.

A traditional Polish meal is obiad which is a big, warm meal, translated as lunch or dinner. Both translations are slightly imprecise. It consists of pierwsze danie (first course), usually soup, drugie danie (main course, literally: second course) and deser (dessert).

Now that you know a bit more about Polish food, you’re ready to eat in a restaurant. However, before you can sit down and eat a meal, you have to get a table. Here’s an example of how to book it in Polish: 

Czy mógłbym/mogłabym zarezerwować stolik dla dwóch osób na sobotę, 7 maja o 5 po południu? – Can I get a table for two on Saturday, May 7th, at 5pm?

The first form of the verb móc, is used by male speakers and the second by female speakers. Of course, we rarely call a restaurant to provide all details immediately. More probably, it would be a phone conversation that would go along these lines: 

A: Dzień dobry! Czy mógłbym / mogłabym zarezerwować stolik? – Good Day. Can I book a table?

B: Oczywiście. Na kiedy? – Certainly. For when?

A: Na sobotę, 7 maja. – Saturday, the 7th of May.

B: Na którą godzinę? – What time?

A: Na 5 po południu. – 5 PM. 

B: Na ile osób? – For how many people?

A: Dla dwóch. – For two.

B: Na jakie nazwisko ma być rezerwacja? – Under what name should I make the booking?

A: Nowak. – Nowak. 

Bookings are usually necessary for more expensive restaurants and very popular places, particularly over the weekend on busy days such as public holidays. Especially if you want to visit a particular place and you’re in Poland for a short time, remember to make a booking to avoid disappointment.

Sometimes you’ll also arrive at a restaurant without making a booking. Here are some of the most common Polish restaurant phrases to use in such a situation:

  • Poproszę o stolik dla 4 osób. – A table for 4, please.

  • Czy są stoliki na zewnątrz? – Do you have tables outside?

  • Czy są stoliki dla palących? – Do you have any tables in the smoking section?

    Poland banned smoking in public spaces in 2010. This means that unless there’s an outside section in a restaurant, there won’t be any tables where smoking is allowed.  
  • Jak długo będziemy musieli czekać (na stolik)? – How long will we have to wait (for a table)?

Learn Polish restaurant phrases mentioned above to make your visit less stressful. A waiter or waitress should arrive at your table shortly after you sit down. If you need their attention, you can raise your hand slightly and smile. After you do it, they will arrive when they have a second. In busy establishments, you may have to be a bit patient.  

2. Ordering Food and Drinks

A Waiter Carrying Food

When you’re already at the table, it’s time to order. If you’re in a restaurant serving Polish cuisine, you should try one of the top 5 Polish dishes. You can also use the phrases below to learn how to order food in Polish: 

  • Czy mogę prosić (o) menu / kartę dań? – Can I have the menu, please?

  • Jakie jest Państwa najpopularniejsze danie? – What’s your most popular dish?

  • Jakie danie Pan / Pani poleca? – Which dish do you recommend, Sir/Madam?

  • Mam alergię na [product]. – I’m allergic to [product].

    Ex. Mam alergię na orzechy. Czy mogę zamówić sałatkę bez orzechów? – I’m allergic to tree nuts. Can I get a salad without nuts?

  • Czy macie Państwo dania wegetariańskie / wegańskie? – Do you have vegetarian/vegan dishes on the menu?

  • Czy macie Państwo dania bez glutenu? – Do you have any gluten-free dishes?

  • Czy jest piwo bezalkoholowe? – Do you have non-alcoholic beer?

  • Na deser poproszę (o) ciasto czekoladowe. – I’ll have chocolate cake for dessert.

Here are some more tips on choosing a meal in a Polish restaurant. You can also decide to order a dessert. Learn how to do it with our lesson on Reading a Dessert Menu. Polish cuisine is full of delicious cakes such as sękacz, szarlotka (apple pie), or makowiec (poppyseed roll) for you to try. You should be able to order them in a restaurant, or you can go directly to cukiernia (cake shop).   

Last but not least, we’ve also prepared a few sample dialogues that may come in handy when ordering food or drinks:

A: Coś do jedzenia? – Anything to eat?
B: Nie, dziękuję, tylko coś do picia. – No, thank you, I’ll just have a drink.

A: Poproszę o Heinekena. – I’ll have a Heineken, please.]
B: W butelce czy z nalewaka? – In a bottle or draft/on tap?

If you prefer to just have a drink, you don’t have to go to a restaurant. Instead, you can head to bar (bar) or pub (pub). There are also places called pijalnie, for instance, pijalnia wódki, where you can have a shot or two of vodka. For teetotallers and coffee enthusiasts, there’s always kawiarnia (coffee shop), where usually you can get a light meal, tea, and coffee. For more vocabulary on this topic, go to our lesson, “Let’s have a bite at a Polish café”.

By now, you should know how to order food in Polish. How much would it cost you to visit a restaurant in Poland? It depends on the restaurant, of course. You can see average prices by looking at the cost of living in a major Polish city, Gdynia.   

3. Learn Polish Restaurant Phrases to Use During Dining

A Waiter Taking an Order

The food has arrived, and you’re enjoying your meal… but there’s something that doesn’t allow you to fully enjoy yourself. Here are the most common Polish restaurant phrases for raising your concerns: 

  • Czy mogę prosić o [object]? – Can I have/get [object], please?

    Ex. Czy mogę prosić o więcej serwetek? – Can I get some more napkins?

    Czy mogę prosić o ketchup? –  Can I have the ketchup, please?
  • W moim nakryciu brakuje noża / widelca / łyżki. – I have no knife / fork / spoon.

  • To nie jest moje zamówienie. –  This isn’t what I’ve ordered.

  • Chciałbym / Chciałabym porozmawiać z menadżerem. –  Can I speak to the manager, please?

    The forms are for male and female speakers, respectively.

  • Zupa jest trochę za słona. –  The soup is a little salty.

  • Ryba jest surowa. –  The fish is raw.
  • Makaron jest niedogotowany. – The pasta is undercooked.

A Man Visibly Unhappy about His Food

For more tips on what to do when you’re unhappy about something at a restaurant, check out our lesson on making a complaint in Polish. Remember that complaining isn’t always easy, and it should be done in a polite manner. It’s rarely the waiter or waitress’s fault what the kitchen has prepared.  

4. Polish Restaurant Phrases for After Dining

A Man Calling a Waiter

Basic Polish restaurant phrases also include the ones needed for when you’re done eating. Here are some phrases that could be useful: 

  • Czy mogę prosić o rachunek? – Bill, please.

    For more vocabulary when asking for the bill, visit our lesson “Check, please”.

  • Czy można płacić kartą? – Do you take credit cards?

  • Czy możemy zapłacić osobno? – Can we pay separately?

  • Czy mogę to poprosić na wynos? – Can I have it as a take away please?

    Asking for a doggy bag is becoming more and more acceptable. Some people still don’t feel comfortable with it.  

A waiter or waitress often asks about the meal after you’ve eaten. Here’s a sample dialogue that could happen at this stage of your meal: 

A: Czy posiłek Państwu smakował? – How did you like your meal?
B: Był znakomity. – Everything was delicious.

What about tipping in Poland? It’s customary to tip 10%, and if you’re feeling generous, you should even tip 15% or more. You can add it to your card payment, but cash tips are always most welcome.  

5. Final Thoughts

Thanks to our article, you’ve learned basic Polish phrases for restaurant interactions. Now you know how to order food in Polish and other most common Polish restaurant phrases for various stages of your restaurant visit. Do you already know when you’ll be traveling to Poland to practice? Let us know in the comments section.

Can you say that you really speak Polish once you learn Polish restaurant phrases? Unfortunately not. There are so many words, phrases, and things to learn in this language! You can get access to a great platform that will help you speak Polish like a native. Join PolishPod101 and get access to all you need to master Polish! 

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How to Improve Your Polish Conversation Skills


Conversation skills are arguably the most important skills in a language. What’s the point of speaking Polish, if you can’t communicate with Polish people? Naturally, some people study languages for specific purposes, such as being able to understand books, but most mortals simply want to communicate with others in their private and professional life. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to improve your Polish conversation skills.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Prepare Your Profile in Polish
  2. Learn Polish Language Reactions
  3. Learn Polish Filler Words
  4. Learn Common Questions and Answers
  5. Learn Conversation Starters
  6. How to Improve Polish Conversation Skills
  7. Final Thoughts

1. Prepare Your Profile in Polish 

A Blank Card

The best way of boosting your conversation skills in Polish is to prepare your profile in Polish. What’s a profile? It’s a cheat sheet with the most important details about you. By learning these details by heart, you’ll make your life easier, and you’ll gain confidence when meeting new Polish people.

Here are some important phrases you should include on your cheat sheet:

  • Your name and surname

    Jestem Anton. – I’m Anton.

    Mam na imię Anton. – My name is Anton.

    Nazywam się Anton Zaripov. – I’m Anton Zaripov.

    The last form is used for name and surname together.

Introducing yourself is important, but so is being able to ask someone else, “What’s your name?” in Polish.

  • Age

    Mam [x] lat. – I’m [x] years old.

    Please note that the forms change depending on the number of years as follows:

    1 rok – one year

    Ex. Mój syn ma rok/roczek. – the second form is diminutive

    2,3,4 lata – 2,3,4 years

    Ex. Moja córka ma 2/3/4 lata.

    5-21 lat – 5-21 years

    Ola ma 20 lat, a jej chłopak 21 lat. – Ola is 20 years old and her boyfriend 21 years old.

    After that, it’s the second number that influences the form, for instance:

    22 lata – 22 years


    25 lat – 25 years

  • Country

    There are two main ways of talking about one’s country of origin in Polish:

    Pochodzę z [kraj]. – I come from Poland.

    Pochodzę z Włoch. – I come from Italy.

    Pochodzę z Maroka. – I come from Morocco.

    Jestem [narodowość]. – I’m [nationality].

    Jestem Włochem. – I’m Italian.

    Jestem Marokańczykiem. – I’m Moroccan.

  • Profession

    Jestem [zawód] – I’m [profession]

    In both examples below, the first form is for a male speaker, and the second one is for a female speaker.

    Jestem policjantem/policjantką. – I’m a police officer.

    Jestem dziennikarzem/dziennikarką. – I’m a journalist. 

Do you need more vocabulary for professions in Polish? Click on the link to check out a lesson about it on our platform.

  • Preferences

    Lubię chodzić do kina i restauracji. – I like going to the cinema and restaurants.

    Lubię czytać książki. – I like reading books. 

Now, you have all the elements you need to prepare a cheat sheet. You should write sentences that are true for you on a piece of paper and practice introducing yourself whenever you get the chance.

2. Learn Polish Language Reactions

A Surprised Toddler

Learning natural language reactions is a very important part of working on your Polish conversation skills. That’s because they make you sound much more natural when you speak. They also help you understand the emotional value of what’s being said better.

In the Polish language, you have many such expressions. Have a look at some of them below:

  • Expressing positive emotions

    Super! / Ekstra! / Rewelacja! – Awesome!

    A: Dostałem/Dostałam nową pracę. – I’ve got a new job. (the forms are male and female, respectively)
    B: Super! / Ekstra! / Rewelacja!

    (To) jest naprawdę super / ekstra! – “It’s really cool!”

    A: Patrz, jaki mam fajny nowy telefon. – Look at my new, cool phone.
    B: (On) jest naprawdę super / ekstra! – It’s really cool!

    Speaking of positive emotions, do you know how to say “Happy Anniversary!” in Polish?

  • Expressing negative reactions:

    Masakra! / Koszmar! – What a nightmare!

    A: Mój sąsiad ciągle słucha muzyki na cały regulator! – My neighbor always listens to music at full volume.
    B: Masakra! / Koszmar! – What a nightmare!

  • Expressing disbelief and/or surprise:

    Serio? / Naprawdę? / No co ty? – Really?

    A: Ten kurs kosztuje ponad 500 złotych! – This course costs more than 500 PLN!
    B: Serio? / Naprawdę? / No co ty? – Really?

    Nie żartuj! / Nie rób sobie jaj! / Bez jaj! – “You can’t be serious!”

    Please note that the first expression is neutral. The other two could be considered inappropriate by some people.

    A: Odwołali nasz lot. – They’ve canceled our flight.
    B: Nie żartuj. / Nie rób sobie jaj! / Bez jaj!

    O matko! / O jezu!  – “Oh my goodness!”

    These expressions are very popular but could be considered inappropriate by some people, including very religious people.

    A: Paweł miał wypadek. – Paweł’s had an accident.
    B: O matko! / O jezu!  – “Oh my goodness!”

    Wow! / Łał!  – Wow!

    A: A teraz zgadnij, ile ona ma lat. – Now, guess, how old she is.
    B: Nie wiem, 18? – I don’t know. 18?
    A: 25! – 25!
    B: Wow, wygląda na dużo młodszą. – Wow, she looks way younger.

You can find more useful expressions of this kind in our blog post about intermediate phrases.

3. Learn Polish Filler Words

A Person Lost in Thoughts

Filler words are another example of very natural phrases to learn to improve your conversation skills in Polish. Just think about you speaking in your native language. Filler words come to you when you don’t know what to say, you’re looking for the right word…or just because. We’ve written a whole article about filler words, and this is just a sample:

  •  Hm

    Hm… sam/sama nie wiem, co na ten temat myśleć. – Hmm…I don’t know what to think about it. (spoken by a male and female speaker, respectively)

    Hm… szczerze mówiąc, to się nad tym nie zastanawiałem/zastanawiałam. – Umm…Honestly, I’ve never thought about it. (said by a male and female speaker, respectively)

  • No – similar to “well”

    No dobra, niech już będzie. – Well, okay, let’s agree on this.

    No nie wiem, (no) skąd mam wiedzieć? – Well, I don’t know, how am I supposed to know?

    As you can see, “no” can be repeated. It doesn’t add any meaning, it’s just a mannerism.

  • Wiesz and no wiesz – you know

    Mamy teraz własny dom, wiesz? – We have our own house now, you know?

    No wiesz, to nie jest do końca prawda. – You know, it’s not entirely true.

  • Właśnie – “exactly”, “precisely”

    Właśnie o to mi chodzi! – This is precisely what I mean.

    Właśnie w tym rzecz. – That’s the thing.

  • Ten and no ten – a filler practically impossible to translate, used when a word is missing and a speaker is trying to buy time

    No i wtedy patrzę, a tam ten, Święty Mikołaj! – And then I look and I see there, what do you call him, Santa Claus.

    Kup w sklepie, no ten, klej. – Please buy some… glue in the shop. 

It’s not easy to learn the natural use of these phrases because they depend heavily on the context. How to improve Polish conversation skills when it comes to fillers? Listen to as much Polish as you can. It’s the only way to acquire these skills. You can start doing that with our lesson library.   

4. Learn Common Questions and Answers

A Person with Question Marks Around Their Head

Learning common questions and answers may be the best way to improve Polish conversation skills. Here are some examples to memorize: 

  • Skąd jesteś? – Where are you from?

    Skąd pochodzisz? – Where do you come from?

    Jestem / Pochodzę z Niemiec. – I am / come from Germany.

    Jestem / Pochodzę z Hiszpanii. – I am / come from Spain.

  • Ile masz lat? – How old are you?

    Mam 22 lata. – I’m 22 years old.

    Mam 51 lat. – I’m 51 years old.

  • Jak się masz? Co słychać? – How are you?

    U mnie wszystko okej / w porządku. – I’m all good.

    Bywało lepiej. – I’ve been better.

  • Jak nauczyłeś/nauczyłaś się (tak dobrze) mówić po angielsku? – How did you learn to speak (so well) in English?

    The first form is used by male speakers, and the second by female speakers.

    Na kursach językowych. – During language courses.

    Do you know how to ask the question “Do you speak Polish?” and similar? Head straight to our lesson to acquire this skill.

  • Czemu uczysz się włoskiego? – Why are you learning Italian?

    Dla przyjemności. – For pleasure.

    Włoski jest mi potrzebny do pracy. – I need Italian for work.

    Mój partner jest Włochem. – My partner is Italian.

These are only some sample dialogues that can help you with your Polish. Don’t ask yourself anymore, “How to improve your Polish speaking skills?”. Instead, visit our blog post full of such expressions. 

5. Learn Conversation Starters

Two People Chatting

When you meet new people and have to communicate in a new language, it can be very intimidating. Learning conversation starters is another way of boosting your conversation skills in Polish and avoiding the stress of not knowing what to say. Here are some useful conversation starters:

  • Jak poznałeś/poznałaś [name]? – How did you meet [name]?

    The first form is masculine, and the second feminine.

  • Czy było łatwo znaleźć to miejsce? – Was it easy for you to find this place?

  • Czym się zajmujesz (zawodowo)? – What do you do for a living?

  • Od jak dawna tu pracujesz/studiujesz? – How long have you been working/studying here? 

  • Wyglądasz super! Podoba mi się twoja fryzura / twój styl / twoje ubranie. – You look great! I like your hair/style/clothes.

  • Jaki jest twój ulubiony [rzeczownik rodzaju męskiego]? – What’s your favourite [masculine noun]?

    Jaki jest twój ulubiony film? – What’s your favorite movie?

    Jaka jest twoja ulubiona [rzeczownik rodzaju żeńskiego]? – What’s your favourite [feminine noun]?

    Jaka jest twoja ulubiona pora roku? – What’s your favourite season?

    Jakie jest twoje ulubione [rzeczownik rodzaju nijakiego]? – What’s your favourite [neuter noun]?

    Jakie jest twoje ulubione danie? – What’s your favourite dish?

    You can learn how to speak about likes and dislikes with our lesson “I like beer”. 

These are just some of the conversation starters that can help you with your Polish speaking skills. To get even more help in this respect, read our blog post (link) about Polish conversation starters. 

6. How to Improve Polish Conversation Skills

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The best way to improve Polish conversation skills is to practice the language whenever an opportunity presents itself and… to look for such opportunities when they don’t. Here are some tips that can help you further:

  • Join PolishPod101 and get access to countless listening resources and even to a private teacher on one of our subscription plans

  • Find language exchange partners online or in person

  • Talk to yourself by repeating new words and phrases

  • Find online communities, such as forums, to practice

  • Memorize words and phrases in context rather than on their own

7. Final Thoughts

Everyone would like to know the ​​best way to improve Polish conversation skills. We have shown you not one but many ways of doing it. Getting a cheat sheet and learning conversation starters, as well as other things such as fillers, will help you tremendously with your language skills.

Are you still asking yourself how to improve your Polish speaking skills? Consider joining PolishPod101! On our platform, you’ll find recordings and vocabulary to help you in real-life conversations. Our recordings are prepared by native speakers to help you learn the kind of Polish that’s really spoken in Poland.

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Learn Polish: Nationality-Related Phrases and Expressions


Being able to speak about your nationality and the nationality of others is an important skill when you’re learning any language. After all, for many people this is the primary characteristic they identify with. How do Polish citizens speak about their Polish nationality? How to say your nationality in Polish? You’ll learn that today along with many words for nationalities and related phrases and expressions.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Top 15 Nationalities in Poland
  2. Asking About Nationalities
  3. How to Tell Someone Your Nationality
  4. Cities and Languages
  5. Final Thoughts

1. Top 15 Nationalities in Poland

A Polish Flag

In this section you’ll find out how to form the names of nationalities in Polish, who apart from Poles lives in and visits Poland and what are the Polish names of continents. 

A- Countries and Nationalities

Names of countries and nationalities are often connected in Polish, just like in many other languages. Let’s take Poland as an example: 

    – Polska – Poland

    – Polak – Pole (a holder of a Polish passport)

As you can see the two names are closely related. It’s important to note that adjectives can’t be used to describe nationality in Polish. For instance, in English we can say “He’s Polish”, but in Polish we can only say the equivalent of “He’s a Pole.”

    – On jest Polakiem. – meaning: “He’s Polish”, literal meaning: “He’s a Pole.”

Nationality forms are different for different genders and numbers. Here’s an example of people with a Polish citizenship: 

    – Singular: Polak – a male Pole

    – Singular: Polka – a female Pole

    – Plural: Polacy – male Poles

    – Plural: Polki – female Poles

Like in English we capitalize nationalities and country names. It’s important to note that there are many different suffixes that can be added to form nationalities in Polish. This is why it’s best to learn them by a mixture of memorisation techniques and exposing yourself to Polish by reading and listening in this language.  

The masculine form of an adjective from the word “Polska” is “polski”. This can be used as the name of the language or a descriptive adjective: 

    – Lubię (język) polski.  – I like (the) Polish (language).

    – To jest polski mężczyzna. – He’s a Polish man.

    – On ma polską narodowość. – He has a Polish nationality.

B- The List of Top Nationalities in Poland


Poland is a major tourist destination. There are also people of many nationalities who live in Poland short-term as well as permanent residents. You can find the full list here. Below are the most notable of these nationalities in Polish: 

1. Germany – NiemcyNiemiecNiemka
2. UK – Wielka BrytaniaBrytyjczykBrytyjka
3. Netherlands – HolandiaHolenderHolenderka
4. Austria – AustriaAustriakAustriaczka
5. Italy – WłochyWłochWłoszka
6. France – FrancjaFrancuzFrancuzka
7. Sweden – SzwecjaSzwedSzwedka
8. Denmark – DaniaDuńczykDunka
9. Belgium – BelgiaBelgBelgijka
10. Spain – HiszpaniaHiszpanHiszpanka
11. Ireland – IrlandiaIrlandczykIrlandka
12. Finland – FinlandiaFinFinka
13. Portugal – PortugaliaPortugalczykPortugalka
14. Greece – GrecjaGrekGreczynka
15. Ukraine – UkrainaUkrainiecUkrainka

Do you remember by now how to say these nationalities in Polish? What is your nationality in Polish? Let us know in the comments section. You can learn even more with our lesson on nationality and world countries.

C- Continents in Polish

Apart from knowing nationalities, it’s also good to learn about the names of continents in Polish: 

  • Europa – Europe

    Do you know our lesson on the Polish movie Europa, Europa?

  • Afryka – Africa

  • Azja – Asia

  • Ameryka Północna – North America

  • Ameryka Południowa – South America

  • Australia – Australia

  • Antarktyka – Antarctica

Learn other essential vocabulary related to this topic with our lesson World Continents and Territories

2. Asking About Nationalities

A Map

When you meet new people in Poland, it’s nice to be able to ask them about their nationality in Polish. Here are a few ways of doing it in both formal and informal context: 

  • Skąd pochodzisz? – Where are you from? (informal)

  • Skąd Pan/Pani pochodzi? – Where are you from, Mr/Mrs? (formal)

  • Z jakiego kraju pochodzisz? – Which country are you from? (informal)
  • Z jakiego kraju Pan/Pani pochodzi? – Which country are you from, Mr/Mrs? (formal)

  • Jaka jest twoja narodowość? – What’s your nationality? (informal)

  • Jaka jest Pańska/Pani narodowość? – What’s your nationality, Mr/Mrs? (formal)

  • Jak jest twoja narodowość po polsku? – What is your nationality in Polish? / How to say your nationality in Polish (informal)

  • Jak jest Pana/Pani narodowość po polsku? – What is your nationality in Polish, Mr/Mrs? / How to say your nationality in Polish, Mr/Mrs? (formal)

You can learn even more with our lesson “Talking nationality in Polish”. 

3. How to Tell Someone Your Nationality


There’s a number of structures used for speaking about nationalities in Polish:  

  • To jest + nominative – This is…

    Ex. To jest Polak. – This is a Pole.

    To jest Anglik. – This is an Englishman.

This phrase would be used rarely. A much more common structure is the one below:

  • The verb “być” (to be) + instrumental

    Ex. On jest / Jestem Polakiem. – He’s/I’m a Pole.

    On jest / Jestem Anglikiem. – He’s/I’m an English person.

    Having trouble conjugating the verb “to be” or other verbs in Polish? Use cooljugator!

Let’s have a look at some other possibilities: 

  • Pochodzę z Polski/Anglii/USA. – I come from Poland/England/USA.

  • Urodziłem/Urodziłam się w Polsce, ale większość życia spędziłem/spędziłam we Włoszech. – I was born in Poland, but I’ve spent most of my life in Italy.

    The first form is for male speakers, the second for female speakers. Find out more vocabulary related to speaking about where you live and where you were born with our lesson “Where in Poland do you live?

  • Jestem Belgiem, ale mieszkam w Anglii. – I’m Belgian, but I live in England.

  • Jestem pół Włochem, pół Francuzem. – I’m half Italian, half French.

  • Mam dwa paszporty. – I have two passports.

4. Cities and Languages


Apart from being able to speak about your nationality in Polish, you should also know how to speak about where you live and what languages you speak.

Poland – Polska, (the official name: Republic of Poland – Rzeczpospolita Polska)Warsaw – WarszawaPolakPolkapolski
Germany – NiemcyBerlin – BerlinNiemiecNiemkaniemiecki
UK – Wielka BrytaniaLondon – LondynBrytyjczykBrytyjkaangielski
Netherlands – HolandiaAmsterdam – AmsterdamHolenderHolenderkaholenderski/
Austria – AustriaVienna – WiedeńAustriakAustriaczkaniemiecki
Italy – WłochyRome – RzymWłochWłoszkawłoski
France – FrancjaParis – ParyżFrancuzFrancuzkafrancuski
Sweden – SzwecjaStockholm – SztokholmSzwedSzwedkaszwedzki
Denmark – DaniaCopenhagen – KopenhagaDuńczykDunkaduński
Belgium – BelgiaBrussels – BrukselaBelgBelgijkafrancuski, holenderski, niemiecki
Spain – HiszpaniaMadrid – MadrytHiszpanHiszpankahiszpański
Ireland – IrlandiaDublin – DublinIrlandczykIrlandkairlandzki, angielski
Finland – FinlandiaHelsinki – HelsinkiFinFinkafiński
Portugal – PortugaliaLisbon – LizbonaPortugalczykPortugalkaportugalski
Greece – GrecjaAthens – AtenyGrekGreczynkagrecki
Ukraine – UkrainaKyiv – KijówUkrainiecUkrainkaukraiński

To learn more European city names in Polish check out this list. Meanwhile, here are a few examples of structures to make sentences with the details from the table above:

  • Jestem Hiszpanem. Mieszkam w Madrycie, w Hiszpanii i mówię po hiszpańsku. – I’m Spanish. I live in Madrid in Spain and I speak Spanish.

    Do you prefer living in the city or living in the countryside? Click on the links to learn useful vocabulary around these topics.

  • być + [nationality] in the instrumental case – to be [nationality]

    Ex. Jestem Finem. – I’m Finnish.

    Ona jest Greczynką. – She’s Greek.

    On jest Irlandczykiem. – He’s Irish.

  • mieszkać w + [place] in the locative case (true for both the city and the country) – to live in [place]

    Ex. Mieszkam w Lizbonie. – I live in Lisbon.

    Długo już mieszkasz w Kijowie? – Have you been living in Kyiv long?

    On chce mieszkać w Rzymie. – He wants to live in Rome.

  • mówić po + Polish with the suffix -u – to speak Polish

    Ex. Mówię po angielsku. – I speak English.

    Nie mówimy po francusku. – We don’t speak French.

    Mówicie po niemiecku? – Do you speak German?

  • znać + Polish in the accusative case – to know Polish

    Ex. Znam włoski. – I speak Italian.

    Ona zna biegle szwedzki. – She speaks Swedish fluently.

    Wszyscy mówimy po hiszpańsku. – We all speak Spanish.

Speaking of languages, do you know how to ask “Do you speak Polish?”. If you feel like your Polish isn’t good enough yet, when in Poland you may want to ask someone “Do you speak English?”. 

5. Final Thoughts

What is your nationality in Polish? You should be able to answer this question after reading this blog post. You’ve learnt today many nationalities, names of countries, capitals as well as names of languages. You’ve also acquired the structures used for speaking about these things in Polish. These skills will help you communicate in Polish and make friends in this language.

Unfortunately, this isn’t enough, if you really want to speak Polish and be able to communicate in this language freely. A good way of structuring your learning and making sure that you know a lot of vocabulary, is finding a place where you can find structured information. You’re lucky, because PolishPod101 is exactly this kind of platform.

You can use countless recordings and video lessons as well as numerous additional resources to learn with us. Lessons are divided by levels and cover all the most important topics you could think of. Your learning is structured thanks to pathways designed according to the needs of each level of Polish fluency. Don’t hesitate and join PolishPod101 today!

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Must-Know Advanced Polish Phrases


An important step in mastering Polish is learning how to form and use more advanced Polish phrases. Of course, you can learn a lot from various sources as you read, listen to, and speak the language. However, studying a handy list of expressions is a much faster way of improving your language skills.

In this article, we’ll outline a few key categories of advanced Polish vocabulary: academic phrases, words you can use on your resume, smart phrases to use in the business world, advanced conversational phrases in Polish, and idiomatic expressions often used by native speakers. Learning all of this will help your Polish sound much more natural and enable you to make a better impression on people.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing
  2. Power Phrases for Your Resume
  3. Smart Phrases for Business Meetings
  4. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
  5. Final Thoughts

1. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing

A Graduation Cap

Are you thinking about studying in Poland? If so, you’re going to need a specific set of vocabulary in order to sound sophisticated and ace your academic/formal writing. We recommend you start by memorizing the advanced Polish phrases below. 

  • Po pierwsze… Po drugie… Po trzecie (Firstly… Secondly… Thirdly)

    Po pierwsze to ważny temat. Po drugie mało się o nim mówi. Po trzecie to wciąż tabu w naszej kulturze.
    Firstly, it’s an important topic. Secondly, it’s not discussed enough. Thirdly, it’s still a taboo in our culture.
  • Należy zwrócić uwagę, że… (It’s important to note that…)

    Należy zwrócić uwagę, że nie wszyscy Polacy zgadzają się z tą postawą. 
    It’s important to note that not all Polish people agree with this attitude.
  • Jak się okazuje… (As it turns out…)

    Jak się okazuje to nie do końca prawda. 
    As it turns out, it’s not entirely true.
  • Zakładając, że (Assuming that…)

    Zakładając, że autor ma rację jest to poważny zarzut. 
    Assuming that the author is right, it’s a serious accusation.
  • Według autora… (According to the author…)

    Według autora nie jest to najlepsze rozwiązanie. 
    According to the author, it’s not the best solution.
  • Warto podkreślić… (One should emphasize…)

    Warto podkreślić, że to tylko teoria. 
    One should emphasize that it’s only a theory.
  • Można powiedzieć, że… (One could say that…)

    Można powiedzieć, że ludzie reagują w takich sytuacjach impulsywnie. 
    One could say that people react impulsively in such situations.
  • Nie ulega wątpliwości, że… (Undoubtedly…)

    Nie ulega wątpliwości, że to nie jest idealne rozwiązanie. 
    Undoubtedly, it isn’t a perfect solution.
  • Wbrew zdaniu… (Contrary to…)

    Wbrew zdaniu wielu osób to nie do końca prawda. 
    Contrary to what many people believe, it isn’t entirely true.
  • Mogłoby się wydawać… (One could conclude that…)

    Mogłoby się wydawać, że to definitywnie zakończy dyskusję. 
    One could conclude that it’s the end of this discussion.
  • Prawdopodobnie… (Probably…)

    Prawdopodobnie nigdy nie dowiemy się prawdy. 
    Probably, we’ll never learn the truth.
  • Ogólnie rzecz biorąc… (Generally speaking…)

    Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, tendencje destrukcyjne nie biorą się znikąd. 
    Generally speaking, destructive tendencies don’t appear out of nowhere.
  • Badania wskazują, że… (Research suggests that…)

    Badania wskazują, że u większości osób nie ma tej cechy. 
    Research suggests that most people don’t have this trait.
  • Dla przykładu warto przywołać… (As an example, one could mention…)

    Dla przykładu warto przywołać badania doktora Nowaka.
    As an example, one could mention the research conducted by Dr. Nowak.
  • Większość pytanych… (The majority of respondents…)

    Większość pytanych niechętnie wypowiada się na ten temat. 
    The majority of respondents are reluctant to discuss this subject.

Naturally, this isn’t a comprehensive list of all the advanced Polish words and phrases used in academic writing. However, the ones mentioned above can be extremely helpful when it comes to expressing yourself and ordering your thoughts. To broaden your vocabulary on this topic, visit our lesson on common terms in academic writing. Are you out of ideas on how to practice writing? We have a lesson about that, too!

2. Power Phrases for Your Resume 

A Resume

There are also some advanced Polish words and phrases you’ll need to know if you want to succeed in business contexts. The first step is to make your resume shine. Below are several phrases you should consider upgrading your resume with:

  • umiejętność radzenia sobie w trudnych sytuacjach 
    the ability to work under pressure
  • umiejętność pracy pod presją czasu 
    the ability to work in a fast-paced environment
  • dobra organizacja pracy 
    the ability to work in an organized manner
  • umiejętność pracy w zespole 
    being a team player
  • umiejętność zarządzania czasem 
    time management skills
  • wysoka kultura osobista 
    impeccable manner
  • nastawienie na rozwój i realizację celów 
    career-driven and goal-oriented
  • umiejętność rozwiązywania konfliktów 
    being a conflict-resolver
  • umiejętność przystosowywania się do zmian 
    high adaptability
  • zdolność szybkiej i efektywnej nauki 
    fast and effective learner
  • umiejętność samodzielnej pracy 
    the ability to work independently
  • umiejętność wyznaczania priorytetów 
    the ability to prioritize tasks
  • biegła znajomość MS Excel 
    advanced use of Excel
  • zdolność zarządzania projektami 
    project management skills
  • szeroka wiedza z zakresu [X] 
    broad knowledge on the topic of [X]
    For example:
    szeroka wiedza z zakresu bankowości internetowej 
    broad knowledge on the topic of internet banking

Phrases like those above usually end up on your resume as bullet points. You could also mention these characteristics during a Polish job interview!

3. Smart Phrases for Business Meetings

A Business Meeting

People working in Polish offices use a lot of anglicisms. In order to communicate at an advanced level, it’s necessary that you’re able to understand the way they’re pronounced in Polish. To get you started, here are several advanced Polish conversational phrases, expressions, and words often used during business meetings:

  • ASAP / do zrobienia na wczoraj (things to be done ASAP)

    Ten projekt musi być wykonany ASAP. / Ten projekt jest do zrobienia na wczoraj. 
    This project should be completed ASAP.
  • brif / brief (brief)

    Jaki jest brif/brief? 
    What’s the brief?
  • dedlajn / deadline (deadline)

    Jaki jest dedlajn/deadline? 
    What’s the deadline?
  • dreskod / dress code (dress code)

    Jaki jest dreskod/dresscode w twojej firmie? 
    What’s the dress code in your company?
  • fakap / poważny problem (a serious problem)

    Mamy fakap. / Mamy poważny problem. 
    There’s a serious problem.
  • feedback / informacje zwrotne (feedback)

    Mamy feedback/informacje zwrotne od klienta? 
    Do we have the feedback from the client?
  • kol / call (call)

    Nie mogę, mam wtedy kola/calla z klientem. 
    I can’t do it; I have a call with the client then.
  • ołpenspejs / openspace (open-space)

    Nie lubię pracować w ołpenspejsie/openspace. 
    I don’t like working in an open-space office.
  • risercz / research (research)

    Muszę zrobić risercz/research. 
    I need to do some research.
  • target (target)

    On nie wyrabia targetów. 
    He doesn’t meet the targets.

These advanced conversational phrases in Polish will help you understand others and express yourself in the way that Polish people actually speak in the workplace. Here are some additional lessons that you may find useful:

Don’t forget to brush up on your business meeting etiquette and learn how to dress for one before you go to meet your Polish clients!

4. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage

Another key group of advanced Polish phrases for learners aspiring to reach fluency consists of idioms, sayings, and proverbs. Here’s a list of the most common ones:

  • Wszystko jest na jedno kopyto. 
    Everything is (done) in the same way.
    Literally: Everything is (done) according to the same hoof.
  • Żadna praca nie hańbi. 
    No work is shameful.
  • To wisienka na torcie. 
    It’s a cherry on top.
  • Lepiej późno niż wcale. 
    Better late than never.
  • Połamania nóg! 
    Break a leg!
  • Ogarnij się! [slang]
    Get your act together!
  • O wilku mowa. 
    Speaking of the devil.
  • Nie ma co płakać nad rozlanym mlekiem. 
    Don’t cry over spilt milk.
  • Cisza przed burzą
    The calm before the storm
  • Nie wywołuj wilka z lasu. 
    Let sleeping dogs lie.

You’ll sound much more natural once you start using these advanced conversational phrases in Polish. If you’d like to learn more of them, have a look at the following lessons on

You can also look for advanced Polish phrases in books and articles you read as well as listen for them when talking with native speakers. 

5. Final Thoughts

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There are countless advanced Polish words and phrases you can learn to improve your language skills. Our list is a great place to start as you begin improving your Polish and leveling up. Above all, knowing these phrases will help you feel much more confident in your everyday life.

Unfortunately, no matter how many advanced Polish conversational phrases you memorize, there will always be other aspects of the language you’ll have to cover. The best thing you can do is get access to a tool that will help you learn advanced Polish in a well-structured way.

An amazing tool that will help you do exactly that is our platform, PolishPod101. There are countless audio and video recordings available to students of all levels. Our personalized pathways will help you work on the most relevant skills, no matter where you are on your learning journey. For advanced Polish lessons designed to help you reach your fluency goals, we recommend our Level 5 pathway. Apart from lessons, we also offer various vocabulary learning tools as well as MyTeacher (for Premium PLUS members). 

Don’t hesitate. Join us today!

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Handy Intermediate Polish Phrases


Once you’ve mastered the beginner level of Polish, you can start learning useful intermediate Polish phrases. The benefit of learning entire phrases instead of just words is that you’ll become familiar with the natural patterns of speaking. This is important because, as an inexperienced learner, you run the risk of putting words together in a way that a native speaker never would.

But what is an intermediate level, and how can you know you’re already there? The intermediate stage is where you’re comfortable with all of the necessary “beginner” things but are not yet fluent in the language. You can speak the language enough to get around, but you often don’t have the right vocabulary or make frequent mistakes. 

There are many Polish phrases at the intermediate level that you should learn, but we recommend you start with the most handy ones. In this blog post, you’ll find out how to talk about past events, make and change plans, explain and list reasons, and much more.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Talking About Past Events
  2. Making and Changing Plans
  3. Explaining and Listing Reasons
  4. Making Recommendations and Complaints
  5. Reacting to Everyday Situations
  6. Etiquette Phrases in Social and Business Settings
  7. Final Thoughts

1. Talking About Past Events

People Having Fun at a Party

Being able to talk about past events is important when you’re talking with your friends and colleagues. In everyday conversations, it’s common for people to ask about how someone spent their weekend, holiday, or another notable day such as a religious or national celebration.

Here are some useful Polish phrases for intermediate students that you can use to talk about past events: 

  • Świetnie się bawiliśmy. – “We had a great time.”

  • Tańczyliśmy do białego rana. – “We danced until early in the morning.”

  • To było niesamowite doświadczenie! – “It was an amazing experience!”

  • Bardzo się wtedy bałam/bałem. – “I was really scared then.”
    • The first form is feminine, and the second is masculine.

  • To był najlepszy/najgorszy dzień w moim życiu. – “It was the best/worst day of my life.”

  • Kiedyś lubiłam/lubiłem czytać powieści romantyczne. – “I used to like reading romance novels.”
    • The first form is feminine, and the second is masculine.

  • Wypoczęliśmy na urlopie. – “We relaxed during our holiday.”

  • To bardzo bolało. – “It hurt a lot.”

What else could you talk about? Well, maybe about how you spent your last vacation or holiday! In Poland, for example, the first day of spring is a pretty big deal and often creates fond memories. Remember to take every opportunity to practice Polish by telling people about your experiences and asking them about theirs. It’s by speaking in real-life circumstances that you’ll improve your language skills.  

2. Making and Changing Plans

A Person with an Organizer

In business and social contexts alike, we all need to make—and sometimes even change—plans. Being able to suggest getting a beer or coffee with someone (and understanding when others ask us the same) is an important social skill.

Here are some useful intermediate Polish phrases for such situations: 

  • Masz czas w ten weekend? – “Do you have time this weekend?”

  • Masz ochotę na pizzę/piwo? – “Fancy a pizza/beer?”

  • Czy mogę kogoś ze sobą przyprowadzić? – “Can I bring someone with me?”

  • Możemy przełożyć nasze plany? – “Could we postpone our plans?”

  • Przepraszam, ale jutro jednak nie mogę. – “I’m sorry, but I can’t make it tomorrow, after all.”

  • Umówmy się na wtorek. – “Let’s meet up on Tuesday.”

As we stated above, being able to make plans is a key social skill. That’s why we have numerous lessons on this topic. Would you like some words and expressions to complement the intermediate Polish phrases you just saw? We recommend starting with these lessons:

3. Explaining and Listing Reasons

A Man Explaining Something

At this stage in your Polish studies, it’s equally important to learn how to explain and list reasons for doing (or not doing) something. This would come in handy, for example, in situations where someone was angry with you or where you had to explain a plan of action.

Here are some relevant Polish phrases for intermediate-level students:  

  • Zrobiłam/Zrobiłam to, ponieważ…
    “I did it because…”

[The first form is feminine, and the second is masculine.]

Zrobiłam/Zrobiłam to, ponieważ tak wypada. 
“I did it because it’s what’s expected.”

Zrobiłam/Zrobiłam to, ponieważ nie miałam wyjścia. 
“I did it because I had no choice.”

  • Myślę, że tak powinnam/powinienem postąpić. To dlatego…
    “I believe this is the right thing to do. That’s why…”

[The first form is feminine, and the second is masculine.]

Myślę, że tak powinnam/powinienem postąpić. To dlatego z wami rozmawiam. 
“I believe this is the right thing to do. That’s why we’re having this conversation.”

Myślę, że tak powinnam/powinienem postąpić. To dlatego zainwestuję pieniędze.
“I believe this is the right thing to do. That’s why I’ll invest my money.”

  • Mam ku temu trzy powody. Po pierwsze… po drugie… po trzecie…
    “I do it for three reasons. First of all… Secondly… Last but not least…”

Mam ku temu trzy powody. Po pierwsze to dobra inwestycja, po drugie pomogę społeczności, po trzecie to nowe miejsce pracy.
“I do it for three reasons. First of all, it’s a good investment. Secondly, I’ll help the community. Last but not least, it’ll create job opportunities.”

Mam ku temu trzy powody. Po pierwsze to dobry uczynek, po drugie nic mnie to nie kosztuje, po trzecie to komuś pomoże. 
“I do it for three reasons. First of all, it’s a good deed. Secondly, it costs me nothing. Last but not least, it’ll help someone.”

  • To dobry pomysł, bo…
    “It’s a good idea because…”

To dobry pomysł, bo zwiększy produktywność.
“It’s a good idea because it’ll increase productivity.”

To dobry pomysł, bo tak jest szybciej. 
“It’s a good idea because it’s faster that way.”

  • To nie ma sensu, dlatego że… 
    “It makes no sense because…”

To nie ma sensu, dlatego że szef nigdy się nie zgodzi. 
“It makes no sense because there’s no way that the CEO will agree.”

To nie ma sensu, dlatego że ludzie tego nie kupią. 
“It makes no sense because people won’t buy it. ”

You should also check out our lesson on giving reasons in Polish using żeby and bo. If your motivation to learn Polish gets low at any point, remember that you can get it back with our lesson on the top five reasons to study Polish

4. Making Recommendations and Complaints

An Influencer Reviewing a Product

Other essential intermediate Polish phrases are those used for making recommendations or complaints. Here are just a few to get you started:

  • Powinieneś/Powinnaś tego spróbować! – “You should try this.”

  • To najlepsza/najlepszy/najlepsze [food], jaki jadłem/jadłam. – “It’s the best [food] I’ve ever eaten.”

    The first form of the verb jeść is feminine, and the second is masculine. The word najlepszy is in the feminine, masculine, and neuter forms, respectively.

  • To najlepsza/najlepszy/najlepsze [drink], jaki piłam/piłem. – “It’s the best [drink] I’ve ever drunk.”

    The first form of the verb pić is feminine, and the second is masculine. The word najlepszy is in the feminine, masculine, and neuter forms, respectively.

  • Bardzo nam się tam podobało. – “We really liked it there.”

  • Na pewno tam wrócimy. – “We’ll definitely come back.”

  • Zła obsługa klienta. – “Bad customer service.”

  • Niedobre jedzenie. – “Bad food.”

  • Nie polecam. – “I don’t recommend it.”

  • Odradzam wizytę. – “I discourage you from visiting.”

You should also check out our other lessons on complaining:

Complaining is important when it’s called for. However, it can be easy to overdo it! If you feel you complain too much, you may want to consider implementing some tips on how to complain less and be happier

5. Reacting to Everyday Situations

A Surprised Child

Being able to react to certain situations like a native speaker is another important skill. Here are some useful intermediate Polish phrases to help you express your amazement or disappointment: 

  • Super! / Ekstra! / Rewelacja! – “Awesome!”

  • Serio? / Naprawdę? / No co ty? – “Really?”

  • Nie żartuj! / Nie rób sobie jaj! / Bez jaj! – “You can’t be serious!”

    The first phrase is the most neutral one. The other two could be considered slightly vulgar by some people.

  • O matko! / O jezu!  – “Oh my goodness!”

    Some people could consider the second form sacrilegious, even though it’s commonly used.

  • Łał! – “Wow!”

    Are you surprised to see this one on the list? Anglicisms in Polish are quite common. These are words borrowed from English and used in Polish, sometimes modified and sometimes not.
  • To jest naprawdę super / ekstra / fajne! – “It’s really cool!”

  • Żałuję, że mnie tam nie było. – “I regret not being there.”

  • Masakra! / Koszmar! / Daj spokój! – “What a nightmare!”

It’s also important to know how to use such phrases in real life. A good idea is to just listen and try to pick up on what sort of phrases the Polish people around you use. Don’t have any Polish friends? No problem! Try watching series or movies!

Here’s a sample dialogue showing you how you might use the phrases provided above:

A: Świetnie się bawiliśmy. – “We had a great time.” 

B: Super! Żałuję, że mnie tam nie było. – “Great! I regret not being there.”

6. Etiquette Phrases in Social and Business Settings

People Shaking Hands

Politeness is extremely important across languages and cultures. In order not to offend anyone, you have to know the basic rules of wherever you are. Here are some polite Polish phrases for intermediate students: 

  • Smacznego! – “Bon appétit.”

  • Witamy! – “Welcome!”

  • Czy chciałabyś/chciałbyś coś do picia/jedzenia? – “Would you like something to drink/eat?”

    The first form of the verb chcieć is feminine, and the second is masculine.

  • Czuj się jak u siebie w domu. / Rozgość się. – “Please make yourself at home.”

  • Masz jakieś pytania? – “Do you have any questions?”

  • Czy mogę jakoś pomóc? – “Can I help you?”

  • Nie mogę się doczekać! – “I can’t wait!”

  • Spokojnej podróży! – “Have a safe trip!”

  • Udanych wakacji! – “Have a good holiday!”

Another important thing you should be able to do in Polish is refuse politely. We’re all allowed to have our preferences, but a simple “no” (nie) is as rude in Poland as anywhere else. 

Having said that, there are certain cultural differences between politeness in Polish and English. Sometimes good manners may be lost in translation, so try to consider the context before getting offended. 

7. Final Thoughts

Learning a language is a long journey, and memorizing Polish phrases at the intermediate level can definitely help you along the way. You just need to practice real-life conversations using the phrases we introduced today, and you’ll quickly notice an improvement in your speaking and listening skills.

Which of these intermediate phrases in Polish are you looking forward to using the most? Perhaps there’s one you’ve already heard? Let us know in the comments!

Unfortunately, no matter how handy or commonly used certain phrases are, they’re not enough on their own. To truly learn a language, you need to practice your speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. You should also be patient; your understanding of Polish won’t improve overnight. The best way to improve your Polish is to use a tool designed specifically for language learning.

Fortunately, there’s PolishPod101, a platform where you can get a lot of exposure to how the Polish language is spoken. It’s full of video and audio recordings of native Polish speakers, and you’ll also find many other functionalities to help you learn the language. Explore our different subscription plans and create your free lifetime account with PolishPod101 today.

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Advanced Polish Words for Experienced Learners


On your way to Polish language mastery, you’ll need to memorize and learn how to use advanced Polish words. This stage usually occurs a few years into your Polish-language studies, once you’re able to understand fairly complex conversations and talk about a variety of topics.

What you’re missing at this point are more advanced words and phrases that allow you to speak freely about topics such as studies, university matters, politics, or medicine. In this blog post, you’ll find an advanced Polish word list along with certain phrases and examples of use.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Academic Words
  2. Advanced College Vocabulary
  3. Advanced Business Words
  4. Advanced Medical Words
  5. Advanced Legal Words
  6. Advanced Political Vocabulary
  7. Final Thoughts

1. Advanced Academic Words

An Academic

The first set of advanced Polish words we’ll look at consists of terms related to academia. Learning these words will help you engage in more complicated conversations, discuss a greater variety of topics, and excel while studying at a Polish university. Here are the most important words and expressions in this category: 

Word or expressionPart of speechExample Translation
wysławiać się 
to articulate / to express oneself 
verbOn pięknie się wysławia. He has a way with words.
assumption / objective
nounZałożeniem tego eseju jest omówienie tej problematyki.The objective of this essay is to discuss this problem.
adjectiveStały wzrost gospodarczy dobrze wróży.Constant economic growth is a good sign.
to debate 
verbNie mam ochoty o tym dyskutować. I don’t feel like debating it.
to collect / to gather
verbZbieramy dane na temat tego miasta. We’re collecting data about the city.
to lead to 
verbTo prowadzi do deficytu. It leads to a deficit.
suitable / adequate
adjectiveSzukamy odpowiedniego kandydata.We’re looking for a suitable candidate.
adjectiveJego raport jest szczegółowy.His report is detailed.
adjectiveOna jest bardzo rozsądna. She’s very reasonable.
adjectiveMożna zauważyć subtelną tendencje spadkową. One can notice a subtle downward trend.
adjectiveTen scenariusz jest prawdopodobny.Such a development is likely.
adjectiveTe wyniki są zupełnie nieprawdopodobne. These results are completely improbable.
adverbNie bierz tego dosłownie. You shouldn’t take it literally.
mimo że 
even though 
conjunctionMimo że się z nim nie zgadzam, nie powiem mu tego.Even though I disagree with him, I won’t tell him that.
w tym przypadku 
in this case 
conjunctionW tym przypadku to dobre rozwiązanie. In this case, it’s a good solution.
chyba że 
conjunctionPowiedz jej, chyba że się boisz. Tell her, unless you’re scared.
niemniej jednak 
conjunctionNiemniej jednak, to ważny argument.Nonetheless, it’s an important point.
co więcej 
what’s more
conjunctionOn jest wykształcony. Co więcej, ma doświadczenie.He’s educated. What’s more, he’s experienced.
conjunctionPracuję jako zastępca nauczyciela angielskiego.He works as a replacement for the English teacher.
mimo / pomimo 
conjunctionWypił herbatę mimo bólu gardła. He drank his tea despite his sore throat.
jeśli chodzi o 
as for 
conjunctionJeśli chodzi o moje referencje, to może Pan zadzwonić do mojego szefa.As for my references, you can contact my boss.
podczas gdy 
conjunctionPodczas gdy ty odpoczywasz, ja pracuję. While you’re resting, I’m working.
spierać się
to argue 
verbNie będę się z Tobą spierać. I won’t argue with you.
to conclude 
verbZ twojej odpowiedzi wnioskuję, że nie masz czasu. I conclude from your answer that you have no time.
nounNie ma dowodu na to, że Twoja teoria jest poprawna. There’s no evidence that your theory is true.

These advanced Polish vocabulary words will also help you when giving a speech or watching the news. Speaking of news, do you know how to react when getting some good news in Poland?  

2. Advanced College Vocabulary

A University Lecture

As an advanced student of Polish, you may want to study in Poland. If that’s so, you should check our lesson on looking for an apartment in Poland; finding accommodation is so much easier when you know the right words. College- and university-related vocabulary is also very useful when talking about your education. 

Here are the most important advanced Polish words and phrases related to this topic: 

Word or expressionPart of speechExample Translation
nounIdę na wykład.  I’m going to attend a lecture.
wykładowca (m.) / wykładowczyni (f.)

nounMój wykładowca / Moja wykładowczyni od literatury angielskiej jest super. My English literature lecturer is really cool.
sala wykładowa 
nounW sali wykładowej nie było już miejsc. There were no seats left in the auditorium.
praca licencjacka / praca magisterska 
BA thesis / MA thesis 
Niedługo skończę pisać moją pracę magisterską. I’ll finish writing my MA thesis soon.

Note: Polish universities usually have a mixture of classes in small groups and lectures.
nounChyba spóźnię się na zajęcia. 
I think I’ll be late for class.
lista obecności
attendance list 
nounWykładowca nie sprawdził listy obecności.  The lecturer didn’t check the attendance list.
nounMam dobre oceny.I have good grades. 
nounMoja średnia jest niska.My GPA is low.
Potrzebne mi stypendium, aby przeżyć. I need the scholarship to make ends meet.
studia dzienne 
full-time studies 
nounDostałam się na studia dzienne! I’ve gotten in as a full-time student!
studia wieczorowe / studia zaoczne 
part-time studies 
nounStudia wieczorowe łatwiej pogodzić z pracą. It’s easier to work and study during part-time studies.
skończyć studia 
to graduate 
verb + nounNiedługo skończę studia. I will graduate soon.
nounAbsolwentom nie łatwo znaleźć pracę. It’s not easy for graduates to find work.
nounMusisz znaleźć staż. You have to find an internship.
wymiana studencka 
student exchange / exchange program 
nounErasmus to świetna wymiana studencka. Erasmus is a great exchange program.
to study

Note: This verb is only used in reference to studying at a university/in college. 
verbOn studiuje na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim.He’s a student at the University of Warsaw.
przygotowywać się do 
to study for an exam 
verbOn przygotowuje się do egzaminu. He’s preparing for an exam.
to pass 
verbZdaliśmy egzamin!We’ve passed the exam.
to fail 
verbNiestety oblałem ten egzamin.Unfortunately, I’ve failed this exam.
oblać kogoś 
to fail someone on an exam 
verbProszę mnie nie oblewać! Please don’t fail me! 
podejść do egzaminu 
to take an exam 
verbPodeszliśmy do egzaminu dwa razy. We’ve taken this exam twice.
nounPoprawka odbędzie się we wrześniu.The retake will take place in September.
zjazd absolwentów 
graduate reunion 
nounNie mam zamiaru iść na zjazd absolwentów. I have no intention of participating in the graduate reunion. 

This advanced Polish word list for college and university will allow you to have interesting conversations with people. It can also come in handy when talking about your university experience during a Polish job interview

3. Advanced Business Words

People Shaking Hands

Now that you’re an advanced Polish student, you may also be thinking about finding a job in Poland. Performing your job there or dealing with Polish clients will be much easier if you know some advanced-level Polish words for the workplace.

Word or expressionPart of speechExample Translation
nounPracuję w dziale personalnym.  I work in the HR department.
nounSiedziba tej firmy jest w Warszawie. This company is headquartered in Warsaw.
nounJeśli nie zacznie pracować, czeka go zwolnienie. If he doesn’t start working, he can expect a dismissal.
to fire / to dismiss 
verbOni go nigdy nie zwolnią. They’ll never fire him.
zwolnić się / złożyć wypowiedzenie 
to resign 
verbZwolnię się / Złożę wypowiedzenie, jeśli nic się nie zmieni. I’ll resign if nothing changes.
turnover / revenue 
nounDochody mojej firmy są wysokie. My company has a high revenue.
fee / salary 
nounMoim zdaniem to wygórowane wynagrodzenie. In my opinion, the fee is too high.
ubezpieczenie (zdrowotne) 
health insurance 
nounWynagrodzenie jest dobre, ale firma nie oferuje ubezpieczenia.The salary is good, but the company doesn’t offer health insurance.
nounLiczę na jakieś benefity w tej firmie. I’m hoping for some perks in this company.
oferta pracy 
job offer 
nounTo atrakcyjna oferta pracy. It’s an attractive job offer.
pracy job market 
nounRynek pracy jest słaby.The job market is weak.
złożyć podanie (o pracę) 
to apply (for a job) 
verbZłożył do nas podanie o pracę. He’s applied for a job with us.
to hire 
verbZatrudnimy tylko odpowiedniego kandydata. We’ll only hire the right candidate. 
umowa o pracę 
work contract 
nounJutro kończy mi się umowa o pracę.My work contract finishes tomorrow.
umowa o dzieło 
work contract for contractors 
nounNie jestem freelancerem, ale mam umowę o dzieło. I’m not a freelancer, but I have a work contract for contractors.
praca na cały etat 
full-time job 
nounMamy pracę na cały etat. We have a full-time job. 
praca na pół etatu 
part-time job 
nounPracuję na pół etatu i studiuję. I have a part-time job, and I study.
podróż służbowa 
business trip 
nounOna jest ciągle w podróży służbowej.She’s always traveling for work.
urlop macierzyński / urlop tacierzyński
maternity leave / paternity leave 
nounW Polsce urlop macierzyński trwa rok, a tacierzyński dwa tygodnie.In Poland, maternity leave is a year long and paternity leave is two weeks long.
urlop (wypoczynkowy) 
nounIdę na urlop.I’m going on leave.
sick leave
nounJestem na chorobowym. I’m on sick leave.
zwolnienie lekarskie 
doctor’s note 
nounPrzy dwóch dniach nieobecności potrzebne ci zwolnienie lekarskie. When you’re absent for two days, you need a doctor’s note.
nounUwielbiam tę markę!I love this brand! 
znak towarowy
nounZnak towarowy jest zastrzeżony. It’s a registered trademark.

In addition to these more advanced Polish words and phrases, make sure that you have the basic vocabulary for jobs / work covered too!

4. Advanced Medical Words

People in a Pharmacy

Being able to talk about diseases and medical conditions is an important skill for advanced students to possess. Such topics come up in everyday conversations and when reading the news. Here’s a list of advanced Polish vocabulary words related to medicine: 

Word or expressionPart of speechExample Translation
stany lękowe 
anxiety disorder 
nounCierpię na stany lękowe.I have an anxiety disorder.
nounOn ma depresje. He suffers from depression.
zaburzenia dwubiegunowe 
bipolar disorder 
nounZaburzenia dwubiegunowe to choroba, która dotyka wiele osób.Bipolar disorder is a mental illness many people suffer from.
nounOn bierze antydepresanty.He’s on antidepressants.
pomoc psychologiczna
psychological help 
nounW Polsce coraz łatwiej o pomoc psychologiczną.It’s easier and easier to get psychological help in Poland.
lekarz pierwszego kontaktu 
nounSkontaktowałam się z moim lekarzem pierwszego kontaktu.I’ve contacted my GP.
nounMój syn chce zostać dermatologiem.My son wants to be a dermatologist.
nounOkulista bada wzrok.An optometrist checks your eyesight.
nounKardiolog leczy choroby serca. A cardiologist treats heart conditions.
nounLaryngolog pomoże z problemami z uszami, nosem i gardłem.An ENT can help you with ear, nose, and throat issues.
nounDietetyk może zaplanować twoją dietę.A dietician can plan your diet.
a doctor’s appointment 
nounUmówiłam Cię na wizytę u dentysty na jutro.I’ve booked you a dentist appointment for tomorrow.
to examine 
verbDoktor bada pacjentów. A doctor examines patients.
znieczulić / dać znieczulenie 
to give an anesthetic
verbNie dam Panu znieczulenia!
I won’t give you an anesthetic!
to diagnose 
verbZdiagnozowano u niego raka.He has been diagnosed with cancer.
to treat 
verbOn wie, jak leczyć dzieci. He knows how to treat children. 
to operate 
verbOn nigdy nic nie mówi, gdy operuje.He never says anything when he’s operating.
nounChemioterapia to leczenie inwazyjne.Chemotherapy is an invasive treatment.
stół operacyjny 
operating table 
nounStół operacyjny musi być czysty.The operating table needs to be clean.
nounSkalpel musi być sterylny.The scalpel needs to be sterile.
nounSiostro, proszę podać pacjentowi tlen. Nurse, please give the patient oxygen.
nounJej ojciec jest w śpiączce od 10 lat.  Her father has been in a coma for ten years.
zemdleć / stracić przytomność 
to faint 
verbNie stracił przytomności.He didn’t faint.
odzyskać przytomność
to regain consciousness 
verbPacjent wciąż nie odzyskał przytomności.The patient still has not regained consciousness.

Do you need to see a Polish doctor? Being able to call the Polish doctor’s office is one of the most important skills you should acquire as you approach an advanced level in Polish.

5. Advanced Legal Words

A Person Swearing on the Bible

Being able to talk and understand what’s being said about the justice system is a very handy skill. Learn these advanced Polish words and phrases to start off on the right foot: 

Word or expressionPart of speechExample Translation
nounTo sędzia Sądu Najwyższego.He’s a judge of the High Court. 
nounJego adwokat ma rację. His barrister is right.
nounProkurator nie ma dowodów. The prosecutor has no evidence.
zaświadczenie o niekaralności 
police clearance 
nounPotrzebne mi zaświadczenie o niekaralności.I need police clearance.
nounMożemy złożyć apelację. We can lodge an appeal.
adjective Proces sądowy może być skomplikowany.The judicial procedure may be complicated.
to sue 
verbPozwał ich do sądu.He sued them. 
sprawa (sądowa) 
(court) case 
nounTen adwokat nie chce wziąć mojej sprawy.This lawyer doesn’t want to take my case.
nounTo świadek zbrodni.He is a witness to a crime.
to testify 
verbChciałaby zeznawać, ale się boi.She’d like to testify, but she’s scared.
to sentence 
verbSkazano go na trzy lata w więzieniu. He was sentenced to three years in prison.
nounKaucja nie jest wysoka.The bail was not set high.
to acquit 
verbNa szczęście został uniewinniony.Luckily, he was acquitted.
life sentence 
nounDożywocie to najsurowsza kara w Polsce.A life sentence is the harshest punishment in Poland.
kara śmierci 
death penalty 
nounKara śmierci jest wykonywana w niektórych stanach w USA.The death penalty is still a thing in some states in the U.S.
kara grzywny / grzywna
penalty / fine
nounUkarano ich tylko grzywna. They only got a fine.
w zawieszeniu 
suspended sentence 
nounKara jest w zawieszeniu. The sentence is suspended.
nounBez nakazu nie wolno nam go aresztować.We can’t arrest him without a warrant.
nounPotrzebny nam podpis notariusza.We need a notary’s signature.
nounDzieciom należy się spadek.Children should get the inheritance.
nounPorwania to duży problem w tym kraju.Kidnappings are a big problem in this country.
nounDużo morderstw popełnianych jest pod wpływem alkoholu.Many murders are committed under the influence of alcohol.
nounOskarżono go o kradzież. He was accused of theft.
nounSzantaż to przestępstwo.Blackmail is a crime.
nounWłamanie zostało zgłoszone.The burglary was reported.

We hope this advanced Polish word list will be helpful in your understanding of issues related to justice. Don’t forget to check out our lesson on calling for help to learn the vocabulary you might need in a dangerous situation. 

6. Advanced Political Vocabulary

The Democratic Party Logo

As an advanced student, you should be able to talk about politics. Advanced Polish vocabulary words like those below are crucial in everyday conversations, and they can also help you understand newspapers and magazines. Take a look: 

Word or expressionPart of speechExample Translation
the Polish Chamber of Deputies 
nounJutro wybory do Sejmu.Tomorrow, there’s the Chamber of Deputies’ election.
nounSenat to wyższa izba.The Senate is the higher chamber.
MP / deputy 
nounChciałabym zostać posłem.I’d like to become an MP.
nounIle trwa kadencja senatora?How long is a senator’s term?
to vote 
verbTrzeba głosować.One has to vote.
nounIdziemy na wybory!We’re going to vote!
nounPrezydent Polski to Andrzej Duda. Andrzej Duda is the President of Poland.
to rule 
verbPrezydent rządzi krajem. The president rules the country.
podać się do dymisji 
to resign (about a politician) 
verbPrezydent podał się do dymisji.The president resigned from office. 
prime minister 
nounPremier dziś wygłosi przemówienie.The prime minister will speak tonight.
nounKto jest teraz ministrem sprawiedliwości? Who’s the Minister of Justice now?
nounTo ministerstwo jest niedofinansowane.This ministry is underfinanced.
nounNowa ustawa wejdzie w życie jutro.The new law will come into force tomorrow.
to veto 
verbPrezydent zawetował ustawę.The president has vetoed the law.
to pass a law 
verbPrzegłosowano tę ustawę.The law has been passed.
nanieść poprawki 
to amend 
verbDo tej ustawy rząd naniesie jeszcze poprawki.The government will still make some amendments to the law.
nounCzekają nas zmiany w przepisach.We’re awaiting changes to the rules. 
nounMówi się o korupcji w rządzie.The corruption in the government is being discussed.
nounTen urzędnik dostał łapówkę. This public official has been bribed.
przyjąć łapówkę 
to accept a bribe
verbCzy przyjąłbyś łapówkę? Would you accept a bribe?
to protest 
verbOni protestują przeciwko rządowi.They’re protesting against the government.
partia polityczna 
political party 
nounNie głosowałem nigdy na tę partię. I’ve never voted for this party.
left wing 
nounTo jest partia lewicy.It’s a left-wing party.
right wing 
nounPrawica ma większość w rządzie. The right wing constitutes the majority of the government.
nounOpozycja nie zgadza się z twoim zdaniem. The opposition disagrees with your opinion.

7. Final Thoughts 

Mastering a language means learning a lot of vocabulary. In this blog post, we’ve covered the essential advanced Polish words in various categories, including medicine, politics, and law. Learn these words and expressions, and you’ll see how much easier complex conversations will become. 

Did you know any of these words already? Which ones? We look forward to hearing from you! 

It would be impossible to provide all of the important advanced Polish words in one post. To learn much more vocabulary that you’ll need to get around, you should join PolishPod101. We have countless advanced Polish lessons for students like you. Our personalized pathways will give you access to materials that are appropriate for your level. Create your free lifetime account with us today!

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Learn the Essential Intermediate Polish Vocabulary


Learning vocabulary is easy when you’re a beginner. Almost every word is new and useful. However, as you proceed on your language learning journey, it’s good to become more selective. 

What vocabulary should you study as an intermediate-level Polish learner? Here at, we’ve prepared a list of essential intermediate Polish vocabulary words for you.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Larger Numbers
  2. Personal Pronouns
  3. Intermediate Polish Nouns
  4. Intermediate Polish Adjectives
  5. Intermediate Polish Adverbs
  6. Prepositions
  7. Conjunctions
  8. Auxiliary Verbs and Modals
  9. Final Thoughts

1. Larger Numbers

Being able to count from 1 to 10 is a crucial skill to attain when you first start learning a new language. Now, as an intermediate student, you’re ready to take it a step further. Let’s have a look at larger numbers in Polish: 

  • 10 – dziesięć
  • 11 – jedenaście
  • 12 – dwanaście
  • 13 – trzynaście
  • 14 – czternaście
  • 15 – piętnaście
  • 16 – szesnaście
  • 17 – siedemnaście
  • 18 – osiemnaście
  • 19 – dziewiętnaście
  • 20 – dwadzieścia
  • 30 – trzydzieści
  • 40 – czterdzieści
  • 50 – pięćdziesiąt, 
  • 60 – sześćdziesiąt
  • 70 – siedemdziesiąt
  • 80 – osiemdziesiąt
  • 90 – dziewięćdziesiąt

If you want to say a number such as “twenty-two” or “thirty-one,” you just have to combine the appropriate numbers together: 

(20) dwadzieścia + (2) dwa = (22) dwadzieścia dwa

(30) trzydzieści + (1) jeden = (31) trzydzieści jeden

Now, you’re ready to count by the hundreds: 

  • 100 – sto
  • 200 – dwieście
  • 300 – trzysta
  • 400 – czterysta
  • 500 – pięćset
  • 600 – sześćset
  • 700 – siedemset
  • 800 – osiemset
  • 900 – dziewięćset

A Child Counting

Just like with tens, to form a number such as “976,” you simply add the numbers together: 

(900) dziewięćset + (70) siedemdziesiąt + (6) sześć = (976) dziewięćset siedemdziesiąt sześć

Then come the thousands: 

  • 1,000 – tysiąc
  • 2,000 – dwa tysiące
  • 3,000 – trzy tysiące
  • 4,000 – cztery tysiące
  • 5,000 – pięć tysięcy (note that the form is different from five thousand onward)
  • 6,000 – sześć tysięcy
  • 7,000 – siedem tysięcy
  • 8,000 – osiem tysięcy
  • 9,000 – dziewięć tysięcy
  • 10,000 – dziesięć tysięcy

There are also two more important big numbers: 

  • million – milion
  • billion – miliard

2. Personal Pronouns

As a beginner, you learned only a few personal pronouns in Polish. Unfortunately, this isn’t the whole story. Polish pronouns, like other parts of speech in Polish, undergo declension. This means that the forms change depending on the case. As an intermediate Polish student, you should know the different pronoun forms for each case

CasePronoun (1st person singular)
Nominative / Mianownikja 
Genitive / Dopełniaczmnie
Dative / Celownikmnie / mi
Accusative / Biernikmnie
Instrumental / Narzędnikmną
Locative / Miejscownikmnie

CasePronoun (2nd person singular)
Nominative / Mianownikty 
Genitive / Dopełniaczciebie / cię
Dative / Celowniktobie / ci
Accusative / Biernikciebie / cię
Instrumental / Narzędniktobą
Locative / Miejscowniktobie

CasePronoun (3rd person singular, masculine)
Nominative / Mianownikon 
Genitive / Dopełniaczjego / go / niego
Dative / Celownikjemu / mu / niemu
Accusative / Biernikjego / go / niego
Instrumental / Narzędniknim
Locative / Miejscowniknim

CasePronoun (3rd person singular, feminine)
Nominative / Mianownikona 
Genitive / Dopełniaczjej / niej
Dative / Celownikjej / niej
Accusative / Biernikją / nią
Instrumental / Narzędniknią
Locative / Miejscownikniej

CasePronoun (3rd person singular, neuter)
Nominative / Mianownikono 
Genitive / Dopełniaczjego / go / niego
Dative / Celownikjemu / mu / niemu
Accusative / Biernikje / nie
Instrumental / Narzędniknim
Locative / Miejscowniknim

CasePronoun (1st person plural)
Nominative / Mianownikmy 
Genitive / Dopełniacznas
Dative / Celowniknam
Accusative / Bierniknas
Instrumental / Narzędniknami
Locative / Miejscowniknas

CasePronoun (2nd person plural)
Nominative / Mianownikwy 
Genitive / Dopełniaczwas
Dative / Celownikwam
Accusative / Biernikwas
Instrumental / Narzędnikwami
Locative / Miejscownikwas

CasePronoun (3rd person plural, masculine)
Nominative / Mianownikoni 
Genitive / Dopełniaczich / nich
Dative / Celownikim / nim
Accusative / Biernikich / nich
Instrumental / Narzędniknimi
Locative / Miejscowniknich

CasePronoun (3rd person plural, feminine)
Nominative / Mianownikoni 
Genitive / Dopełniaczich / nich
Dative / Celownikim / nim
Accusative / Biernikje / nie
Instrumental / Narzędniknimi
Locative / Miejscowniknich

Not sure how to use Polish pronouns? You can learn more about them by visiting this Wikipedia page or heading over to our vocabulary list of the most useful Polish pronouns

3. Intermediate Polish Nouns

Nouns are another group of words that are important for intermediate students to learn. After all, you need more precise words in order to have more complex conversations. 


  • century – wiek
  • half a year – pół roku
  • quarter – kwartał
  • decade – dziesięciolecie 
  • January – styczeń
  • February – luty
  • March – marzec
  • April – kwiecień
  • May – maj
  • June – czerwiec
  • July – lipiec
  • August – sierpień
  • September – wrzesień
  • October – październik
  • November – listopad
  • December – grudzień

It’s also useful to be able to talk about years in Polish: 

  • year – rok
  • two years – dwa lata
  • three years – trzy lata
  • four years – cztery lata
  • five years – pięć lat 
  • six years – sześć lat

Note that the form for the word “years” is lat from five years onward. With larger numbers, the form you use (lata or lat) depends on the second number:

  • thirty-five years – trzydzieści pięć lat
  • twenty-two years – dwadzieścia dwa lata


Different Professions

Our next set of intermediate Polish vocabulary words consists of nouns used to describe people. The first form provided is the masculine form, and the second form is feminine.


  • police officer – policjant / policjantka
  • nurse – pielegniarz / pielęgniarka
  • lawyer – prawnik / prawniczka
  • lecturer – wykładowca / wykładowczyni

Family Members

  • uncle – wujek
  • aunt – ciocia
  • grandson – wnuk / wnuczek (diminutive)
  • granddaughter – wnuczka
  • grandfather – dziadek
  • grandmother – babcia
  • child – dziecko
  • parents – rodzice

Do you know what to expect at a family reunion in Poland? Check out our lesson to find out all about Grandma’s pierogies…


No list of intermediate Polish words would be complete without mentioning the essential clothing items: 

  • pants – spodnie
  • shirt – bluzka
  • bra – stanik / biustonosz
  • panties – majtki
  • boxers – bokserki
  • socks – skarpetki
  • shoes – buty
  • sweater – sweter
  • jacket – kurtka
  • cap – czapka
  • scarf – szalik 

To learn even more clothing vocabulary, check out our lessons on winter clothes and summer clothes and accessories. The weather in Poland can be surprising, so it’s good to be prepared!

Places Around Town

With your growing confidence in your Polish-language skills, you may feel more prepared to ask for directions. Here are some important places around town you may want to ask about: 

  • bank – bank
  • pharmacy – apteka
  • grocery store – sklep spożywczy
  • vegetable shop/stand – warzywniak
  • petrol station – stacja benzynowa
  • shopping mall – galeria handlowa
  • theater – teatr
  • cinema – kino
  • restaurant – restauracja
  • café – kawiarnia
  • museum – muzeum

People in a Museum

School and Office

Speaking of places to go, many people find themselves in schools or offices on a daily basis. Here are some useful vocabulary words on these topics:

  • mug – kubek 
  • eraser – gumka
  • laptop – laptop
  • screen – ekran 
  • printer – drukarka
  • scanner – skaner
  • bench – ławka
  • blackboard / whiteboard – tablica
  • charger – zasilacz / ładowarka

Getting ready to work in Poland? Remember to check out our lesson titled Polish for the Workplace beforehand.  

Body Parts

Now, here are some intermediate Polish words for naming the parts of the body. These words are important to learn, as you never know when you might end up needing medical assistance.

  • nail(s) – paznokieć / paznokcie
  • hair – włos / włosy

In Polish, we most often use the plural form of the word for “hair” (i.e. piękne włosy – beautiful hair).

  • eyelashes – rzęsy
  • eyelids – powieki
  • tooth / teeth – ząb / zęby
  • finger(s) – palec / palce
  • toe(s) – palec u nogi / palce u nogi


Polish Donut

You may have learned the names of some basic foods as a beginner, but now it’s time to expand your intermediate Polish vocabulary by becoming familiar with even more words related to food and dining.

  • cucumber – ogórek
  • carrot – marchewka
  • potatoes – ziemniaki
  • cherry – wiśnia
  • strawberry – truskawka
  • grapes – winogrona
  • chicken – kurczak
  • beef – wołowina
  • pork – wieprzowina
  • sweets – słodycze
  • breakfast – śniadanie
  • lunch – obiad
  • dinner – kolacja
  • knife – nóż
  • fork – widelec
  • plate – talerz

You probably know that Polish food is delicious. If you can’t travel to Poland at the moment, check out these Polish recipes to make yourself something yummy.

4. Intermediate Polish Adjectives

Adjectives are another key part of speech, as they make your vocabulary richer and allow you to express yourself more precisely. 

Describing Clothes

Earlier, you learned the names of different clothing items in Polish. All you need to complete your clothing-related vocabulary are some adjectives!

  • tight – ciasny
  • loose – luźny
  • striped – w paski
  • checkered – w kratkę
  • dotted – w kropki
  • cotton – bawełniany
  • wool – wełniany
  • elastic – elastyczny
  • linen – lniany

Describing Colors

Being able to talk about colors is a practical skill you’ll be able to utilize in a variety of contexts. Take a look:

  • blue – niebieski
  • light blue – jasnoniebieski
  • navy blue – granatowy
  • purple – fioletowy
  • orange – pomarańczowy
  • yellow – żółty
  • pink – różowy

Picture from the Holi Festival

Describing Emotions

Describing emotions is another useful skill for intermediate Polish learners to acquire. Here are some adjectives you can use to let others know how you’re feeling: 

  • exhausted – wykończony
  • irritated – zirytowany
  • grateful – wdzięczny
  • calm – spokojny
  • nervous – nerwowy
  • demanding – wymagający
  • strict – surowy
  • lenient – pobłażliwy

Describing Positive Qualities

Have you just eaten the best dish of your life? Or met a truly remarkable person during your visit to Poland? Below, you’ll find a list of intermediate Polish vocabulary words you can use to offer praise where it’s due. 

  • super – super
  • unique – unikalny
  • special – specjalny
  • extra – ekstra
  • genius – genialny
  • funny – zabawny
  • cute – słodki
  • clean – czysty
  • strong – silny

Describing Negative Qualities

Of course, some situations or people might make you want to complain instead, which is an equally important skill.

  • horrible – okropny
  • ugly – brzydki
  • disgusting – obrzydliwy
  • rude – niegrzeczny
  • mean – wredny
  • cruel – okrutnynerwowy
  • dirty – brudny
  • weak – słaby

5. Intermediate Polish Adverbs

While adjectives describe nouns, adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, or even other adverbs. Here are some words to help you explain when, where, how, or to what extent something is done:

Adverbs of Time

  • already – już
  • still – jeszcze
  • now – teraz
  • then – wtedy
  • rarely – rzadko
  • often – często
  • never – nigdy
  • all the time – cały czas
  • usually – zwykle

At your level, you should already know how to ask “What time is it?” in Polish. But just in case you don’t, don’t waste any more time and amend it by visiting our lesson.

Adverbs of Place 

  • nowhere – nigdzie
  • everywhere – wszędzie
  • somewhere – gdzieś
  • up(stairs) – na górze
  • down(stairs) – na dole
  • far – daleko
  • near – blisko

Adverbs of Quality

Keep in mind that some of these Polish adverbs are considered adjectives in English, as this may be a bit confusing at first.

  • fast – szybko
  • slow – wolno
  • difficult – trudno
  • easily – łatwo
  • high – wysoko
  • low – nisko
  • cheap – tanio
  • expensive – drogo
  • young – młodo
  • old – staro 

Adverbs of Quantity

This is the last group of important adverbs for intermediate students of Polish: 

  • a lot – dużo
  • a little – mało
  • a bit – trochę
  • nothing – nic
  • everything – wszystko

6. Prepositions

Prepositions are little words that can change the entire meaning of a sentence—so don’t underestimate them! 

Prepositions of Time

  • after – po
  • before – przed
  • until – do
  • from…to – od…do

Prepositions of Space

A Child Hidden in a Box

  • on – na
  • in – w
  • under – pod
  • next to – przy

Other Prepositions

There are also a few other important prepositions that you should learn: 

  • without – bez
  • with – z
  • between – pomiędzy
  • thanks to – dzięki

7. Conjunctions

We use conjunctions (also known as “linking words”) to connect two or more parts of a complex sentence. Because they’re crucial for building longer sentences, it’s a good idea to add these words to your intermediate Polish vocabulary early on.

  • and – i / oraz
  • so – więc
  • because – ponieważ / bo
  • that’s why – dlatego
  • but – ale
  • nevertheless – niemniej jednak
  • even if – mimo że
  • or – albo / lub / czy
  • if – jeśli / jeżeli
  • neither…nor – ani…ani
  • either…or – albo…albo

8. Auxiliary Verbs and Modals

Last but not least, auxiliary verbs and modals are essential elements of any language. As you advance in your studies, you’ll find that they play a key role in many intermediate Polish grammar structures.

  • can – móc
  • have to – musieć
  • should – powinno się
  • to be – być (used to create the future tense)
  • to become – zostać 

9. Final Thoughts

Did you know any of these words already, or were they all new to you? We would love to hear from you in the comments! 

There are many intermediate Polish vocabulary words that you’ll have to learn beyond the scope of this blog post. However, after learning the words on this list, you’ll be able to see a significant difference in the way you express yourself in Polish.

There’s no single blog post or vocabulary list that can teach you a language. If you truly want to speak Polish, you should have a well-planned learning program. 

PolishPod101 is a platform that can give you exactly that. In addition to our vast number of free vocabulary lists, we provide audio and video lessons by native speakers—not to mention an array of other free resources at your disposal. If you’re not sure where to start, we recommend checking out our Intermediate Polish course.

Are you ready to give it a try? Create your free lifetime account today!

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Must-Know Polish Animal Names for Polish Learners


Vocabulary related to animals is among the most important items for beginners to study. Especially if you’re an animal lover, learning about specific animals living in Poland and memorizing the Polish names of animals from your own country can be a fun way to broaden your language skills. 

Polish animals don’t differ much from those you would find in other European countries. Are you curious what they are? Keep reading and learn tons of useful words for talking about animals in the Polish language.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Pets
  2. Farm Animals
  3. Various Land Animals
  4. Marine / Aquatic Animals
  5. Bugs and Insects
  6. Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians
  7. Animal Body Parts
  8. Animal-Related Expressions
  9. Final Thoughts

1. Pets

Can you guess what the most common pets in Poland are? Yep. Cats and dogs—no surprise there! 

Here are some related terms:

  • “cat” – kot
  • “kitten” – kotek 
  • “dog” – pies  
  • “doggy” – piesek 
  • “puppy” – szczeniak
a Puppy

While cats and dogs are the most popular pets in the country, Poles also keep a variety of other furry critters: 

  • “mouse” – mysz
  • “hamster” – chomik
  • “rabbit” – królik

These animals are particularly popular among people who don’t want a big responsibility. They’re also pets that parents of young children decide to have. This is because a small child may not be ready for a big commitment or the duties related to owning a dog or cat. 

Some Polish people enjoy more exotic pets. Some of these animals can easily be found in a pet store, while others require more effort to buy. These more exotic animals can sometimes be dangerous, so it’s important that the owner is careful about how and where they keep them. Examples of exotic animals you might find in Polish homes include: 

  • “parrot” – papuga
  • “lizard” – jaszczurka
  • “snake” – wąż
  • “chameleon” – kameleon
  • “spider” – pająk
  • “tarantula” – tarantula
  • “fish” – rybki

Let’s not forget about other important terms and expressions related to keeping pets: 

  • “dog food” – karma dla psa
  • “cat food” – karma dla kota
  • “bird food” – karma dla ptaków
  • “cage” – klatka 
  • “terrarium” – terrarium 
  • “aquarium” – akwarium 
  • “bowl” – miska 
  • “lead” / “leash” – smycz 
  • “muzzle” – kaganiec 
  • “cat litter” – kuweta

If you plan on owning a pet in Poland, knowing the right vocabulary is essential. Do you already have animals and are thinking about transporting them to Poland? It’s understandable that you don’t want to leave your pet behind, but remember that there are several rules you’ll need to follow along the way! Whether you’re moving to Poland for work, love, or some other reason, make sure to plan your relocation in advance; some processes may take longer than expected. 

Would you like to know what you can find inside a Polish home, apart from animals? Click on the link to find out. Don’t forget to also have a look at our lesson How Many Pets Do You Have in Poland? to remember the vocabulary better and to learn about the accusative case in Polish. 

2. Farm Animals

Apart from animals living at home, there are also domesticated animals that live on farms. Parts of Poland are very urbanized, but there are still many spaces set aside for agriculture. 

The most popular type of farm animals in Poland are cattle (bydło):

  • “cow” – krowa 
  • “bull” – byk 
  • “pig” – świnia
  • “sheep” – owca
  • “goat” – koza
  • “horse” – koń

A Horse

Another group of animals living on the farm is poultry (drób). Many Poles associate being in the countryside with the sound of a rooster calling out bright and early in the morning. 

  • “chicken” – kurczak 
  • “hen” – kura 
  • “rooster” – kogut 
  • “duck” – kaczka 
  • “goose” – gęś

Speaking of poultry, would you like to learn some Polish cooking vocabulary?

3. Various Land Animals

Many people think that there are no wild animals in Poland, but Polish mountains and forests are home to many of them. Some of these animals can even be dangerous! For instance, experts warn about wild boars, which can cause a threat to humans if not treated with respect. 

Here are the names of some of these wild animals in Polish: 

  • “fox” – lis 
  • “deer” – jeleń 
  • “boar” – dzik 
  • “hare” – zając 
  • “wolf” – wilk 
  • “bear” – niedźwiedź 
  • “owl” – sowa 
  • “viper” – żmija 
  • “lynx” – ryś 

You can learn the names of a couple of other wild animals in Poland by exploring our lesson What Kind of Polish Animal is That? 

There are many animals that you can only encounter in zoos, which you can find in a number of large Polish cities. Here, people can appreciate species that don’t naturally live in the country. These animals include: 

  • “lion” – lew 
  • “tiger” – tygrys 
  • “camel” – wielbłąd 
  • “hyena” – hiena 
  • “elephant” – słoń 
  • “crocodile” – krokodyl
  • “giraffe” – żyrafa
  • “monkey” – małpa
  • “hippopotamus” – hipopotam


Do you often go to the zoo? Next time you go, try to name all the creatures you see by their Polish names. 

4. Marine / Aquatic Animals

Poland does not have access to an ocean, but it does have a sea. Here are the names of common animals you might find in the Baltic Sea and around Polish lakes:

  • “carp” – karp
  • “seal” – foka
  • “swan” – łabędź
  • “crab” – rak
  • “beaver” – bóbr
  • “stork” – bocian

    Do you know where children come from? White storks bring them, of course! That’s the story Polish parents often tell their offspring. Another version is that babies can be found in cabbage. You can learn more about the white stork (including the strange sound it makes) on our website!

  • “seagull” – mewa

A Seagull

While there are relatively few aquatic animals in Poland, you should still learn the names of these animals in the Polish language: 

  • “shark” – rekin
  • “whale” – wieloryb
  • “dolphin” – delfin
  • “octopus” – ośmiornica
  • “stingray” – płaszczka

You can learn even more words for marine animals in our entertaining lesson, which encourages you to learn with pictures! 

5. Bugs and Insects

There are many bugs and insects in Poland. Like people elsewhere in the world, Poles often complain about them, though many bugs are actually an important part of the ecosystem. Here are the Polish names for some of them:

  • “ant” – mrówka
  • “fly” – mucha
  • “ladybug” – biedronka
  • “spider” – pająk
  • “grasshopper” – konik polny
  • “bug” – robak
  • “beetle” – żuk
  • “worm” – dżdżownica
  • “caterpillar” – gąsienica
  • “butterfly” – motyl


If you’re particularly interested in bugs, visit the website Insects of Poland to learn more! 

6. Birds, Reptiles & Amphibians

There’s a number of birds that fly in the Polish skies. Here are the most common ones: 

  • “bird” – ptak
  • “dove” – gołąb
  • “woodpecker” – dzięcioł
  • “eagle” – orzeł
  • “crow” – kruk
  • “hawk” – jastrząb

You can learn even more vocabulary for birds in our lesson Birds of a Feather Flock Together.

Our next two groups of animals in the Polish language are reptiles (gady) and amphibians (płazy).

  • “frog” – żaba
  • “toad” – ropucha
  • “turtle” / “tortoise” – żółw
  • “alligator” – aligator


7. Animal Body Parts

Now that you’ve learned a long list of animals in Polish, you might want to learn the names of animal body parts. Knowing these terms will allow you to better describe the animals you encounter! 

  • “wing” – skrzydło
  • “beak” – dziób
  • “tail” – ogon
  • “paw” – łapa
  • “horns” – rogi
  • “feather” – pióro
  • “fur” – sierść
  • “claws” – pazury / szpony

It’s great that you can now speak about animal body parts! However, do you know what to call all the body parts that we humans have? 

8. Animal-Related Expressions

Polish has many expressions related to animals. This is a common trait of many languages, but the exact attributes given to animals often differ from country to country. Have a look at some of the most common idioms and sayings: 

  • zły jak osa – “as angry as a wasp”
  • uparty jak osioł – “as stubborn as a donkey”
  • mądry jak sowa – “as smart as an owl”
  • zdrowy jak ryba – Literally: “as healthy as a fish” / Meaning: “fit as a fiddle”
  • żyć jak pies z kotem – Literally: “to live together like cats and dogs” / Meaning: “to not get along”
  • mieć węża w kieszeni – Literally: “to have a snake in your pocket” / Meaning: “to be stingy”
  • jak ryba w wodzie – Literally: “like fish in water” / Meaning: “to be comfortable somewhere”

Fish and Other Marine Animals in the Water

If you’d like to learn more idioms related to animals, remember to click on the link and visit our lesson on the topic. 

9. Final Thoughts

Learning how to talk about pets and other animals is an important aspect of studying Polish. Today you’ve learned which animals live in Poland, what animals people keep at home, as well as the Polish animal names for creatures that live elsewhere. What’s your favorite animal, and what is it called in Polish? Let us know in the comments! 

Learning vocabulary is an important element of mastering the language. Unfortunately, you’ll need more than that to understand and communicate with Polish people. 

If you really want to be able to claim that you speak the language, you should use a tool that gives you more than just vocabulary. PolishPod101 is a great platform that offers you more structure than most other Polish learning programs. You’ll get access to countless recordings from native speakers as well as a personalized learning path.

There’s no better time to start improving your Polish than today. Create your free lifetime account and start learning with us!

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Hello? – Learn Polish Phone Call Phrases.


Knowing Polish means being able to use it in many different situations. This includes talking on the phone with someone, whether for business or social purposes. But speaking on the phone in your own language can be frightening enough, let alone doing so in a foreign language!

In this blog post, you’ll learn the most useful Polish phone call phrases for both formal and informal contexts. Knowing these phrases and expressions by heart will allow you to navigate just about any phone conversation with ease.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Picking up the Phone
  2. Introducing Yourself on the Phone
  3. Stating the Reason for Your Call
  4. Asking to Speak to Someone
  5. Asking Someone to Wait
  6. Asking for Clarification
  7. Leaving a Message
  8. Time to Say Goodbye
  9. Sample Phone Conversations
  10. Final Thoughts

1. Picking up the Phone

A Person Speaking on the Phone

The first set of Polish telephone phrases you should learn are those used when picking up the phone. Keep in mind that Polish differentiates between formal and informal language, and this extends to phone conversations.

Let’s start by looking at some things you can say when you’re the one making the call and someone picks up: 

  • “Hello?” – Słucham? 
  • “Good day!” – Dzień dobry! 
  • “Good evening.” – Dobry wieczór. 

When starting an informal conversation, you can simply say:

  • “Hi!” – Cześć! / Siema!

When you’re on the receiving end, you can say:

  • “Hello?” – Tak, słucham? / Halo? 
  • “[Name] speaking.” – [Name], słucham.

Another way to answer the phone in Polish is with the very informal “Yes?” – Tak?

What are some other ways of greeting people in Polish when not on the phone? See our lesson “Saying Hello No Matter the Time of Day” to find out! 

2. Introducing Yourself on the Phone

After someone picks up the phone, you’re expected to introduce yourself. Being able to give a self-introduction is crucial in many contexts, not just on the phone. Here’s a lesson where you can learn more about self-introductions and another on introducing yourself in a business meeting

Here are two common Polish telephone phrases for introductions: 

  • “[Name] speaking.” – Z tej strony [name]… 
  • “Is this [name]?” – Czy rozmawiam z [name – instrumental case]? 

Informally, we can be more relaxed and say: 

  • “It’s me, [given name].” – To ja [given name].
  • “[Given name] speaking.” –  Mówi [given name]. 

When you’re the receiver of the call, you can use one of these formal phrases: 

  • “How can I help you?” – W czym mogę pomóc? / W czym mogę służyć?

Informally, you can stick to: 

  • “(Sorry,) who am I speaking to?” – (Przepraszam,) z kim rozmawiam?

As you can see, people speak with a higher degree of politeness when the context is formal. In Polish, this is expressed through verb forms as well as word choice.  

3. Stating the Reason for Your Call

A Person on the Phone while Riding on Public Transportation

Now, it’s time to tell the receiver why you’re calling them in the first place. This is an important element of phone etiquette. Here are a few common Polish phone call phrases you can use here:

  • “I’m calling about…” – Dzwonię w sprawie…  
  • “I’d like to speak to…” – Chciałbym / Chciałabym rozmawiać z…

    For a male and female speaker, respectively.

  • “I have a question about…” – Mam pytanie w sprawie… 

In more casual contexts, you can allow yourself to be a bit more straightforward and use the second person singular: 

  • “Do you remember…?” – Pamiętasz…? 
  • “Do you know by any chance…?” – Wiesz może…? / Znasz może…?
  • “Can you recommend…?” –  Możesz mi polecić…? 

While this article isn’t about Polish verbs, we highly recommend you check out this article on Wikipedia to learn more about different verb forms in Polish. Additionally, you can upgrade your vocabulary with our article on the top 100 Polish verbs.

4. Asking to Speak to Someone

Sometimes, the person who picks up the phone is not who you were hoping to speak to. Luckily, there are a few expressions you can rely on when this happens: 

  • “Could I speak to [name]?” – Czy mogę rozmawiać z [name – instrumental case]?
  • “Could you call [name]?” – Czy można prosić do telefonu [name – instrumental case]?

In casual contexts, try the following phrases: 

  • “Can you pass [name]?” – Dasz [name – instrumental case]?
  • “Is [name] there?” –  Jest [name]?

If you want to impress people with your Polish skills by making a joke, you can also quote the Polish cult movie and political satire Seksmisja (Sexmission): Dzień dobry, czy zastałem Jolkę? (“Hello, is Jolka there?”) 

5. Asking Someone to Wait

A Person on the Phone with a Remote in Their Hand

If the person on the other end has asked for information about something or wants to be transferred, you may need to ask them to wait a moment. Here are a few formal Polish phone phrases you can use to do this: 

  • “Please wait a second.” – Proszę chwileczkę poczekać/zaczekać. 
  • “I’ll check in a second.” – Zaraz sprawdzę. 
  • “I’m asking him now.” –  Już go/ją proszę.
  •  “Unfortunately, he’s/she’s not here.” – Niestety go/jej nie ma.

As always, informal circumstances allow you to get straight to the point: 

  • “Wait a second.” – Zaczekaj chwilę… 
  • “I’m not sure whether he/she is here. I’ll check.” – Nie wiem czy jest. Sprawdzę. 

6. Asking for Clarification

During a Polish phone conversation, you may have difficulty hearing or understanding the other person. Below, you’ll find some expressions you can use to ask for clarification or repetition. Keep in mind that for each phrase, the first version we give is for when the other person is male. 

  • “Sorry, could you say that again?” – Przepraszam, czy może Pan/Pani powtórzyć?
  • “I’m sorry, but I’m having a hard time hearing you.” – Przepraszam, ale słabo Pana/Panią słyszę. 
  • “Could you spell your name/surname for me, please?” – Czy może Pan/Pani przeliterować swoje imię/nazwisko?  

And here are some phrases you might use during an informal conversation:

  • “Repeat, please.” – Powtórz, proszę.
  • “I almost can’t hear you.” – Prawie Cię nie słyszę. 
  • “Can you repeat your name, please?” – Możesz powtórzyć jak masz na imię?

Do you need more help in this regard? Then make sure to visit our lesson “Can You Say it Again in Polish?” 

7. Leaving a Message

A Man Writing Down a Message for Someone

What if the person you’re trying to reach is unavailable? You should have the opportunity to leave a message for them, so here are a few Polish phone call phrases you can use in this situation:

  • “Could I leave a message?” – Czy mógłbym zostawić wiadomość?
  • “Could you pass a message?” – Czy mogłaby Pani (f) / mógłby Pan (m) coś przekazać?
  • “Could you ask them to call me back?” – Czy może Pani (f) / Pan (m) poprosić, żeby do mnie oddzwonili?

And here are some options for informal contexts: 

  • “Could you pass a message?” – Możesz mu coś przekazać? 
  • “Can you ask him/her to call me back?” – Możesz go/ją poprosić, żeby do mnie oddzwonił/oddzwoniła?

Are you the one who’s been given the task of passing on a Polish message? Click on the link to find out how to do this. 

8. Time to Say Goodbye

When it’s time to finish a Polish phone conversation, these phrases may come in handy: 

  • “Thank you for your help! Goodbye!” – Dziękuję za pomoc, do widzenia!
  • “Have a nice day!” – Miłego dnia! 
  • “I’ll speak to you soon!” – Do usłyszenia!

As the receiver of the call, you may want to say: 

  • “Is there anything else I can help with?” – Czy mogę jeszcze jakoś pomóc? 
  • “I’m wishing you a good day!” – Życzę miłego dnia!

Are you ending a conversation with a friend? Try these expressions:

  • “Thanks for your help.” – Dzięki za pomoc. 
  • “Bye!” – Na razie! / Pa!

Do you know any other ways to say goodbye in Polish? Visit our lesson to add three more phrases to your vocabulary! 

9. Sample Phone Conversations

Someone Picking Up a Phone

Now that you’ve learned several Polish telephone phrases, it’s time to see how they might be used in real life. Below, you’ll find two dialogue examples: one informal and one formal. 


    Halo? – “Hello?”

    Cześć Ania! Mówi Ola! – “Hello Ania. It’s Ola.”

    Cześć Ola! – “Hi Ola!”

    Masz jakieś plany na jutro? Może wyskoczyłybyśmy na lunch? – “Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Maybe we could grab lunch together?”

    Świetny pomysł! O której? – “Great idea! What time?”

    Pasuje Ci 12:30? – “Will 12:30 work for you?”

    Trochę za wcześnie. Może być 13? – “It’s a bit too early. Can we do one o’clock?”

    Mi pasuje. Tam gdzie zwykle? – “Works for me. Shall we meet in our usual spot?”

    Nie, spróbujmy coś nowego? Może Cafe Nero? – “No, let’s try something new. How about Cafe Nero?”

    Brzmi super! Zrobię rezerwację! – “Sounds great! I’ll make a booking.”

    Dzięki, do zobaczenia! – “Thanks, see you!”

    Do zobaczenia! – “See you!”

It’s important not to be late to your Polish meeting. Setting up an appointment with a friend and being on time isn’t enough, though. You still need to make a booking for a restaurant, and that needs to be done using more formal language. To give you an idea, here’s what a formal phone call in Polish might sound like: 


    Cafe Nero, słucham? – “Cafe Nero, hello?”

    Witam, chciałabym zarezerwować stolik dla dwóch osób. – “Hello! I’d like to book a table for two people.”

    Na kiedy? – “For when?”

    Na jutro, na lunch. – “For lunch tomorrow.”

    Na którą godzinę? – “For what time?”

    Na 13. – “For one o’clock.”

    Oczywiście, żaden problem. Na kogo jest rezerwacja? – “Certainly, no problem. Under what name?”

    Na Olę. – “Ola.”

    Świetnie. W takim razie do zobaczenia jutro! – “Great. I’ll see you tomorrow then!”

    Do widzenia. – “Goodbye!”

If you’re wondering how Ania and Ola will order lunch once they’re in the restaurant, click on the link. You can also visit our lessons At the Table” and “Check, please!” to learn even more handy phrases. 

10. Final Thoughts

Being able to have a telephone conversation in Polish is an important skill for you to learn. To do so successfully, you need to know both formal and informal Polish phone phrases and how to use them. We hope that our article has helped you feel more confident in this respect. Let us know in the comments what your first telephone conversation in Polish will be!

Of course, you’ll need to know much more than the phrases outlined in this article to communicate in different day-to-day situations. In order to reach a more advanced level, you’ll need a comprehensive Polish learning course. And this is exactly what PolishPod101 gives you!

With countless recordings by native speakers and engaging lessons on a variety of topics, we’ll ensure you never have a dull moment. You’ll start to notice your comprehension and speaking skills improve before you know it.

Don’t hesitate. Create your free lifetime account today! 

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