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The Best Polish Foods to Develop Your Palate


Did you know that learning Polish can help you order delicious food? 

Polish food (polskie jedzenie) is really diverse and tasty, so you should definitely give it a try next time you’re in Poland. If a trip to this beautiful country isn’t an option right now, you can also visit a Polish restaurant in your area or try out the simple recipes we’ve included at the end of this article. 

Discovering the tastiest Polish dishes (polskie potrawy) and experiencing them for yourself will take your language learning to a whole new level!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Let's Cook in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Must-Try Dishes
  2. Unique Polish Food
  3. Talking About Food in Polish
  4. Easy Polish Food Recipes
  5. Final Thoughts

1. Must-Try Dishes

A Polish Christmas Table

There are many different Polish dishes, and this doesn’t always make your choice at a Polish restaurant easy. To make your life a bit easier, we’ve prepared a list of must-try traditional Polish foods. 

A- Have You Tried Pierogi?

Pierogi are among the most popular Polish dishes. Put simply, they’re Polish dumplings with fillings. They take quite a bit of time and effort to prepare, which is why it’s easiest to just order them in a restaurant. 

Pierogi exist, sometimes under different names, in many countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In Poland, they can contain sweet or savory fillings. The most popular ones are pierogi with meat, but there’s a whole range of pierogi suitable for vegetarians: 

  • with cabbage and mushroom (z kapustą i grzybami)
  • with Polish blueberries (z jagodami)
  • with cheese (z serem)
  • with cottage cheese, potato, and onion (so-called Russian pierogi, or pierogi ruskie)

Polish food is quite meaty in general, so vegan Polish food isn’t easy to find. However, some places do prepare vegan versions of traditionally non-vegan meals.    

B- Bigos for Meat-Lovers

Bigos is often translated as Hunter’s Stew. It’s a rich Polish dish made with meats, sauerkraut, mushrooms, and fresh cabbage. Traditionally, bigos is prepared over the course of a few days with repeated refrigeration and cooking to enhance the flavor. 

Polish Soups  

You can’t talk about traditional Polish food without mentioning Polish soups. 

The middle meal (obiad) in Poland used to consist of two dishes: pierwsze danie and drugie danie. Soup was served first, followed by the main meal. Polish people today follow more Western eating traditions, but the traditional way of eating resulted in numerous soup recipes. 

Here are some that you should definitely try when you have a chance: 

  • Barszcz (“Borscht”) – a beetroot soup often served with small dumplings called uszka

  • Zupa pomidorowa (“Tomato soup”) – a soup made from tomatoes, often served with cream and rice

  • Zupa ogórkowa (“Cucumber soup”) – considered by some to be the best Polish food, made from sour cucumbers and served with potatoes

  • Rosół (“Polish chicken soup”) – a soup traditionally made with chicken broth and served with pasta (makaron) or small dumplings (uszka)

  • Żurek (“Polish barley soup”) – a soup made from fermented rye, often served with egg (jajko) and kiełbasa (Polish sausage)

[The Polish Soup Żurek

Are you keen to try any of these? You can ask around or search online for Polish cuisine restaurants in your area. If you’re unable to find any, you can try similar cuisines instead. Due to similarities between certain dishes, you can still get a close approximation of Polish food by eating in Russian or Ukrainian restaurants. 

I don’t have a Polish food store near me, but I still manage to find many ingredients in German shops (sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers) and many prepared dishes in Jewish shops (herring, gefilte fish, poppy seed roll). 

2. Unique Polish Food

There are certain dishes that feel uniquely Polish to a Pole, due to the traditions associated with them.

One such tradition is Fat Thursday. The last Thursday before Lent is a day when you can allow yourself to indulge in food. Many Polish people believe that eating a lot on this day will bring good luck for the whole year. The two most popular Fat Thursday delicacies are Polish donuts (pączki) and angel wings (faworki).


Have a sweet tooth already? Here are some Polish cakes you should try: 

  • Sękacz – a layered cake with icing sugar; also known as spit cake because it’s made using a rotating spit
  • Szarlotka – a Polish apple pie, notable for its crust and cinnamon
  • Ciasto rabarbarowe – rhubarb cake

Another Polish dish worth mentioning is sałatka jarzynowa (vegetable salad). This is a popular Polish food for Easter or Christmas. The ingredients may vary depending on the region, but you can usually expect pickles, peas, carrots, apples, and loads of mayo in the mix.

3. Talking About Food in Polish

Our job at PolishPod101 is, first and foremost, to help you speak Polish. So now that you’re good and hungry for some authentic Polish cuisine, it’s time to learn some relevant Polish vocabulary. 

A- Describing Food 

Let’s start with some Polish words for describing flavor.

  • słodki (“sweet”)
  • gorzki (“bitter”)
  • kwaśny (“sour”)
  • słony (“salty”)
  • ostry (“spicy”)

You can also express your opinion about flavors by adding the word za (“too”). For example: za słodki (“too sweet”).

A Happy Person Eating

Here’s some vocabulary to express what you think about your meal: 

  • Pycha! (“Delicious!”)
  • Smaczne! (“Tasty!”)
  • Niebo w gębie! (“Delicious!” but literally, “Heaven in mouth!”)
  • niedogotowany (“undercooked”)
  • rozgotowany (“overcooked”)
  • niedobry (“not good”)

You can learn more useful food vocabulary on our list “What’s Your Favorite Polish Food?

B- Ordering Food

Already booking a table at your nearest Polish food restaurant? Below you’ll find some vocabulary to help you order food in Polish like a pro.

A Waiter Taking an Order

Here are some things that a waiter may say to you:

  • Co [mogę] podać? (“What would you like to order?”)
  • Co do picia? (“What would you like to drink?”)
  • A na deser? (“And for dessert?”)
  • Płatność [będzie] kartą, czy gotówką? (“Cash or card?”)
  • Płacicie państwo razem czy osobno? (“Are you paying separately or together?”)

Here are some words and expressions you can use for choosing your meal at a Polish restaurant:

  • Poproszę kotlet schabowy? (“Can I have a pork cutlet, please?”)

Poproszę is always followed by the accusative case, biernik

  • Czy macie Państwo piwo z nalewaka? (“Do you have draft beer?”)
  • Czy mogę zamówić to danie, ale bez cebuli? (“Can I order this dish but with no onion?”)
  • Co Pan/Pani poleca? (“What do you recommend, Sir/Ma’am?”)
  • Nie, dziękuję. (“No, thank you.”)
  • Tak, poproszę. (“Yes, thank you.”)

Visit our vocabulary list of Useful Phrases for Ordering Food to learn even more. 

C- Cooking Vocabulary

A Tomato being Chopped

Do you want to try all of the Polish food favorites we mentioned but are low on options? Don’t despair! Brush up on your Polish cooking vocabulary and find some easy Polish recipes online to recreate the experience yourself. Here’s a handful of expressions you’ll need: 

  • gotować (“to cook”)
  • piec (“to bake”)
  • smażyć (“to fry”)
  • mieszać (“to mix”)
  • kroić (“to cut”)
  • przyprawiać (“to spice”)
  • solić (“to salt”)
  • przypalić (“to burn”)
  • nalać (“to pour”)
  • probować (“to taste”)

Learn more vocabulary related to cooking with these lessons:

  1. Cooking
  2. Cooking in the Kitchen
  3. Home Cooking
  4. Cooking Related Actions

4. Easy Polish Food Recipes

We’ve prepared a few easy Polish food recipes for you to enjoy at home as soon as you finish reading this article.


A- Mizeria (Cucumber Salad)

A Sliced Cucumber

This Polish dish is super-easy to make. It’s often served in Polish households as a side dish.

You’ll need:

  • 2 long cucumbers (ogórki)
  • Pinch of salt (sól)
  • Pinch of sugar (cukier)
  • Lemon juice (sok z cytryny)
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream (śmietana)

1. Slice cucumbers thinly. Put them in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Get rid of excess liquid. 

2. Mix salt and sugar with a splash of lemon juice and the sour cream in a different bowl. Pour it over the cucumbers. Chill before serving.

Note: Some people add dill and/or pepper to mizeria. You may want to experiment to find what works best for you. 

B- Zapiekanka (Polish Pizza Bread)

The Polish street food zapiekanki is probably the most popular. They’re cheap and delicious, and most importantly, you can make them at home.

You’ll need:

  • 1 baguette (bagietka) or different long white bread
  • 300g of cheese (ser), like cheddar or gouda 
  • Ketchup
  • Optional: mushrooms (grzyby

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Slice the baguette open. Depending on the length, you may want to divide the long pieces in two. 

2. Grate the cheese. Place the cheese on the bread. 

3. Place in the oven. Wait until the cheese melts and the bread gets crusty (approx. 5-10 minutes). 

4. Apply ketchup generously. You can also add fried mushrooms to cover the cheese before adding ketchup. 

C- Śledzik (Polish Herring)

This is the simplest recipe of the three. Look for roll-mops (or pickled herring in cream) in a store. Serve on a plate with pickled cucumbers as an appetizer.

Don’t forget to check out our video lesson Polish Recipes for Fluency!

5. Final Thoughts

A Polish Dish - Kotlet Schabowy

I hope that you’ve enjoyed our article about traditional Polish food. We’ve not only introduced you to the best Polish cuisine items, but we’ve also shown you that you can prepare authentic Polish food in your own home using easily available ingredients—even if there are no Polish stores or restaurants nearby. 

Have you ever tried Polish cuisine? Which Polish dishes have you tried already? Let us know in the comments!

Polish food can be an amazing incentive to learn the Polish language. Here’s a fun idea: You can give yourself a pączek (Polish donut) every week that you study Polish every day! 

Nevertheless, no matter how many Polish dishes you try, they won’t teach you the language. Fortunately, PolishPod101 is here to help you. Start your free trial today and get access to countless resources such as audio and video lessons featuring native speakers, themed vocabulary lists, and a word bank. 

Don’t drag your heels—join us today!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Let's Cook in Polish

Polish Quotes for Every Occasion


When you’re seeking life advice, where better to turn than to the words of those you respect and admire? 

In today’s world, quoting famous people is more popular than ever. From the musings of our favorite celebrities and authors to the life advice from some of the world’s greatest thinkers and visionaries, there’s no shortage of wise words to reflect upon and apply to our lives.

In this article, you’ll learn some of the most popular Polish quotes. We’ve included quotes that are native to Polish, as well as several quotes from other languages that have been translated into Polish. 

In learning these quotes in the Polish language, you’ll gain more cultural insight into how Poles view the world, pick up on certain elements of the language, and ultimately gain access to more wisdom than would normally be available to you. 

Ready to learn Polish quotes for every occasion? Let’s go!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Uplifting Quotes
  2. Quotes About Love
  3. Quotes About Family
  4. Quotes About Success
  5. Quotes About Language Learning
  6. The Best Polish Quotes
  7. Final Thoughts

1. Uplifting Quotes

A Blue Butterfly

We all need a pep talk sometimes, and that’s where uplifting quotes come into play. Below, you’ll find a number of Polish quotes about life and other quotes that translate well into Polish.

Co nas nie zabije, to nas wzmocni. 

In English: “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

This is a phrase you’ve certainly heard many times before. But you may not know that the author of this saying is Friedrich Nietzsche, the famous German philosopher. This quote is so popular that the Polish version has made its way into everyday life in Poland. 

Proście, a będzie wam dane, szukajcie, a znajdziecie.

In English: “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find.”

The Polish language also makes use of many quotes from the Bible, with this one being quite common. In Polish, we often use only the second half of the saying: Szukajcie, a znajdziecie.

Ważne, że żyjesz w zgodzie ze sobą, nikogo nie udajesz i przed niczym nie uciekasz. Kiedy jesteś świadomie sobą i kochasz ten stan – jesteś szczęśliwy.

In English: “It’s important to live according to what you feel is right, without pretending you’re somebody else and running away from something. When you live like this and you enjoy it, that’s when you’re happy.”

Many popular Polish quotes about life are from famous Polish people and celebrities. This quote is from the well-known Polish traveler, Beata Pawlikowska. 

Przyszłość zaczyna się dzisiaj, nie jutro.

In English: “The future starts today, not tomorrow.”

Many Poles are Catholic and they hold the late Polish pope, John Paul II, in high esteem. As such, many of his quotes and sayings are commonly used in the country. 

Bądź zmianą, którą chcesz ujrzeć w świecie.

In English: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Of course, Polish people also know and use famous quotes from globally recognized moral authorities, such as Gandhi.

2. Quotes About Love

A Man Carrying His Girlfriend Near a Waterfall

Polish love quotes can be both beautiful and practical. Who hasn’t been madly in love with someone, suffered from a breakup, or had a disagreement with a loved one? It’s amazing what the right words at the right time can do to heal your heart or bring you back down to earth!

We hope that the following quotes in Polish about love give you hope and bring a smile back to your face. 

Kto nie ma szczęścia w kartach, ten ma szczęście w miłości. 

In English: “Who is not lucky at cards is lucky in love.” / “Lucky at cards, unlucky in love.”

This is one of the most popular sayings about love in Polish.

Pierwsze westchnienie miłości to ostatnie westchnienie rozumu!

In English: “The first breath of love is the last breath of reason.”

Here’s another light quote on love. It’s from the famous Polish children’s book author, Kornel Makuszyński.

Lepiej być samemu, niż z niewłaściwą osobą.

In English: “It’s better to be single than with the wrong person.”

This quote is often used in response to someone complaining about their single status! 

3. Quotes About Family

A Happy Family

Family is a cornerstone of any society, so it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of family quotes in Polish! Here, we’ll outline just a few of them for you.

Rodzina to nie krew. To ludzie, którzy cię kochają. Ludzie, którzy cię wspierają.

In English: “Family isn’t blood. It’s the people who love you. The people who have your back.”

Just because someone is related to you by blood doesn’t mean they’ll always be there for you. Rather, family consists of those people you can always count on and who truly care for you.

Wszystkie szczęśliwe rodziny są do siebie podobne. Każda nieszczęśliwa rodzina jest nieszczęśliwa na swój sposób.

In English: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

This quote from Leo Tolstoy means that a happy family is one in which every aspect of the relationship is fulfilled. On the other hand, a family could be unhappy for any number of reasons.

4. Quotes About Success

People Who Have Completed a Hike

Quotes about success can be helpful in finding motivation and pushing your life in a good direction. Famous people understandably know a lot about how to get where you want to be. Here are some motivational quotes in Polish to give you a nudge in the right direction.

Chodzi o to, żeby strzelić jedną bramkę więcej od przeciwnika.

In English: “What it’s all about is scoring one more goal than your opponent.”

Well-known Polish poet Roman Gorzelski thought that succeeding shouldn’t become an obsession; rather, one should take a more practical approach to getting ahead.

Sukces: coś, czego przyjaciele nigdy ci nie wybaczą.

In English: “Success is something that your friends will never forgive you for.”

Another famous Polish poet, Julian Tuwin, warns us to be careful when wishing for success.

Kogo szczęście wyniesie, niech się upaść boi.

In English: “Who’s elevated by luck, should be scared of falling down.”

Polish writer and poet Mikołaj Rej gives us yet another warning about striving for success. Never get too comfortable with your status, because you could lose it in a moment if you’re not diligent!

Zwyciężają ci, co najwięcej mają odwagi dla siebie i od siebie żądać.

In English: “Winners are those who have the courage to have expectations towards themselves.”

Now that we have the warnings out of the way, let’s look at a couple of inspirational Polish quotes, starting with these words from the Polish philosopher and writer Stanisław Leopold Brzozowski.

Człowiek sukcesu to taki, który jest w stanie stworzyć solidne fundamenty z cegieł, które inni rzucili w niego.

In English: “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”

Let’s end this section with an uplifting quote by David Brinkley. This one happens to translate quite well into Polish. 

5. Quotes About Language Learning

PolishPod101 Logo

There are many quotes about learning languages that can encourage you to continue your language studies. In this section, we’ll look at some beautiful quotes in Polish that focus on the impact of language learning on one’s life. 

Nowy język, nowe życie.

In English: “A new language is a new life.”

This motivational quote is derived from a Persian proverb. When you learn another language, it opens up so many new doors and lets you see things from a new perspective.

Nie zrozumiesz jednego języka, dopóki nie zrozumiesz co najmniej dwóch.

In English: “You can never understand one language until you understand at least two.”

This quote means that understanding a second language allows you to better understand your own language. Learning your native tongue is something you’re forced to do, and once you’ve learned it, you never really have to think much about it. But when you study a second language, it makes you think hard about the different elements of language itself.

Granice mojego języka oznaczają granice mojego świata.

In English: “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”

We can experience the world in a completely different way when we know another language. Just imagine visiting Warsaw or Krakow and being able to speak with the locals in their native language. It’d completely change your travel experience and the way people react to you. 

Jeśli rozmawiasz z człowiekiem w języku, który rozumie, trafia to do jego głowy. Jeśli rozmawiasz z nim w jego ojczystym języku, trafia to do jego serca.

In English: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

Here, Nelson Mandela is saying that while it’s possible to communicate effectively in a common language, speaking with someone in their own language will leave a great impression on them. 

Dobrym lekarstwem na ignorancję…jest znajomość języków. 

In English: “The great remedy for ignorance…is a knowledge of languages.”

If someone ever questions your motivation or reasons for learning Polish, you can always reply with this quote from Saint Augustine. Learning a language can give you a broader perspective of the world, thus eliminating your ignorance of other cultures or topics.

6. The Best Polish Quotes

A Polish Flag

Now you know what benefits to expect from learning another language. But what can learning Polish offer you that other languages can’t? Full access to Polish culture! 

Here are some of the greatest Polish quotes to give you just a sample of what I’m talking about.

Lepiej zaliczać się do niektórych, niż do wszystkich. 

In English: “It’s better to be among some than everyone.”

This quote comes from the first part of the famous fantasy saga about Geralt of Rivia called The Witcher (Wiedźmin). Created by Andrzej Sapkowski in the nineties, the saga was turned into a series of extremely popular computer games and a Netflix series.  

Miej serce i patrzaj w serce

In English: “Have a heart and consult your heart.”

This is a quote from one of the most famous (and probably most disliked by Polish school children) writer Adam Mickiewicz, who was prominent in the Romantic Era.

Mickiewicz wasn’t around long enough to qualify for a Nobel Prize in literature, but there have been a number of Polish authors who’ve obtained it. In fact, the next quote comes from the recent Nobel Prize winner, Olga Tokarczuk.

Najlepiej rozmawia się samemu ze sobą. Przynajmniej nie dochodzi do nieporozumień. 

In English: “It’s best to talk to oneself, that way you can avoid misunderstandings.”

Żadna legenda nie bierze się z próżni.

In English: “No legend emerges from a vacuum.”

Here’s a quote from Jakub Żulczyk, a member of the new generation of Polish writers.

    → Remember to brush up on your vocabulary before heading to a Polish bookstore. Start with easy Polish books and continue with more challenging reads as your language skills progress.

Jak kochać to księcia, jak kraść to miliony. 

In English: “If you fall in love, fall in love with a prince. If you steal, steal millions.”

Here’s a universal quote from the Polish romantic comedy Nigdy w życiu (“Never Ever”).

Learning Polish opens up the world of Polish cinema to you. Polish movies are full of quotes like this one, which are commonly used in the Polish language and often referenced in conversations. To understand many of them, you need to watch certain movies, and to watch these movies…you need to speak Polish. 

7. Final Thoughts

Today, you’ve learned some inspirational Polish quotes that can help you find some motivation or a solution to your problems. Which quote is your favorite? Let us know in the comments. 

Becoming fluent in Polish would, of course, give you access to much more than just these famous Polish quotes and quotes translated into Polish. 

Start your free trial with PolishPod101 today to begin your journey toward Polish fluency. With us, you’ll get access to countless recordings by native speakers, hundreds of lessons, and numerous vocabulary lists. 

Happy learning, and stay safe out there!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish

Essential Business Phrases in Polish


Many people start learning Polish because they want to live and work in Poland. However, even if this is not your goal, knowing essential business phrases in Polish can help you impress your international clients and broaden your career horizons.

The Polish business phrases included in this article will help you nail a job interview in Polish, interact with coworkers, and find your feet in many other business situations. Let’s boost your business Polish skills together!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Nailing a Job Interview
  2. Interacting with Coworkers
  3. Sounding Smart in Meetings
  4. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails
  5. Going on a Business Trip
  6. Final Thoughts

1. Nailing a Job Interview

Job Interview

Are you preparing for a job interview in Poland or with a company that requires you to speak Polish? No problem! With these key business phrases in Polish, you’ll nail your job interview and impress your potential employer.

A- First Things First – Introductions

Introducing yourself is the most important part of your job interview, because first impressions last. You can win the hearts of your interviewers from the very beginning with a confident self-introduction. 

  • Nazywam się ___. (“My name is ___.”)

Here, you can simply state your name and surname. There are many other ways of introducing yourself in Polish, which you can read about in our article on Polish introductions.

Seeing that it’s a job interview, your interviewers would also like to hear about your education and work experience. Tell them about it with the following phrases. Note that for the first two phrases, the first one is for a male speaker and the second one is for a female speaker. 

  • Ukończyłem [faculty] na [name of the educational institution]. (“I’ve graduated from [faculty] at [name of the educational institution].”)
  • Ukończyłam [faculty] na [name of the educational institution]. (“I’ve graduated from [faculty] at [name of the educational institution].”)
  • Mam ___ lat/a doświadczenia. (“I have ___ years of experience.”) 

B- Talking About Your Strengths and Weaknesses

A Man with a Giant Behind Him

Your interviewers want to know you better, so, when prompted, tell them about your strengths and weaknesses. 

  • Moje największe zalety to ___. (“My biggest advantages are ___.”)
  • Umiem współpracować w zespole. (“I’m a good team player.”)
  • Jestem niezależny. (“I’m an independent worker.”) – male speaker
  • Jestem niezależna. (“I’m an independent worker.”) – female speaker
  • Moje największe osiągnięcie to ___. (“My biggest achievement is ___.”)
  • Moje największe wady to ___. (“My biggest disadvantages are ___.”)

Remember to be strategic when talking about your weaknesses. If you’re not sure how to do so, check out this article from Forbes on how to discuss your weaknesses during an interview.

C- Other Useful Phrases

There’s also a handful of other professional Polish phrases you can use throughout the interview. 

  • Chciałbym pracować dla Państwa firmy, ponieważ ___. (“I’d like to work for your company because ___.”) – male speaker
  • Chciałabym pracować dla Państwa firmy, ponieważ ___. (“I’d like to work for your company because ___.”) – female speaker
  • Przepraszam, czy może Pan/Pani powtórzyć pytanie? (“Excuse me, could you repeat the question Sir/Madam?”)
  • Dziękuję za zaproszenie na tę rozmowę. (“Thank you for inviting me for this interview.”)

If you still feel like you need more help for your Polish job interview, remember to check out our lesson “A Polish Job Interview” for even more tips. For general advice, The Guardian has a great article on how to shine during your interview.

2. Interacting with Coworkers

A Team in An Office

So, you’ve managed to land a job in a Polish company or a Polish speaking environment? Well done! We hope our interview tips helped you land your dream job.

Now it’s time for the real test: interacting with your coworkers. Don’t worry, though! With these key business phrases in Polish, you’ll be able to form connections with no problems at all. 

A- Introduce Yourself…Again

Introducing yourself to new coworkers is slightly different from doing so for a job interview. Here’s how to give a self-introduction in a neat and professional manner: 

  • Cześć! Jestem ___ i będę tu pracować jako ___! (“Hi! My name is ___ and I’m going to work here as ___.”)

Polish workplaces differ in terms of formality, so remember to pay attention to how people address one another. Keep in mind the “better safe than sorry” rule. 

B- When You Need Help 

Here are some useful expressions for when you need some help in your new workplace or when you need to apologize for something.

  • Przepraszam, jestem tu nowy. Możesz mi powiedzieć, gdzie jest [place]? (“I’m new here. Could you tell me where to find [place]?”) – male speaker
  • Przepraszam, jestem tu nowa. Możesz mi powiedzieć, gdzie jest [place]? (“I’m new here. Could you tell me where to find [place]?”) – female speaker
  • Przepraszam, czy możesz mi z tym pomóc? (“Excuse me, can you help me with this?”)
  • Dzięki za pomoc! (“Thanks for helping me!”)

A more formal alternative to the phrase above would be: Dziękuje za pomoc!

  • Przepraszam za spóźnienie. (“I’m sorry for being late.”)
  • Przepraszam, nie rozumiem. (“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”)

For more-specific phrases to use when asking for help in a difficult business situation, visit our lesson on this topic. 

C- Making Friends

It’s always easier to work in a place where you get along well with people, which is why you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of making friends. When doing business in Poland, an easy way to make someone look at you more kindly is to give them a compliment. For example, this is something you could say to someone whose hairstyle you like: 

  • Super fryzura! (“Cool haircut!”)

To learn Polish compliments for every occasion, go to our article on giving compliments in Polish. If you’re not convinced that giving compliments can be a successful technique for making friends, Express has some more insight for you

You can also initiate interactions with someone outside of work by asking:

  • Może wyskoczymy na kawę? (“Should we grab a coffee?”)
  • Chcesz zjeść razem lunch? (“Do you want to eat lunch together?”)
  • Wyskoczymy na piwo po pracy? (“How about a beer after work?”)
Business Phrases

3. Sounding Smart in Meetings

In order to stand out in a workplace, you need to sound smart. Check out the Polish business phrases below to learn how to do that. 

A- Taking Initiative and Expressing Opinions

Here are some handy expressions for when you want to share your thoughts on something that’s been said: 

  • Chciałbym zaprezentować wam mój nowy pomysł. (“I’d like to tell you about my new idea.”) – male speaker
  • Chciałabym zaprezentować wam mój nowy pomysł. (“I’d like to tell you about my new idea.”) – female speaker
  • Jeśli mogę dodać coś od siebie? (“Could I make a suggestion?”)

Need more? You can find more vocabulary for making a suggestion in Polish on our website.  

If you disagree with someone, you could also use one of these Polish business phrases to soften the blow of your criticism. 

  • Nie uważasz, że lepiej byłoby ___? (“Don’t you think that it would be better to ___?”)
  • Wiem, co masz na myśli, ale nie do końca się z Tobą zgadzam. (“I know what you mean, but I don’t fully agree with you.”)

When you agree with someone, simply say: 

  • Zgadzam się Tobą w pełni. (“I fully agree with you.”)

B- Reporting on Progress

When you’re given a specific task, you may be asked by your manager or coworkers to report on your progress. Here’s how you can do this: 

  • Wszystko idzie zgodnie z planem. (“Everything is going according to plan.”)
  • Na pewno skończę przed deadlinem. (“I’ll be finished before the deadline, for sure.”)
  • Powinienem mieć wszystko gotowe na [day of the week]. (“I should have everything ready on [day of the week].”) – male speaker
  • Powinnam mieć wszystko gotowe na [day of the week]. (“I should have everything ready on [day of the week].”) – female speaker

Sometimes, unforeseeable situations happen and you can’t complete a task as planned. Here’s how to let others know that you’ve encountered a problem or need more time:

  • Mamy problem. (“We have a problem.”)
  • Nie zdążę na czas. (“I won’t make it on time.”)
  • Potrzebuję więcej czasu. (“I need more time.”)

Are you feeling nervous about requesting a deadline extension at work? Indeed has some practical tricks and strategies!

4. Handling Business Phone Calls and Emails 

Answering phone calls and responding to emails are important skills in any business. In this section, we’ll provide you with some useful Polish for business phone calls and emails.

A- Answering Business Calls in Polish  

A Woman on the Phone in the Office

Here are some useful business Polish phrases that you can use during a business call.

  • Dzień dobry, mówi ___. W czym mogę pomóc? (“Hello, it’s ___ speaking. How may I help you?”)

Instead of dzień dobry, you can also say Halo? (“Hello?”) or Słucham? (literally: “I’m listening,” but translates to “Hello?”)

  • Niestety nie ma jej/go. Czy mogę coś przekazać? (“Unfortunately, she/he isn’t in. Can I take a message?”)

The phrase above is perfect for when someone is trying to reach your colleague who’s currently not in.

To say goodbye, simply repeat these words:

  • [Dziękuję,] do usłyszenia! (“[Thank you,] I’ll chat with you soon!”)

B- Sending Business Emails 

Depending on the required formality, there are various Polish business phrases you can use for work emails. It’s up to you to figure out what kind of relationship your company prefers. 

Below, you can find common ways to start a business email in Polish. We’ll list them from the least formal to the most formal: 

  • Cześć! (“Hi!”) 
  • Cześć + [name]! (“Hi + [name]!”)

These first two phrases are only acceptable if this is how you address that person in real life, too. 

  • Witam (“Hello”) 
  • Witam + [name] (“Hello + [name]”)
  • Dzień Dobry (“Good morning”)
  • Dzień Dobry + [name] (“Good morning + [name]”)
  • Szanowny Panie / Szanowna Pani (“Dear Sir” / “Dear Madam”)
  • Szanowny Panie / Szanowna Pani + [name] (“Dear Sir + [name]” / “Dear Madam + [name]”)

Note that all of the phrases above are followed by a comma. 

A business email should also be concluded professionally with one of the phrases below: 

  • Serdecznie pozdrawiam, (“Warm Regards,”)
  • Pozdrawiam, (“Regards,”)
  • Z poważaniem, (literally: “With respect,” but translated to “Yours Faithfully,”)

We hope these Polish business phrases will be useful in your correspondence! 

5. Going on a Business Trip

People in Suits Traveling

Going on a business trip in Poland for the first time can be very exciting. You’ll need a number of business phrases in Polish to get around, though!

A- Reservations

Some people are lucky enough to have someone who organizes booking for them. Others need to do this themselves. To book a hotel or purchase a ticket, you should say: 

Chciałbym/Chciałabym zarezerwować pokój… (“I’d like to book a room…”)

                                                            …dla jednej osoby (“for one person”)

                                                            …na dwa tygodnie (“for two weeks”)

                                                            …z wyżywieniem (“with food”)

Chciałbym/Chciałabym zarezerwować bilet… (“I’d like to buy a ticket…”)

                                                            …na jutro (“…for tomorrow”)

                                                            …w klasie biznesowej (“…in a business class”)

                                                            …tam i z powrotem (“…return”)

B- Greetings and Wrapping Up 

When meeting people at the airport or in a hotel lobby during a business trip, the phrase to use is: 

  • Przepraszam, czy to Pan/Pani [name]? (“Excuse me, are you [name]?”)

When you present your Polish company to clients, this lesson from PolishPod101 may come in handy. You should also let people know that there’s no need to rush to a decision by saying: 

  • Nie ma pośpiechu. (“There’s no rush.”)
  • Proszę spokojnie przemyśleć tę decyzję. (“Take your time to arrive at a decision.”)

Remember to remain polite during your business dealings on the trip. Thank your clients or business partners with Polish business phrases like these: 

  • Dziękuję za zaproszenie. (“Thank you for the invitation.”)
  • Dziękuję za spotkanie. (“Thank you for the meeting.”)
  • Dziękuję za uwagę. (“Thank you for your attention.”)

The last expression can be used after a presentation or speech. For more tips on delivering a Polish business presentation, check out our relevant lesson.

A Man Giving a Presentation at Work

6. Final Thoughts

We hope that this guide to the key business phrases in Polish has helped you understand how to communicate in your new work environment. You’ve learned many skills today: how to nail a job interview, how to interact with coworkers, and how to sound smart during a meeting in Poland. Let us know in the comments which business Polish phrases are the most useful in your situation. 

We’ve tried to include the best Polish business phrases in this article, but our website has much more to offer. Would you like to learn how to make small talk in Poland or ask for time off? Start your free trial with PolishPod101 today to fully benefit from all of our resources (not only the business Polish vocabulary!). You can learn Polish for every occasion with us! 

Happy learning, and good luck with your business endeavors.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Business Words and Phrases in Polish

Ostatki in Poland: Do-Nut Miss These Carnival Festivities!

A couple of years ago, we wrote about the famous Fat Thursday in Poland. But really, Fat Thursday only makes up a fraction of a larger holiday season: Ostatki. In this article, we’ll give you a more detailed look at the end-of-Carnival festivities in Poland, from Fat Thursday to the following Fat Tuesday. 

And yes, there are even more donuts involved. 😉

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1. What is Ostatki?

Three People Dressed Up in Carnival Masquerade Attire

The Polish celebration of Ostatki takes place during the final few days leading up to Środa Popielcowa (Ash Wednesday), which is the beginning of Lent. Because Lent is a forty-day post (fast) for practicing Catholics, the days of Ostatki are taken advantage of as a time to overeat, indulge, and just bawić się (have fun). That said, there is no official religion in Poland and the country is known for its secularism, despite having a large Catholic population. Even those not affiliated with the religion can—and do—participate whole-heartedly. 

Let’s clear the air on a topic of some confusion before diving in…

Fat Thursday vs. Fat Tuesday

Because these two holidays have such similar names, many people who are unfamiliar with the celebrations get the two confused. Both days are a part of Ostatki, and the traditions associated with them are very similar. 

Fat Thursday (often called Donut Day) marks the first day of Ostatki. The following week, Fat Tuesday (also called Shrove Tuesday or Śledzik) marks its final day. As you might imagine, these are the two most widely celebrated days of the Ostatki season. 

2. When is Ostatki This Year?

A Man with an Ash Cross on His Forehead Reading the Bible for Ash Wednesday

The dates of Ostatki change each year according to the dates of Lent and Easter. Here’s an overview of its start and end dates for the next ten years. 

  • 2021: February 11 – February 16
  • 2022: February 24 – March 1 
  • 2023: February 16 – February 21
  • 2024: February 8 – February 13
  • 2025: February 27 – March 4
  • 2026: February 12 – February 17
  • 2027: February 4 – February 9
  • 2028: February 24 – February 29
  • 2029: February 8 – February 13
  • 2030: February 28 – March 5

3. Ostatki: A Food-Lover’s Paradise

Several People Dressed in Masquerade Costumes

As mentioned, Ostatki begins on Fat Thursday and ends a few days later on Fat Tuesday. These two days have the most festive celebrations, though there are plenty of activities and much fun to be had in-between as well! 

Fat Thursday in Poland means one thing: donuts, and plenty of them! This is the first day of indulgence before the long period of Lenten wstrzemięźliwość (abstinence), so Poles make a point of enjoying their delightful pączki donuts while they still can. According to tradition, the donuts are not only a decadent treat to be savored, but also a way of warding off bad luck or ill fortune in the coming year. 

Starting from Fat Thursday, people all over Poland take advantage of the several days before Lent to really enjoy themselves. While most Poles still need to work or go to school on these days, it’s not uncommon for bosses, colleagues, teachers, or fellow students to bring pączki with them for others to enjoy. In addition to donuts, people tend to indulge in other fatty or sugary foods as well as alcohol. Another popular sweet on this day is angel wings

On Fat Tuesday, the celebrations reach their climax as this is the final day before Lent begins. Polish Shrove Tuesday traditions are similar to those of Fat Thursday, but in addition to gorging on donuts, many families enjoy a nice dinner together and celebrations outside the home are more lively. 

Throughout Ostatki, many Poles enjoy events such as maskarady (masquerades) and may even attend a bal (ball). Events like these are popular even outside of Poland, in regions that have large Polish communities. Those attending will be dressed up in costumes, usually masquerade-style, and will have the opportunity to eat lots of good traditional foods and alcoholic beverages. 

4. A Brief Pączki History 

Unsurprisingly, one of the most iconic Polish foods is also one that’s been around for quite a while. The Polish began making and consuming pączki in the Middle Ages as a way of using up any remaining perishables (such as butter and eggs) before the Lent fast. In fact, Ostatki translates to “leftovers,” referring to the use of leftover food items. 

Do you know the origin of your favorite sweet treat? 

5. Vocabulary You Should Know for Ostatki in Poland

Traditional Polish Floral Pattern

Here are a few words and phrases you should know before your first Ostatki celebration! 

  • Karnawał (Carnival) – noun, masculine
  • Środa Popielcowa (Ash Wednesday) – proper noun, feminine
  • Wstrzemięźliwość (Abstinence) – noun, feminine
  • Bawić się (Have fun) – verb
  • Śledzik (Shrove Tuesday) – proper noun, masculine
  • Huczny (Rollicking) – adjective
  • Radość (Joy) – noun, feminine
  • Post (Fast) – noun, maculine
  • Maskarada (Masquerade) – noun, feminine
  • Kultura ludowa (Folk culture) – proper noun, feminine
  • Bal (Ball) – noun, masculine

If you want to practice your pronunciation, you can also visit our Ostatki vocabulary list which has audio recordings of each word’s pronunciation for you to practice along with. 

Final Thoughts

Whether you have a wicked sweet tooth, a penchant for alcohol consumption, or are simply enthralled with Polish culture, Ostatki is a can’t-miss event. We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new to motivate your further studies! 

If you would like to visit Poland in the near future or dive deeper into the culture for the sake of your language studies, you can visit the following pages on

If you’re serious about your Polish studies and would like a fun yet effective approach to maximize your efforts, create your free lifetime account on today. We provide numerous audio and video lessons on a range of topics for learners at every level, in addition to free vocabulary lists, a Polish-English dictionary, and spaced repetition flashcards. Better still, you’ll always have the support of our native Polish-speaking teachers and your fellow students. 

Happy learning from the PolishPod101 team! Enjoy a donut for us. 😉

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Learn Polish: YouTube Channels to Improve Your Skills


Studying a second language can be a rewarding experience, but we know that the learning process can be downright boring at times! 

Textbooks, audio lessons, and flashcards are all excellent methods for studying a language. But did you know that as you learn Polish, YouTube can be a great supplementary resource?

The only problem is that if you search for Polish YouTube channels, you’re going to find a wide variety of them, each one promising to help you learn Polish in no time. But not all of them are valuable, and no one YouTube channel can replace a structured course of study.

On, you can go through a tailor-made study path that will help you make fast progress by covering the most important topics. In addition to the countless lessons available on the platform, we also run a YouTube channel to give you even more opportunities to improve your Polish skills. 

The PolishPod101 YouTube channel offers you specific advice on topics that many learners struggle with. Because our hosts are native Polish speakers, watching our videos will give you even more exposure to how the language is spoken in real life. Simply put, it’s the perfect complement to our platform. 

We know that our resources are amazing, but if you want to speed up your progress even more, you can add additional channels to your learning curriculum. 

Before you start with our list of the top Polish YouTube channels for learners, remember to check out our Polish word list “Talking About YouTube.”

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Polski z Anią
  2. Smerfy • Po Polsku
  3. Foreigners in Poland
  4. Chido-Fajny
  5. Audycje Radiowe
  6. Arlena Witt
  7. Mówiąc Inaczej
  8. Koreanka
  9. The PolishPod101 YouTube Channel
  10. Final Thoughts

1. Polski z Anią

A Teacher with a Whiteboard

Polski z Anią is one of the best YouTube channels for learning Polish. It’s run by Ania, an assistant professor at the Polonicum Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners. She explains Polish grammar in plain language that’s easy to understand, and her explanation of cases is spot-on. She has already helped many YouTube users.

Ania speaks Polish clearly and there are English subtitles for people who don’t speak Polish very well yet. There are two seasons available so far, with insightful explanations that cover many different levels while remaining relevant for learners at any level.

2. Smerfy • Po Polsku

A Comic/cartoon Related Image

Category: Cartoon
Level: Beginner – Intermediate

Children from all around the world adore the Smurfs. Like in many cartoons, the stories presented are easy to follow, which makes them a great tool for language learning. In the Polish version of this beloved cartoon, the Smurfs speak slowly and their elocution leaves nothing to be desired. 

There’s not much talking in most episodes and the focus is on the action. This means that learners can enjoy a lot of the story from the context, and then easily rewind to listen to particular phrases. The Smurfs also use everyday vocabulary, which is great for emerging Polish speakers. Are you ready to be a kid again? Smerfastycznie! (“Smurftastic!”)

By the way, did you know that children in Poland have their own special holiday? Click on the link to find out all you need to know about Children’s Day.

3. Foreigners in Poland

A Polish Flag in a Speech Bubble

Category: Language Learning
Level: Any

Unfortunately, this channel is no longer active. It has a small collection of videos with Polish vocabulary for everyday situations. You can learn Polish food vocabulary, expressions for ordering in a restaurant, how to ask for directions, and other useful things. 

This channel is appropriate for learners at any level, as the hosts mainly speak in English; when Polish is spoken, there are subtitles in both Polish and English.

4. Chido-Fajny

Polish Food

Category: A Foreigner Living in Poland
Level: Any

Chido-Fajny’s channel includes many videos to help learners with the Polish language, some of which cover more specific topics such as the differences between Spanish or Polish and specific language learning tools. You can find these videos on his playlists entitled “Learn Polish” and “Aprende Polaco.”

This Polish language YouTube channel is more than just another language learning resource. There are also many funny videos with foreigners trying to pronounce challenging Polish words, as well as videos about places in Poland and Polish traditions. Most videos are available in English, but there are also some recorded in Spanish. If you’re interested in Polish food in particular, remember to check out our lesson 10 Polish Foods.

5. Audycje Radiowe


Category: Polish History and Culture
Level: Intermediate – Advanced

If you’re looking to learn Polish on YouTube, but none of the other channels on this list seem challenging enough, such gems as Audycje Radiowe (“Radio Auditions”) will be invaluable to you. 

This channel features many great recordings from the Polish radio, and is great for language learners as they can play and stop the videos as needed (which one can’t do when an audition is being broadcast on the radio). 

Learners can not only work on their Polish skills, but also improve their understanding of Polish history and culture. The playlist “Sensacje XX wieku” is particularly good for language learning, as it has links to transcripts. Reading along with the material you’re listening to can greatly improve your comprehension, and it makes working with the recorded material much easier. 

Are you a history buff? You can learn even more about Polish history in our lesson Learn Your Polish History

6. Arlena Witt

A Person Writing English Sentences on the Blackboard

Category: Language Learning
Level: Intermediate – Advanced

Arlena Witt teaches Polish people English…but we still consider this one of the top channels for learning Polish on YouTube. Each video is recorded in Polish and has Polish subtitles, so intermediate level learners should be able to follow what she’s saying. She speaks relatively fast, but clearly. 

How can this channel help you learn Polish? By exposing you to the Polish language and giving you Polish equivalents of English terms. Additionally, she gives general language learning tips that are useful regardless of the language you’re trying to learn.

7. Mówiąc Inaczej

YouTube Button

Category: Language Learning
Level: Intermediate – Advanced

This is one of the most common YouTube channels to learn Polish, used by…Polish people! Even native speakers have things left to learn in their own language. Just think how many native English speakers don’t know the difference between “it’s” and “its”!

Paulina helps people improve their Polish when it comes to common problems in this language. The issues that native speakers encounter are common among language learners, too. In other words, there’s plenty for you to learn from this channel.

These are some of the more challenging Polish lessons YouTube has to offer, since they’re designed for native speakers. The channel is almost entirely in Polish and there are no subtitles. If you’re at the intermediate level and like challenges, it’s worth giving it a go.

8. Koreanka

A Woman Smiling with a Korean Flag in Her Hand

Category: A Foreigner Living in Poland
Level: Intermediate

Do you want to learn real Polish with YouTube, from a foreigner’s perspective? Koreanka (“Korean woman”) lives in Poland, her channel is recorded in Polish, and she often invites other foreigners as guests. She records videos about her life in Poland, everything Polish, and her Korean roots. There are subtitles for those who need them.

This isn’t your typical Polish language YouTube channel, but it can serve as great encouragement for you. What could be more inspirational than hearing a foreigner speak fluent Polish?

9. The PolishPod101 YouTube Channel

PolishPod101 Logo

Category: Language Learning
Level: Any

Learn Polish with

YouTube offers countless opportunities for Polish learners, as you’ve seen. But there’s nothing better for truly learning a language than a well-structured course like the ones offered by PolishPod101. Our YouTube channel goes hand in hand with our website.

If you’re enjoying our audio content, you’re going to love the PolishPod101 YouTube channel. There, you’ll find even more useful tips on learning Polish and lots of handy vocabulary. What’s more? You can count on extended listening comprehension practice and informative videos about Polish culture. Check it out!

10. Final Thoughts

We hope that our guide to the top Polish YouTube channels for learners has been useful to you, and that you’ve found the best resources to take your Polish to the next level. Let us know in the comments which channel is your favorite! Or, tell us why the PolishPod101 YouTube channel is your favorite. 

Learning a language is an amazing journey that’s much easier with someone to help you. By joining a platform like PolishPod101, you get exactly that. Start your free trial today to enjoy hundreds of recordings from native speakers, vocabulary lists, and more. 

We hope to see you around!

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How to Say Goodbye in Polish in Every Situation


Like saying hello, saying goodbye is an important part of being polite. These are the most basic skills you need to have a conversation in any language, so it’s crucial that you acquire them early on. 

In this article, we’ll tell you how to say goodbye in Polish in a variety of situations. For example, you’ll learn the best parting words for formal versus informal environments, how to see someone off at the airport, and how to end a phone conversation. By the time you’ve finished reading, you’ll have the perfect Polish goodbye for any situation you find yourself in. Are you ready to get your Polish up to scratch? Start with a bonus, and download the Must-Know Beginner Vocabulary PDF for FREE!(Logged-In Member Only)

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. The Most Common Ways of Saying Goodbye
  2. Specific Ways of Saying Goodbye in Polish
  3. Final Thoughts

1. The Most Common Ways of Saying Goodbye

Most Common Goodbyes

Before we look into the more specific ways of saying goodbye in Polish, let’s discuss the simplest ways to do so. Remember that you should address people differently depending on whether the situation is formal or informal. 

Formal verb forms use the third person singular and the words Pan (“Mister”) and Pani (“Ma’am”). For example, to ask “What’s your name?” in a formal manner, you would say: Jak ma Pan/Pani na imię? 

The informal verb forms use the second person singular. To ask “What’s your name?” in an informal manner, you would say: Jak masz na imię? 

So how do these rules apply to Polish goodbye phrases? Let’s find out!

A- Goodbye in Polish (Informal)

A Person Waving Goodbye

The most common informal way of saying bye in Polish is: Cześć! Note that this word is also used for saying hello. (If you want to learn more about this topic, you can check out our lesson “Saying Hello No Matter the Time of Day in Polish.”)

Cześć is very versatile, and you can use it to say goodbye when you’re leaving any informal situation. We also use a variation: No to cześć!

Both Cześć! and No to cześć! are used with either the nominative case (mianownik) or the vocative case (wołacz):

  • Cześć, Ania! – “Bye, Ania!” (nominative, mianownik)
  • Cześć, Aniu! – “Bye, Ania!” (vocative, wołacz)

B- Goodbye in Polish (Formal)

The most common formal goodbye in Polish is: Do widzenia! This phrase is used in all kinds of formal situations, such as when you’re leaving a corner shop, post office, or doctor’s office. It’s often accompanied by Dziękuję! (“Thank you!“) if a service was provided:

  • Oto Pani/Pańska reszta. – “Here’s your change.” (to a man and a woman, respectively)
  • Dziękuję, do widzenia. – “Thank you. Goodbye!”

We can also say Dobranoc Panu/Pani to wish someone a good night’s rest. 

Practice your pronunciation of Do widzenia! whenever you can. Try to use this phrase in real life, even if the rest of your conversation is in English. Practice makes perfect!

2. Specific Ways of Saying Goodbye in Polish

There are many Polish language goodbyes that you can use in more specific situations. 

When you’re formal with someone, you simply don’t have certain conversations with them. This is why Do widzenia! is your go-to goodbye in formal contexts. 

Keep reading to find out how to say goodbye in Polish when the situation is informal! 

A- Alternative Ways to Say Bye in Polish

Apart from simply saying Cześć! when you’re leaving a group of friends, you can also say: 

  • Na razie!
  • Nara! 
  • Narka!

Each of the phrases above is equivalent to “Bye for now” in Polish. Here are a few more ways to say bye in Polish:

  • Pa pa!
  • Pa
  • No to pa!

Two People Air Kissing

Make sure to memorize these expressions, as they’re very often used when speaking informally. 

B- See You Later!

There are a couple of ways to say “See you” in Polish:

  • Do zobaczenia! 
  • Do zo! 

“See you later!” is Do zobaczenia później! You should only use this phrase, though, when you’re going to actually see that person later (for instance, later that day). In certain English-speaking countries, people say “See you later!” as a general farewell expression. But this is not a convention in Poland, and it’d confuse the person you say it to.

If you know when you’ll see that person next, you can say: 

  • Do zobaczenia jutro! (“See you tomorrow!”)
  • Do zobaczenia w/we [day of the week]! (“See you on [day of the week]!”) 
  • Do zobaczenia w poniedziałek! (“See you on Monday!”)
  • Do zobaczenia we wtorek! (“See you on Tuesday!”)

You can also use this sentence pattern with different times of day:

  • Do zobaczenia wieczorem! (“See you in the evening!”)
  • Do zobaczenia rano! (“See you in the morning!”)

As you can see, there are many ways to say goodbye in Polish. The more you study them, the more comfortable you’ll be having a conversation in Polish. 

C- Seeing Someone Off

How do you say goodbye in Polish when you’re taking someone to the airport or a train station, where they’re about to start a long journey? Of course, you say Do zobaczenia! But there are other things that you can add, such as:

  • Trzymaj się! (“Take care!”)
  • Uważaj na siebie! (“Be careful!”)
  • Szerokiej drogi! (“Have a good/safe trip!”) (Literally: “Have a wide road!”)
  • Napisz wiadomość jak dojedziesz! (“Text me a message when you arrive!”)
  • Zadzwoń jak dojedziesz! (“Call me when you arrive!”)
A Person with a Suitcase

Parents who are seeing their children off may say something like: 

  • Nie szalej! / Tylko bez szaleństw! (“Don’t go crazy!”)

D- When You Need to Excuse Yourself

Sometimes you need to leave the party before everyone else. Here are some phrases you can use to let your hosts know you have to get going

  • [Naprawdę] muszę lecieć! (“I [really] need to go!”)
  • Będę się zbierać. (“I’ll be off!”)
  • Niestety nie mogę dłużej zostać. (“Unfortunately, I can’t stay any longer.”)
  • Pora na mnie! (“It’s time for me to go.”) [Literally: “It’s time for me.”]

If you’ve bumped into someone you know on the street, but don’t have time for a conversation, you can say: 

  • Miło się gada, ale muszę lecieć! (“It’s nice chatting with you, but I have to go!”)
  • Miło się gada, ale jestem już spóźniony/spóźniona! (“It’s nice chatting with you, but I’m already late!”) [for a male and female, respectively]

E- Polish Goodbye Phrases for Phone Conversations

Politely ending a phone call in Polish is easy: 

  • Do usłyszenia! (“Chat soon!”) [Literally: “Until we hear one another again!”]
  • No to do usłyszenia! (“Chat soon, then!”) [Literally: “Until we hear one another again, then!”]

A Person Talking on the Phone, Looking at Her Watch

You can also add a specific time reference to let the other person know when you’ll talk with them again:

  • Do usłyszenia jutro! (“I’ll speak to you tomorrow!”)
  • Do usłyszenia w przyszłym tygodniu! (“I’ll speak to you next week!”)

Do you have a cell phone? Learn all you need to know about Polish manners on the phone with 

F- Saying Goodbye in a Text Message

When you’re texting with someone and you’ve set an appointment to meet with them, you can use one of the expressions we’ve already covered in this article:

  • Do zobaczenia!
  • Do zobaczenia niedługo!
  • Do zo!

You’d probably agree that knowing how to text is an important skill in the modern world. Boost your Polish technology vocab with our lesson. 

G- Saying Goodbye to Someone Who’s Sick

When you bid farewell to someone who’s sick at home or at a hospital, it’s good manners to wish them good health. Here’s how you can do this in Polish: 

  • Wracaj do zdrowia! (“Get better soon!”) 
  • Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia! (“I’m wishing you a speedy recovery!”)
  • Mam nadzieję, że szybko wydobrzejesz. (“I hope you’ll get better soon.”)

To say goodbye, simply add one of the other phrases you’ve already learned, such as: Do zobaczenia!

Speaking of health, do you know how to talk about health concerns and explain your allergies in Polish? Also, if you’re moving to Poland, you may want to learn more about the Polish healthcare system.

Doctors with a Patient

H- Wishing Someone Good Luck

We all need a little luck sometimes, but there are life situations that call for it more than others. Such situations include taking an exam, going to a job interview, or performing in front of an audience. If you’re parting ways with someone who’s about to do something major, you can say:

  • Powodzenia! (“Good luck!”)
  • Połamania nóg! (“Break a leg!”)
  • Trzymam kciuki! (“Fingers crossed!”)

You’re likely to hear these phrases if you study or work in Poland. Some Polish people are superstitious, though, so not everyone is going to thank you for wishing them luck. It’s believed that doing so may actually bring bad luck. In this case, you may hear the reply: 

  • Nie dziękuję! (“I’m not thanking you.”)

A Person Who Got an A+

3. Final Thoughts

By now, you definitely have a better idea of how to say goodbye in Polish in a variety of contexts. 

Remember to use these expressions whenever you can. Even if it’s the only thing you’ll say in Polish during a conversation, it’s still better than speaking only in English! 

Which way of saying goodbye do you like the most? Let us know in the comments before you go. 

Saying goodbye is an important skill, but on its own, it’s not enough for a smooth conversation. To boost your Polish speaking and comprehension skills, get your free account with PolishPod101 today. 

Our website gives you access to countless language lessons and resources. Our recordings by native speakers will help you get the hang of Polish pronunciation in no time. You can also access your account whenever and wherever you want, thanks to our mobile apps. 

Would you like to know more about our teaching methods? Check out our lessons and methodology page to find out more. 

Happy Polish learning!

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Polish Sentence Structure: Master the Word Order in Polish


The Polish sentence structure is one of the most important things to study at the beginning of your language-learning journey. Constructing sentences in Polish is easy when you know the rules. So, are you ready to master the Polish word order?

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish Table of Contents
  1. Polish Word Order: Overview
  2. Polish Word Order Rules: SVO
  3. Word Order with Adverbs
  4. Polish Word Order with Modifiers
  5. Check Your Understanding: Translation Exercise
  6. Final Thoughts

1. Polish Word Order: Overview 

Improve Pronunciation

Let’s start with the basics: the Polish sentence structure for beginners. 

The basic word order in Polish is the so-called SVO, which means that the subject comes first, followed by the verb and the object (if there is an object). 

The word order in Polish isn’t fixed, but the SVO is a very common sentence structure. Polish allows for considerable creativity, particularly for the sake of emphasis. Having said that, using the SVO structure should come naturally to you as an English speaker, so try to stick to it in the beginning.

2. Polish Word Order Rules: SVO

A Grammar-related Picture with Subject and Object Words

As we said before, the Polish word order looks like this: 

subject + verb + (object) = SV(O)

The subject in a sentence is simply the doer of an activity, which is expressed by the verb. The object is the part of a sentence that’s affected by the verb. Like in English, an object isn’t always required in Polish sentences. 

Personal pronouns are dropped in Polish when it’s clear who the “doer” is. This means that a simple sentence in Polish could consist of only a verb. For example: 

  • Czytam

“I’m reading.”

Most sentences, for obvious reasons, are more complicated than that: 

  • Czytam (v) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading a newspaper.”

To emphasize the “doer,” you can also say: 

  • Ja (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading a newspaper.”

The form of the verb czytać (“to read”) indicates that the subject is the first person singular, so it’s not really necessary to use a personal pronoun here.

Also note that Polish doesn’t have the simple or continuous aspects. This means that the same verb form is used to express both. For example: 

Czytam (v) gazetę (o). This sentence can be translated as “I’m reading a newspaper,” or “I read a newspaper.”

The meaning is derived from the context.

1- Emphasis and Word Order

From time to time, people change the word order in spoken Polish to stress a different part of the sentence: 

  • (Ja) gazetę czytam

“I’m reading a newspaper.”

This sentence stresses the fact that I’m reading a newspaper and not something else. Please remember that it’s not necessary to use a personal pronoun. When it’s there, it’s read as emphasis: It’s I (and not somebody else) who’s reading the newspaper. 

2- Different Kinds of Sentences

A Person with Exclamation Marks and a Question Mark above Her Head

The Polish sentence structure remains the same for different types of sentences, such as affirmation and negation


  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading a newspaper.”


  • (Ja) (s) nie czytam (v) gazety (o)

“I’m not reading a newspaper.”

Nie, used for negation, always directly precedes the verb. 

Exclamatory sentences

  • Czytaj (v) gazetę (o)! 

“Read a newspaper!”

The subject is missing in this example, as it wouldn’t sound natural. 


  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o)

“Am I reading a newspaper?”

Polish questions in spoken language are usually indicated by a rising tone. Sometimes in spoken Polish, and as a rule in written Polish, we add czy:

  • Czy (ja) (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o)?

“Am I reading a newspaper?”

Czy doesn’t translate well into English as its meaning depends on the context. Have a look at the examples below:

  • Czy czytałeś gazetę? 

Were you reading a newspaper?” 

  • Czy przeczytasz gazetę? 

Will you read a newspaper?”

  • Czy on czyta gazetę? 

Does he read a newspaper?”

Remember to simply add czy in front of a sentence to form a question when you’re writing.

Now that we’ve covered the basic word order in Polish for simple sentences, let’s move on to discuss more complex ones. 

3. Word Order with Adverbs 

A Man Reading a Newspaper

In Polish language word order, we usually place adverbs before the verb they modify. Here’s a number of examples for this Polish sentence structure: 

  • (Ja) (s) szybko (a) czytam (v). 

“I read fast.”

Adverbs of manner, such as szybko (“fast”) and wolno (“slowly”), are placed in front of the verb. Would you like to learn some more adverbs? Check out our article, where you can find over 100 of them. 

  • (Ja) (s) codziennie (a) czytam (v) gazetę (o). 

“I read a newspaper every day.”

Adverbs of time and frequency are also placed after the subject, but in front of the verb, if the sentence is a full SVO in Polish. To practice adverbs of frequency, go to our lesson titled “How often do you go to the gym in Poland?

  • (Ja) czytam (v) gazetę (o) w domu

“I read a newspaper at home.”

  • (Ja) (s) w domu (a) czytam (v) gazetę (o). 

“I read a newspaper at home.”

Adverbs of place are often placed toward the end of the sentence. 

1- Change of Placement for Emphasis

The only time we’d change the structure is, yet again, for emphasis: 

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) szybko (a). 

“I read fast.”

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o) codziennie

“I read a newspaper every day.”

  • (Ja) (s) w domu (a) czytam (v) gazetę (o). 

“I read a newspaper at home.”

4. Polish Word Order with Modifiers

Improve Listening

Modifiers usually modify nouns, and are placed in front of them. Modifiers include adjectives, determiners, numerals, and relative clauses. Relative clauses are an exception as they’re placed after nouns. 

1- Placement of Adjectives

Adjectives describe qualities of nouns, like in the example below: 

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) ciekawą (adj) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading an interesting newspaper.”

As you can see above, the adjective breaks up the (S)VO structure, creating (S)VADJO. Have a look at some more examples: 

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) starą (adj) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading an old newspaper.”

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) lokalną (adj) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading a local newspaper.”

Do you want to learn more adjectives in Polish? Check out this list of high-frequency adjectives

2- Determiners and Their Placement

A Newspaper

A determiner lets you know which noun you’re talking about. Here’s an example of a determiner: 

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) (det) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading this newspaper.”

Polish determiners also include: 

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) tamtą (det) gazetę (o)

“I’m reading that newspaper.”

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) tamte (det) gazety (o)

“I’m reading those newspapers.”

3- Polish Word Order with Numerals

“Numerals” is a fancy word for numbers. Just like other modifiers, they’re placed in front of the noun:

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) jedną (num) gazetę (o)

“I read one newspaper.”

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) dwie (num) gazety (o)

“I read two newspapers.”

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) trzy (num) gazety (o)

“I read three newspapers.”

The pattern remains the same for all numerals. Do you know numbers in Polish well? If not, consult these pages: 

4- Polish Word Order Rules for Relative Clauses

A relative clause is an additional way to identify a noun. They’re an exception among modifiers, placed after the noun. Here’s a number of examples for Polish:

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o), którą lubię

“I’m reading a newspaper that I like.”

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o), którą mi poleciłeś

“I’m reading a newspaper that you’ve recommended to me.”

  • (Ja) (s) czytam (v) gazetę (o), której nie znajdziesz w wielu sklepach

“I’m reading a newspaper that you won’t find in many shops.”

The main difference between the word order in Polish vs. English for relative clauses is that Polish rarely uses non-defining relative clauses. For example: 

“My mom, whom I love deeply, lives in England.” 

A Heart

The direct translation is Moja mama, którą bardzo kocham, mieszka w Anglii, which is correct but not natural in Polish. A native speaker would be more likely to use two separate sentences to express the same idea. 

Have you noticed that relative clauses are preceded by a comma in Polish? You can learn more about Polish punctuation in the Wikipedia entry on Polish orthography

5. Check Your Understanding: Translation Exercise

Reading an article is one thing, and making sure that you understand it and can use what you’ve learned is another. This is why we’ve prepared a translation exercise for you. It will help you remember what you’ve read. Remember: practice makes perfect!

Step 1 

Translate the sentence “I eat a sandwich,” to Polish. Mark the subject, the verb, and the object. Are all parts of the sentence necessary or can you omit some? If you’re not sure, read the section Polish Word Order Rules: SVO again.

Step 2

Form a question with czy from the sentence “I eat a sandwich.”

Step 3

Add the adverb teraz (“now”) to the sentence “I eat a sandwich.”

Step 4

Add the adjective smaczną (“delicious”) in the correct form to the sentence “I eat a sandwich.” Speaking of delicious food, you should learn about the top 5 Polish dishes

Step 5

Include the determiner (“this”) to the sentence “I eat a sandwich.”

Step 6

Make the sentence “I eat a sandwich,” more specific by including the numeral jedną (“one”).

Step 7

Expand the sentence “I eat a sandwich,” by adding the relative clause którą mi kupiłeś (“that you’ve bought for me”). Don’t forget about the comma. 

A Person-shaped Figure Showing Thumbs Up with a Green Tick in Front of Them

How did it go? Was it difficult? Let us know in the comments section. 

6. Final Thoughts

Today you’ve learned a very important thing, and now you know how to form simple and more complicated sentences in Polish. You can also see the differences between the Polish vs. English sentence structures. Take your time to learn about the word order in Polish grammar, as it’s something you’ll have to build on in order to speak Polish well. 

Knowing the basic word order in Polish isn’t enough to become a fluent speaker, though. You’ll need more than that to master the language. Fortunately, PolishPod101 has everything you need! Create your lifetime account today and get access to countless audio and video lessons with native speakers. 

Remember to let us know about the results of your translation exercise before you go. 

Happy learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Polish

Useful Polish Phrases: Compliments for Every Occasion


Among useful Polish phrases, compliments are particularly handy in social situations. Giving a compliment can make you feel good, and also bring joy to the lives of others. What are the best Polish compliments, though? Keep reading and you’ll learn how to compliment people in Polish in any situation.

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Table of Contents

  1. Complimenting Someone’s Appearance
  2. Praising Someone in Polish for Their Work
  3. Complimenting Someone on Their Skills
  4. Making Compliments Sound More Sincere
  5. What to Expect After You Give a Compliment
  6. Final Thoughts

1. Complimenting Someone’s Appearance

A Pageant Queen

We all compliment someone’s appearance from time to time. And yet, sometimes people may feel offended by certain remarks.

The easiest way to avoid making someone feel uncomfortable is to consider the context before complimenting them. Shouting “You are beautiful!” in Polish (Jesteś piękna!) to a woman or “You’re handsome!” (Jesteś przystojny!) to a man on the street is an example of bad manners. In fact, catcalling is a form of street harassment.

Similarly, commenting on someone’s appearance is often inappropriate in professional contexts, such as a job interview or a shareholder meeting.

You should save such compliments for positive acquaintances, friends, and family.

1- Polish Compliments to a Girl or Woman

There’s a number of lovely Polish compliments to a girl or woman you can use. Here are some compliments in Polish for women of any age:

A- Hair

  • Bardzo ładnie ci w tych włosach! (“This hairstyle looks great on you!”)
  • Masz bardzo zadbane włosy. (“Your hair is in great shape!”)
  • Bardzo fajna fryzura! (“What a cool haircut!”)
  • Super cięcie! (“Great haircut!”)

B- Outfit

  • Ale śliczna sukienka! (“What a lovely dress!”)
  • Fajna stylówka! (“Cool style!”)
  • Do twarzy ci w tym kolorze! (“This color suits you!”)
  • Ekstra/super bluzka! (“I love your shirt!”)
  • Podoba mi się twoja torebka. (“I like your handbag.”)
  • Gdzie kupiłaś ten sweter? Jest przepiękny! (“Where did you buy this sweater? It’s gorgeous!”)

Learn more words for clothes in Polish to expand your complimenting abilities!

C- Smile

  • Masz bardzo ładny uśmiech. (“You have a very pretty smile.”)
  • Pięknie się uśmiechasz. (“You smile beautifully.”)

D- General compliments on appearance

  • Jesteś najpiękniejszą kobietą, jaką kiedykolwiek widziałem. (“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”)

This phrase can be said to a woman by a man in a romantic context. If a woman wanted to say it, the form of the verb widzieć (“to see”) would change to widziałam.

  • Świetnie/Super/Ekstra wyglądasz! (“You look great!”)

We could compliment a man in the same way.

  • Macierzyństwo ci służy! (“Motherhood suits you!”)

The literal meaning is closer to: “Motherhood serves you well!”) It’s a Polish compliment specifically for women who’ve become mothers.

  • Z roku na rok wyglądasz coraz lepiej! (“You look better every year!”)

This phrase is stereotypically considered one of the top Polish compliments for a girl or woman.

  • Zżera mnie zazdrość jak na ciebie patrzę. (“I’m green with envy when I look at you.”)

This is a compliment in Polish told by a woman to a woman.

2- Polish Compliments for Men on Appearance

A Man

Compliments about a man’s smile and hair would be the same as for women, even though they’re certainly used less often. You can also compliment a man on the following:

A- Outfit

  • Podoba mi się Twój garnitur. (“I like your suit.”)
  • Fajne jeansy! (“Cool jeans.”)
  • Szykowna marynarka! (“Stylish jacket!”)
  • Nieźle sie odstawiłeś! (“You look very fancy.”)

The last expression is humorous and can be used in a mean way, so make sure you’re on good terms with someone and that they get your sense of humor before you use it.

B- General compliments on looks

  • Jesteś najwspanialszym mężczyzną, jakiego znam. (“You’re the best man I know.”)

This phrase is romantic in nature. Are you keen to learn more about romance and love in Polish?

  • Kim jest ten przystojniak? (“Who’s that handsome man?”)

Another humorous way to comment on the fact that someone looks good.

  • Bardzo wyprzystojniałeś. (“You’ve gotten much more handsome.”)

This one is a compliment often used for someone who we’ve known as a child or teenager.

  • Nieźle się trzymasz. (“You still look good.”)

This expression is used for someone who’s aging well. Are you still unsure of how to compliment a guy? Wikihow to the rescue!

2. Praising Someone in Polish for Their Work

A Group of People Representing Different Professions

Everyone likes to feel appreciated, which is why it’s so important to know the best Polish compliments to give on a job well done. If you don’t feel confident about your work-related Polish vocabulary, go to our jobs/work vocabulary builder.

1- General Work-Related Compliments

There’s a number of Polish compliments applicable in many work-related situations. They include:

  • Dobra robota! (“Good job!”)
  • Widać, że się starał! (“I can tell you’ve put a lot of work into it!”) [to a man]
  • Widać, że się starał! (“I can tell you’ve put a lot of work into it!”) [to a woman]
  • Zasłużył na pochwałę! (“You’ve earned your praise!”) [to a man]
  • Zasłużył na pochwałę! (“You’ve earned your praise!”) [to a woman]

By the same token, you could humorously suggest that someone’s work is so good that he or she deserves a raise:

  • Zasłużył na podwyżkę! (“You should get a raise!”) [to a man]
  • Zasłużył na podwyżkę! (“You should get a raise!”) [to a woman]
  • Twoje wyniki przerosły moje oczekiwania. (“Your results have surpassed my expectations.”)

2- Specific Compliments on Someone’s Work

There are also many compliments you can use in specific situations, depending on the gender of the noun:

A- Feminine

  • Bardzo podobała mi się twoja prezentacja. (“I’ve really enjoyed your presentation.”)
  • Ciekawa przemowa. (“An interesting talk.”)
  • Znakomita sugestia. (“An excellent suggestion.”)

B- Masculine

  • Bardzo podoba mi się twój pomysł. (“I really like your idea.”)
  • Ciekawy plan. (“An interesting plan.”)
  • Znakomity raport. (“An excellent report.”)

C- Neutral

  • Bardzo podobało mi się twoje wystąpienie. (“I’ve really enjoyed your speech.”)
  • Ciekawe podejście. (“An interesting approach.”)
  • Znakomite podsumowanie. (“An excellent summary.”)

3. Complimenting Someone on Their Skills


Sometimes, in your private life, you may want to compliment a friend or an acquaintance on their skills. After all, complimenting someone in Poland may earn you brownie points.

One thing to remember is that Polish compliments for a girl or woman are often different than those for a man. This is due to the changes in the form of adjectives and gender-dependent nouns.

Learn high-frequency adjectives in Polish, and then get ready to use them in Polish compliments!

1- Saying Nice Things About Someone’s Cooking

A Person Seasoning a Dish

If someone makes an effort to cook for you, you should at least know how to say how much you’ve enjoyed the meal. By the way, have you ever tried Polish cuisine?

  • Jesteś świetną kuchar. (“You’re a great cook.”) [to a woman]
  • Jesteś świetnym kucharzem. (“You’re a great cook.”) [to a man]
  • Naprawdę pycha, dziękuję! (“It’s really delicious, thank you.”)
  • Świetnie gotujesz. (“You’re a great cook.”) [Literally: “You cook great.]
  • Przepyszna sałatka [or other feminine noun]. (“Great salad!”)
  • Przepyszny makaron [or other masculine noun]. (“Great pasta!”)
  • Niebo w gębie. Dasz mi przepis? (“Super-tasty! Can you give me the recipe?”) [Niebo w gębie is an idiomatic slang expression that literally means “Heaven in the mouth.”]

2- Praising Someone’s Artistic Skills

When a friend unleashes their inner artist, there’s nothing nicer for them than hearing some genuine appreciation for their skills. Here’s a number of handy phrases to use for that purpose:

A- Photography

  • Masz naprawdę dobre oko. (“You have a really good eye for photography.”)
  • Piękne ujęcie! (“What a beautiful shot!”)
  • Gdzie się nauczył robić takie świetne zdjęcia? (“Where did you learn to take such great pictures?”) [to a man]
  • Gdzie się nauczył robić takie świetne zdjęcia? (“Where did you learn to take such great pictures?”) [to a woman]
  • Super zdjęcie! (“Great picture!”)

Curious for more photography words? Listen to this conversation about a Polish photograph!

B- Painting

  • Świetnie malujesz! (“You paint well!”)
  • To ty to namalow? (“You’re the one who painted it?”) [to a woman]
  • To ty to namalow? (“You’re the one who painted it?”) [to a man]

These expressions, through doubt, introduce a suggestion that something is almost too good to be done by a non-professional. Such compliments are not uncommon in Polish culture.

  • Ten pies [or other masculine noun] wygląda jak żywy. (“This dog looks as if he was real.”)
  • Ta kobieta [or other feminine noun] wygląda jak żywa. (“This woman looks as if she was real.”)
  • To dziecko [or other neuter noun] wygląda jak żywe. (“This child looks as if it was real.”)

Żywy literally means “alive,” but in this context, it translates as “real.”

  • Przepiękny obraz! (“What a stunning painting!”)

C- Playing an instrument

A Young Man Playing the Piano

  • Pięknie grasz! (“You play beautifully!”)
  • Jesteś bardzo uzdolnioną pianist/saksofonist/gitarzyst. (“You’re a very talented pianist/saxophone player/guitar player.”) [to a woman]
  • Jesteś bardzo uzdolnionym pianistą/saksofonistą/gitarzystą. (“You’re a very talented pianist/saxophone player/guitar player.”) [to a man]
  • Grasz jak anioł! (“You play like an angel!”)

To learn how to talk about hobbies in Polish, don’t forget to go to our lesson “What do you do in your free time in Poland?”

3- Compliments About Language Skills

As a language-learner, you should know that learning a foreign language isn’t easy and that it’s extremely nice to be complimented on your skills. Here’s how you can say a few nice words about someone’s language fluency in Polish:

  • Świetnie mówisz po angielsku. (“You speak English very well.”)
  • Mówisz po włosku jak native speaker. (“You speak Italian like a native speaker.”)
  • Mówisz po niemiecku, jakbyś urodził się w Niemczech. (“You speak German as if you were born in Germany.”) [to a man]
  • Mówisz po niemiecku, jakbyś urodziła się w Niemczech. (“You speak German as if you were born in Germany.”) [to a woman]
  • Masz bardzo bogate słownictwo. (“You have a very rich vocabulary.”)
  • Jestem pod wrażeniem twoich zdolności językowych. (“I’m impressed by your language skills.”)

A Number of Dictionaries

Do you know how to brag about your own language skills in Polish? If not, check out our lesson “Who wants to be a polyglot?”

4. Making Compliments Sound More Sincere

Positive Feelings

Knowing the best Polish compliments is one thing, and knowing when to give them so that they sound natural is another. Below, you can find tips on making your compliments sound more sincere.

1. Speak only the truth.

The best way to make your compliments more sincere is being honest. Don’t tell someone you like their new hairstyle just because you think that’s what’s expected.

2. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.

Only give the compliments you mean, and if you have nothing nice to say, remain quiet. This means you should refrain from negativity. Your sincere compliment later on will mean nothing if you manage to offend someone beforehand.

3. Comment on specific things.

Vague compliments such as Wyglądasz świetnie! (“You look great!”) can be nice, but people prefer specific compliments, as they come off as more genuine. That’s why Uwielbiam takie kolorowe kolczyki! (“I love such colorful earrings!”) sounds more like it’s coming from the heart than simply saying Fajne kolczyki! (“Cool earrings!”)

4. Smile and look people in the eye.

A sincere smile and looking people in the eye are sure ways to make a compliment feel genuine.

5. Respect people’s personal space.

Polish people are much less touchy than, for instance, Americans or people in some other nations. You don’t want to come off as pushy or flirty, if that’s not your intention. Observe your environment and ask around to learn how close you should get to a person and in what situations touch is appropriate.

If you feel like you need more help, read the guide on Wikihow “How to Give a Compliment.” Psychology Today is also there for you to tell you about 9 types of compliments that do and don’t work.

5. What to Expect After You Give a Compliment

Polish people enjoy compliments just like people in any other nation. However, compliments in Polish culture are often diminished by people who receive them. For instance, if you praise someone’s piano-playing skills with:

  • Pięknie grasz na pianinie. (“You play the piano beautifully.”)

You can expect a reply of Dziękuję (“Thank you”), followed by something along the lines of: To tylko zasługa mojego nauczyciela. (“It’s only because of my teacher.”)

A Thank You Note

Other ways to say “thanks” for the compliment in Polish include:

  • Dzięki, ale to nic wielkiego! (“Thanks, but it’s nothing special!”)
  • Naprawdę tak sądzisz? Dzięki! (“Do you really think so? Thanks!”)
  • Dzięki wielkie! (“Thanks a lot!”)

Trip Savvy has some great information on the intricacies of the Polish culture, if you would like to learn even more!

6. Final Thoughts

Today, you’ve learned many useful Polish phrases. Compliments, after all, are an indispensable communication tool. Polish compliment translations don’t always have exact matches in English, but there’s a wide variety of compliments in this language.

Whenever you need Polish compliments for a girl, woman, or man, you can consult our article again to find them. You can also read about the top 10 compliments you always want to hear in Polish. Which compliment would you like to hear the most? Let us know in the comments section before you go. can offer you much more than just Polish compliments, though. If you want to learn how to speak Polish from scratch, PolishPod101 is a perfect tool for that. Get your free lifetime account now and access thousands of audio and video lessons, lesson materials, and other learning tools on your mobile device of choice.

Happy learning!

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Celebrating International Children’s Day in Poland

Do you remember being a kid? The world was bigger, our imaginations seemed to cover more ground, and weekends, summer vacation, and holidays were the best thing ever!

In Poland, International Children’s Day doesn’t mean a day away from school, but it is a day of fun and enjoyment for children across the country! In this article, you’ll learn about Polish Children’s Day celebrations, the holiday’s history, and some useful vocabulary.

Let’s get started.

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1. What is International Children’s Day?

This holiday has roots in the United States, having started when a Massachusetts pastor gave a special sermon for and about children in 1857. However, International Children’s Day officially began in 1925 when the World Conference on Child Welfare declared it in Geneva, Switzerland. The holiday quickly spread from then on, and International Children’s Day in Poland was officially recognized in 1950.

Polish Children’s Day is predominantly a day for children to have zabawa (“fun”) and enjoy themselves. There’s also an emphasis on protecting children’s rights—particularly those outlined in the Konwencja o prawach dziecka (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”)—to ensure that they have a fulfilling dzieciństwo (“childhood”).

2. Children’s Day Date

A Mother and Her Young Daughter in the Grass Smiling

Each year, Poles celebrate International Children’s Day on June 1. This is when many other countries (though not all) celebrate this holiday as well.

3. How to Celebrate International Children’s Day

Two Kids Playing on a Playground

Activities for International Children’s Day vary from year to year, and there are no set traditions set in place. This is not a national holiday, meaning that children (unfortunately) still have to go to school on International Children’s Day.

Still, schools and parents do what they can to make this a radosny (“joyful”) holiday for the kids. Schools often organize special activities, usually involving sports competitions or other games such as tug-of-war. Parents may spend extra time with their children, make their child’s favorite dinner, or give their child a new zabawka (“toy”) and słodycze (“sweets”).

On International Children’s Day, Poland is also experiencing its first bout of summer. This makes Children’s Day in Poland a fantastic time to engage in outdoor activities such as picnics or outdoor games. In 2015, even then-Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz got involved, inviting several children for a picnic with her.

Another defining feature of Poland’s take on this holiday is the Parliament of Children and Youth. Each year on Children’s Day, Poland’s chosen high school students—determined by the quality of essays they write on a given topic—meet together and discuss modern topics of interest concerning the country’s youth. The parliament has gathered together each year since 1994, and Poland is the first European country to have organized such a parliament.

4. Brushing Your Teeth…?

If you have kids—or remember being one—we’re sure you know the struggle of getting a child to brush their teeth regularly.

Many Polish parents face this struggle every day, but on Children’s Day, they make a special concession for their children. Yep! Most Polish kids don’t have to brush their teeth before bed on this holiday (even after eating so many sweets…).

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Children’s Day

A Basket Full of Different Sweets

Let’s review some of the vocabulary words from this article!

  • Dziecko — “Child” [n. neut]
  • Słodycze — “Sweets” [n. neut]
  • Zabawka — “Toy” [n. fem]
  • Zabawa — “Fun” [n. fem]
  • Dzieciństwo — “Childhood” [n. neut]
  • Szczęśliwy — “Happy” [adj.]
  • Radosny — “Joyful” [adj.]
  • Bawić się — “Play” [v.]
  • Lizak — “Lollipop” [n. masc]
  • Konwencja o prawach dziecka — “Convention on the Rights of the Child” [fem]

If you want to hear the pronunciation of each word and phrase listed above, be sure to check out our Polish International Children’s Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about International Children’s Day in Poland with us, and that you took away some valuable information about Polish culture!

Do you celebrate Children’s Day in your country? If so, what are the most common traditions and celebrations? Let us know in the comments!

If you want to continue learning about Polish culture and the language, has several free resources for you:

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We want to help you reach your language-learning goals, and we’ll be here with you every step of the way there.

Happy International Children’s Day from the PolishPod101 family!

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How to Express Anger Without Using Polish Swear Words


Knowing Polish swear words may come in handy in some situations, such as when you’re watching movies in Polish. Unfortunately, if you use them in real-life situations, you may offend someone or get into trouble. That’s why you won’t find a list of Polish swear words here.

The real skill to acquire is learning how to express anger without using the worst Polish curses. How would an angry Polish person do that? We’ve prepared a number of useful expressions for you.

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Table of Contents

  1. Angry Imperatives
  2. Angry Warnings
  3. Angry Blaming
  4. Describing How You Feel
  5. How to Calm Yourself Down When You’re Angry
  6. Final Thoughts

1. Angry Imperatives


It’s important to have a good understanding of what’s socially acceptable in Poland. In terms of Polish swear words, people in this cold country—especially the older generation—are quite conservative. This is why, instead of using Polish curse phrases, you can stick to a number of milder angry imperatives. You’ll still get your point across, but no one will think that you’re an impolite or vulgar person.

1- “Shut up” phrases

A Person with a Finger in Front of Her Mouth Asking Someone to be Quiet

Saying “shut up” is not the nicest thing to say in English, but sometimes in anger, you may feel like you have no choice but to use it. Here’s a number of relevant angry Polish phrases:

  • Zamknij się! (“Shut up!” )
  • Zamkniesz się wreszcie? (“Will you finally shut up?” )
  • Zamknij się wreszcie! (“Do shut up!” )
  • Cicho bądź! (“Be quiet!” )
  • Cisza! (“Quiet!” )
  • Nie odzywaj się niepytany. (Literally: “Don’t speak unasked.” ) [to a man]
  • Nie odzywaj się niepytana. (Literally: “Don’t speak unasked.” ) [to a woman]
  • Pytał Cię ktoś? (Literally: “Has anyone asked you?” )
  • Pytał Cię ktoś o zdanie? (“Has anyone asked your opinion?” )

2- “Leave me alone” phrases

There’s a number of useful phrases in Polish that you can use to ask someone to leave you alone. And again, there’s no need to use Polish curse phrases to obtain this effect:

  • Daj mi spokój! (Literally “Give me a rest!” and translates to “Leave me alone!” )
  • Zostaw mnie w spokoju! (“Leave me alone!” )
  • Daj już spokój! (“Give it a rest!” )
  • Odczep się! (Literally “Stop clinging to me!” and translates as “Go away!” )

3- “Stop” phrases

Do you know what nine things you need to stop doing to be successful? With these phrases, we’ll focus on how to let others know that you want them to stop doing something.

  • Przestań! (“Stop!” )
  • Przestaniesz w końcu? (“Will you finally stop?” )
  • Przestań wreszcie! (“Stop!” ) [Literally: “Stop, finally!”]
  • Przestań się tak zachowywać! (“Stop behaving like this!” )
  • Skończ z tym! (“Stop with this!” )
  • Koniec z tym! (“This is the end of it!” )
  • Koniec i basta! (Literally: “The end and that’s it!” and translates to “This is the end of it!” )

4- Other useful angry imperatives

Below you’ll find a number of other useful imperatives to express negative emotions in Polish.

  • Spadaj! (“Get lost!” )
  • Spadaj na drzewo! (Literally: “Get lost onto the tree!” )
  • Spadówa! (“Get lost!” )

These three expressions are the best options to tell someone to get lost. There are many other ways to say this, but they’re more offensive.

A Child Jumping on the Couch and a Helpless Mother

  • Uspokój się! (“Calm down!” )
  • No weź się uspokój! (“Do calm down!” )
  • Uspokoisz się wreszcie? (“Will you finally calm down?” )

The above phrases are useful when you’re irritated because someone is overly agitated, and you want them to calm down.

  • Koniec dyskusji! (“End of discussion!” )
  • Nie dyskutuj ze mną! (Literally “Don’t discuss with me!” and translates to “Don’t question me!” )
  • Nie chcę (już) o tym rozmawiać. (“I don’t want to talk about it [anymore].” )

All of the above phrases can be used when you’re no longer interested in discussing a topic, or when your decision is final and you want to let the other person know you won’t change your mind.

  • Wynocha! (“Get out of here!” )
  • Wynoś się! (“Get out of here!” )
  • Zejdź mi z oczu! (“Get out of my sight!” )

If nothing is working, sometimes you may want to ask someone to disappear, at least for the time being. The abovementioned expressions are perfect if you want to start diffusing the situation before it gets out of hand.

Alternatively, if you’re very angry and you feel like you never want to see the person again, you can say:

  • Nie chcę Cię więcej widzieć! (“I don’t want to ever see you again.” )

Use this phrase carefully, though. It may not be one of the worst Polish curses, but it can really hurt someone!

The phrases we outlined in this section are used in informal conversations. But what should you say if you’re experiencing bad service in Poland? Click the link to find out!

2. Angry Warnings

When you want to let someone know you’re really angry in Polish, you may want to use certain warnings to prevent a fight. Here are some useful expressions for people who want to learn angry words in Polish:

  • Nie prowokuj mnie! (“Don’t provoke me!” )
  • Prosisz się o kłopoty! (“You’re asking for trouble!” )
  • Ostrzegam Cię! (“I’m warning you!” )
  • To moje ostatnie ostrzeżenie! (“This is my last warning.” )

The above angry warnings are a great way to show the other person that you’re upset. They can be used toward adults and children alike.

Three Fingers of a Hand

  • Liczę do trzech! (“I’m counting to three!” )

This is a very common phrase used by parents. It’s a warning for the child to do what the parent has asked them to before they finish counting to three (raz, dwa, trzy!). If not, there will be consequences.

Would you like to learn more about counting in Polish? Check out these lessons:

Here’s another handy angry Polish phrase:

  • Nie będę tolerować takiego zachowania. (“I will not tolerate this behavior.” )

This angry warning is mostly used by authority figures, such as parents or teachers.

  • Nie wtrącaj się! (“Stay out of it!” )
  • Zajmij się swoimi sprawami! / Zajmij się własnymi sprawami! (“Mind your own business!” )
  • To nie Twoja sprawa! (“It’s none of your business!” )

The last three phrases can be used in situations where someone is getting involved in your personal matters, and you don’t want them to.

Before moving on to the next section, there’s also a number of warning idioms in Polish you may be interested in.

3. Angry Blaming

There are situations in life when a person feels so upset that blaming someone else seems like the only solution. They may not be the most productive things to say, but they’re certainly better than offensive Polish swear words!

  • Co ty sobie wyobrażasz? (Literally “What are you thinking?” but has the meaning of “What were you thinking?” in English)
  • Zwariowałeś? (“Have you gone mad?” )
  • Jesteś nienormalny! (Literally “You’re not normal!” but the meaning is closer to “There’s something wrong with you!” ) [to a man]
  • Jesteś nienormalna! [the same expression, but used toward a woman]

These three expressions are used when someone does something outrageous that really upsets you.

  • Jesteś niemożliwy! (“You’re impossible!” ) [to a man]
  • Jesteś niemożliwa! [same as above, but to a woman]

The main meaning of this phrase is similar to the other ones. However, it can also have a positive connotation, like if someone has pleasantly surprised us. Don’t worry though, there’s little to no scope for misunderstanding. The intended meaning is implied by the tone and the context.

A Visibly Angry Man Shouting

  • Chyba sobie żartujesz! (Literally “It seems like you’re joking!” but the meaning is closer to “You must be kidding me!” )
  • Chyba sobie żarty stroisz! (this is another version of the expression above)

Both are used when someone’s suggestion or statement is so upsetting that it’s difficult to believe.

  • Masz o sobie za wysokie mniemanie! (“You think too much of yourself!” )

This is a useful expression in situations where someone is behaving in an arrogant manner, and you want to put them in their place.

  • To wszystko Twoja wina! (“It’s all your fault!” )
  • To wszystko przez Ciebie! (“It’s all because of you!” )
  • Pokpiłeś sprawę! (“You’ve messed up!” )

It’s never truly the fault of one side or the other, but there are reasons why you think it’s always your partner’s fault. The above expressions are reasonably polite Polish curse phrases to use when you feel that it’s the other person who’s to blame in a given situation.

  • Nie da się z tobą wytrzymać! (“I can’t stand you!” )
  • Nienawidzę Cię! (“I hate you!” )
  • Nigdy Ci tego nie zapomnę! (“I’ll never forget that!” )
  • Nigdy Ci tego nie wybaczę! (“I’ll never forgive you!” )

These expressions are things an angry Polish person would say just before slamming the door. Yet again, it’s better to use these than to turn to stronger language. But there are still better ways of channeling your anger.

4. Describing How You Feel

Negative Verbs

A much more productive alternative to using mild Polish curse words and expressions is simply describing your feelings.

Here are two very common Polish expressions to describe your negative feelings and let the other person know you’re angry in Polish:

  • Wyprowadził mnie z równowagi! (Literally “You’ve unbalanced me!” but translates to “You’ve made me very upset!” ) [to a man]
  • Wyprowadził mnie z równowagi! [the same expression, but to a woman]

Now, let’s learn some more handy phrases. As you can see, there are two versions of the adjective below (click on the link to review other high-frequency adjectives). The first one refers to female speakers and the second one to male speakers.

  • Jestem zła/zły. (“I’m angry.” ) [same as “mad” in Polish]
  • Jestem bardzo zła/zły. (“I’m very angry.” )
  • Jestem na Ciebie zła/zły. (“I’m angry with you.” )
  • Trzęsę się ze złości. (“I’m so angry I’m shaking.” )
  • Gotuję się ze złości. (“I’m boiling with anger.” )

You can find more vocabulary for expressing negative feelings in Polish in our vocabulary builder 21 words for negative emotions.

5. How to Calm Yourself Down When You’re Angry

A Woman Sitting in Meditation

Talking about your feelings is a good solution, but there’s an even better way to avoid using Polish curse words. Can you guess what it is? It’s calming yourself down. With these tips, you may not feel the need to get angry in Polish after all:

  • Take a few deep breaths; if you can, close your eyes, too.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Exercise or go for a run.
  • Listen to relaxing or meditative music.
  • Write your feelings down.
  • Think about why you’re angry. Are you right or are you projecting?

You can find more tips on how to calm yourself down when you’re angry on Wikihow. If none of the tips helps you, check out our lesson on being angry to expand your vocabulary on this topic even further.

6. Final Thoughts

Today you’ve learned how to express anger in Polish without using strong Polish curse words, and you’ve added many useful expressions to your vocabulary for situations where you want to say something not-so-nice to someone.

We didn’t give you the worst Polish curse words here, but you can find the top five Polish phrases your teacher will never teach you and a lot of other useful content on With us, you can learn with interactive and fun content that will help you speak Polish in no time. Don’t take our word for it, though. Start your free trial today, and see for yourself why learners from all over the world choose this tool to learn Polish.

Don’t go yet! Let us know which of these angry Polish phrases is your favorite. We’re waiting to hear from you in the comments section. 🙂

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