Learning a language is a long process, and achieving mastery requires a variety of resources and patience. While textbooks and other printed resources are a part of the process for many students, learning Polish this way can cause a person to sound overly formal.
If you want to speak the language like the locals do, it’s important to be able to use informal words and expressions too. In this article, PolishPod101 will introduce you to Polish internet slang words and phrases. Learning them will allow you to communicate with native speakers in a more relaxed and natural manner.

- A Few Notes on Polish Internet Slang
- Polish Internet Slang Phrases of English Origin
- Abbreviations
- How to Use Polish Internet Slang Phrases
- Places to Study and Practice Polish Internet Slang
- Final Thoughts
1. A Few Notes on Polish Internet Slang

Polish speakers, like speakers of any other language, are quite fond of their slang expressions. While many of these terms have not yet found their way into dictionaries, people use them all the same. As a learner of the language, you’ll find that studying Polish slang terms is an important step in better understanding Polish people and culture.
Because the internet and social media have become such a large part of our lives, you’ll greatly benefit from picking up some Polish internet slang. The good news is that some of these expressions are similar (if not identical) to the ones you’d use in English!
Slang of English origin is particularly popular in texting and when using other communications technologies. Polish people use a lot of slang when sending private text messages or commenting on internet forums, for example.
2. Polish Internet Slang Phrases of English Origin

As we’ve already mentioned, there are many English abbreviations and slang words that are used in Polish. This makes your job much easier! You simply need to brush up on the words you already know and work on memorizing the ones you don’t.
Here’s a list of popular abbreviations used in Polish text slang and other terms for internet use.
- Fanpage
This one is occasionally spelled in a more Polish way as fanpejdż.
In Poland, we often pronounce this as “el-o-el.”
- Lol content
This phrase is often spelled as lol kontent.
Speaking of funny things…have you checked out our lesson on popular and funny idioms yet?
- Meme(s)
This is often spelled and pronounced as mem(y).
- Troll
The “r” is rolled when pronouncing this word in Polish.
- Hater
In Polish, it’s often spelled as hejter.

Laughing is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Here are some idioms using the Polish verb “to laugh” (śmiać się)! - IDK
- Afk
This is a slang term, but it’s used in workplaces very often. Can you follow Polish instructions on the job? - Thx
This is also spelled dzienx, from the Polish word dziękuje meaning “thank you.”
Of course, there are other common ways of saying thank you in Polish.
It’s important to be able to talk about your likes and dislikes in Polish. - Bae
- Selfie
- Hashtag
- Post
- xD
You can learn more about these abbreviations in the Wikipedia entry about Polish internet slang (“polski slang internetowy“).
Poles use emoticons in texting and internet communication the same way that English speakers do. The older generation is less inclined to use emoticons overall, and Polish people tend to use certain emoticons (such as hugs and kisses) less often than is typical of English speakers. Of course, these are only guidelines. A lot depends on the way a particular person likes to express themself.
It’s also worth remembering that many young Polish people are fluent in English. This group is more likely to use additional English abbreviations that are not necessarily used by all Poles. In this article, we’re focusing only on Polish slang expressions used by the general population.
3. Abbreviations

Polish slang, just like that of English, thrives on abbreviations. There are many frequently used Polish slang expressions that take the form of abbreviations, so you should definitely learn them. Here are the most common ones:
- Nw
- Nie wiem. (I don’t know.)
- Nie wiem. (I don’t know.)
- Zw
- Zaraz wracam. (I’ll be right back.)
- Zaraz wracam. (I’ll be right back.)
- Gz
- Gratz. / Gratki. (Congrats.)
- Gratz. / Gratki. (Congrats.)
- Ocb
- O co biega? (What’s up? / What’s this about?)
- O co biega? (What’s up? / What’s this about?)
- Nmzc
- Nie ma za co. (You’re welcome.)
- Nie ma za co. (You’re welcome.)
- Priv
- prywatna wiadomość (private message) – the English DM is also used
- prywatna wiadomość (private message) – the English DM is also used
- Jj
- Już jestem. (I’m here.)
- Dzienx
- Dziękuję. (Thanks.)

- Kc
- Kocham Cię. (I love you.)
There are at least three ways to say “I love you” in Polish. If you don’t know them, check out our article to find out what they are!
- Pzdr
- pozdrawiam (best / regards / cheers)
- pozdrawiam (best / regards / cheers)
- K/kk
- Okay
- Okay
4. How to Use Polish Internet Slang Phrases
Knowing these Polish internet slang words is just half the battle. It’s great for you to be able to understand them, but you should also be able to use them yourself. You may be tempted to immediately start including them in your daily conversations, but it’s important that you know how to do it right.
For example, while younger people prefer emoticons and abbreviations over more ordinary words, this isn’t something that looks natural. If not used sparingly, such expressions can make you sound more—not less—artificial. Here are some tips you should keep in mind to avoid this problem:
- Observe native speakers.
Observing native speakers is the best way to study Polish internet slang. How do they communicate in the text messages they send you? What kind of expressions do you see? Make notes and try using them in the same way. - Make sure you understand the meaning.

- While you may have seen an expression used in a certain way, it doesn’t mean that you know exactly when it’s appropriate to use. Don’t risk being misunderstood—or even offending someone—just because your interpretation of an expression or abbreviation is incorrect.
It’s always wise to verify the meaning of an expression with a native speaker, your PolishPod101 teacher, or even Google. You can also use a Polish internet slang dictionary (currently, the one we linked to here is only available in Polish).
- Don’t force it.
If you don’t feel comfortable using slang expressions in Polish, don’t use them. Wait until they feel right. Don’t try to be cool if you’re not yet confident about your language skills.
5. Places to Study and Practice Polish Internet Slang
When you’re trying to learn about Polish text and internet slang, you should remember that such expressions become outdated quickly. That’s why you should keep communicating with Polish people and continue reading different forms of media where you’re likely to encounter slang. Here are some places you should visit:
- Facebook and social media
Posts on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are a great place to learn the language as it’s spoken and written every day. You can follow celebrities, people you know, or influencers. You’ll definitely learn new internet slang terms in Polish this way.
Easy Polish videos

Easy Polish is a YouTube channel that allows you to listen to Polish people being interviewed on the streets of Poland. They speak in a natural way as their answers are not scripted and they don’t know what the questions are going to be beforehand.
- Internet forums
We all have different interests, but the internet is a place where everyone can find their own platform or community. Whether you’re a film geek, an avid reader, or a heavy metal fan, there’s a Polish-language forum for you. This would be a great place to practice your language skills and learn more about Polish internet slang.
New technologies have definitely made life much easier for language learners. Do you know how to talk about technology in Polish, though? If not, don’t forget to visit the Polish internet cafe, too!
6. Final Thoughts
In this blog post, you’ve learned the most important Polish slang expressions used on the internet and in texting. You also know now which English abbreviations you can successfully use with Polish people as well as the meanings of some Polish abbreviations you may have already encountered. Last but not least, you’ve found out where you can learn about Polish internet slang to keep yourself up-to-date with this type of vocabulary.
Do you feel better prepared for a texting or chat room conversation with Polish friends? How many of these phrases and abbreviations were new to you? We look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments!
As great as it is for you to learn about Polish text slang, this knowledge is not enough to help you actually speak the language. You’ll need a structured approach if you want to become truly fluent in the Polish language—and this is exactly what you can find with PolishPod101!
PolishPod101 is an innovative language learning tool that gives you access to hundreds upon hundreds of audio recordings and videos. You learn by listening to native speakers and studying the vocabulary discussed in each lesson. We can help you reach your goals regardless of your current proficiency level, thanks to our personalized pathways.
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