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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hello everyone, and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Upper Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 2: Which Tasty Polish Dish Should We Have for Dinner? I’m Brandon.
Marzena: And I’m Marzena.
Brandon: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use irregular comparative adjectives and adverbs.
Marzena: Our conversation takes place at a restaurant.
Brandon: And it’s between Tom and Jane.
Marzena: The speakers are friends, so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Brandon: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Tom: Dzisiejszy obiad jest lepszy niż wczorajszy.
Jane: Też tak myślę.
Tom: Co ci najbardziej smakuje?
Jane: Bigos jest najlepszy. A tobie co smakuje?
Tom: Kopytka
Jane: Pyszności!
Brandon: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Tom: Dzisiejszy obiad jest lepszy niż wczorajszy.
Jane: Też tak myślę.
Tom: Co ci najbardziej smakuje?
Jane: Bigos jest najlepszy. A tobie co smakuje?
Tom: Kopytka
Jane: Pyszności!
Brandon: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Tom: Dzisiejszy obiad jest lepszy niż wczorajszy.
Brandon: Today's dinner is much better than yesterday's.
Jane: Też tak myślę.
Brandon: I think so too.
Tom: Co ci najbardziej smakuje?
Brandon: What do you like the most?
Jane: Bigos jest najlepszy. A tobie co smakuje?
Brandon: Bigos is the best. And what do you like?
Tom: Kopytka
Brandon: Kopytka.
Jane: Pyszności!
Brandon: Yummy!
Marzena: Let’s talk a little about the cuisine of different regions in Poland.
Brandon: Sounds like it will make me hungry!
Marzena: (laughs) Definitely! Some regions in Poland have a very particular cuisine, usually these are traditional recipes that are best to try there.
Brandon: Can you give us a few examples?
Marzena: Sure! If you happen to go to Podhale, you can’t miss the sheep-milk cheeses, bryndza and oscypek. Podhale is the only place where you can eat them.
Brandon: It’s a region in southern Poland, right?
Marzena: Yes. Another one called Beskid, also close to the mountains in the south, is famous for ham hock stewed in beer.
Brandon: That sounds super delicious!
Marzena: The most interesting one is Kresy cuisine, which is a mix of Polish, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, and even Tatar cuisines.
Brandon: Wow!
Marzena: Many dishes from that cuisine are well-known and popular all over Poland, for example placki ziemniaczane, which are potato pancakes, or sękacz, a kind of layered cake, its name literally translates as “branched tree cake.”
Brandon: Those all sound great. Okay, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Brandon: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Joanna: dzisiejszy [natural native speed]
Brandon: today’s
Joanna: dzisiejszy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: dzisiejszy [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: lepszy [natural native speed]
Brandon: better
Joanna: lepszy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: lepszy [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: wczorajszy [natural native speed]
Brandon: yesterday’s
Joanna: wczorajszy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: wczorajszy [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: myśleć [natural native speed]
Brandon: to think
Joanna: myśleć [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: myśleć [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: bigos [natural native speed]
Brandon: sauerkraut stew
Joanna: bigos [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: bigos [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: najlepszy [natural native speed]
Brandon: the best
Joanna: najlepszy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: najlepszy [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: kopytka [natural native speed]
Brandon: kopytka (lit. little hooves)
Joanna: kopytka [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: kopytka [natural native speed]
: And Last:
Joanna: pyszności [natural native speed]
Brandon: yummy
Joanna: pyszności [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: pyszności [natural native speed]
Brandon: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Marzena, what’s our first word?
Marzena: Dzisiejszy.
Brandon: This means “today’s.”
Marzena: It’s a masculine adjective derived from the noun dzisiaj...
Brandon: ...meaning “today.”
Marzena: We can use the word dzisiejszy to talk about something that happened on this day or something that happened recently, like in the phrase dzisiejsza młodzież...
Brandon: ...which means “today’s youth.”
Marzena: Another example could be w dzisiejszym odcinku, which is usually said right before the preview of a TV episode.
Brandon: It means “in today’s episode.”
Marzena: We can also say something like this, Dzisiejszy mecz był o wiele lepszy.
Brandon: “Today’s game was much better.”
Marzena: The next word is myśleć.
Brandon: Meaning “to think.”
Marzena: Just like in English, the Polish myśleć can be used in many different situations. For example, when we focus our thoughts on something, like in the sentence, Przez cały rok myślałem o egzaminach końcowych.
Brandon: “I’ve been thinking about final exams for the whole year.”
Marzena: When we share an opinion, such as, Myślę, że to niepotrzebne.
Brandon: “I think it’s not needed.”
Marzena: And we can also use myśleć when we are simply thinking or wondering. For example, Myślę nad zadaniem domowym.
Brandon: Meaning, “I’m thinking about my homework.”
Marzena: The last situation refers to when we want or intend to do something, but it hasn’t been decided yet. For example, Myślę, żeby pojechać do Hiszpanii.
Brandon: Which means, “I’m thinking about going to Spain.” Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Brandon: In this lesson, you’ll learn more about adjectives.
Marzena: And this time we’ll focus on irregular adjectives. Let’s start with the adjective dobry
Brandon: Meaning “good.”
Marzena: Listeners, I’ll give you all three gender forms, so please repeat after me. Masculine: dobry (pause); feminine: dobra (pause); neuter: dobre.
Brandon: (pause) Now the plural forms.
Marzena: Masculine-personal: dobrzy (pause); non-masculine-personal: dobre.
Brandon: (pause) As you know, the meaning of the adjective is “good,” like in the phrase “a good person.”
Marzena: In Polish, that’s dobra osoba.
Brandon: This word can also be used to talk about the quality of something, just like in English.
Marzena: So for example we can say dobra stacja radiowa.
Brandon: “A good radio station.”
Marzena: Or dobre ciasto.
Brandon: “A good cake,” or “a tasty cake.”
Marzena: Other important forms to remember are the comparative and superlative.
Brandon: The comparative for “good” is...
Marzena: ...lepszy.
Brandon: Meaning “better.”
Marzena: And the superlative is najlepszy.
Brandon: Meaning “the best.” Now let’s move on to the next word.
Marzena: Zły.
Brandon: This means “bad” or “angry.”
Marzena: Zły can be used as “angry” only in its positive form. The negative form has a different meaning.
Brandon: Now let’s go through all of the gender forms. Listeners, just like before, repeat after Marzena.
Marzena: Masculine: zły (pause); feminine: zła (pause); neuter: złe (pause); masculine-personal: źli (pause); and non-masculine-personal: złe.
Brandon: (pause) Now here’s the comparative form, which is also irregular, so please remember it.
Marzena: Gorszy.
Brandon: Meaning “worse.”
Marzena: Next is Najgorszy.
Brandon: Meaning “the worst.”
Marzena: The next word we’ll discuss is duży...
Brandon: ...which means “big” or “large.”
Marzena: Now I will give you all the forms; repeat them after me! Masculine: duży (pause); feminine: duża (pause); neuter: duże (pause); masculine-personal: duzi (pause); non-masculine-personal: duże.
Brandon: As you can see every time, the non-masculine-personal form is the same as the neuter form.
Marzena: That’s right. The comparative and superlative forms are - większy and największy.
Brandon: Meaning “bigger” and “the biggest” respectively.
Marzena: The last word we’ll talk about in this lesson is mały.
Brandon: Meaning “small” or “little.”
Marzena: Please repeat after me: masculine: mały (pause); feminine: mała (pause); neuter: małe (pause); masculine-personal: mali (pause); non-masculine-personal: małe.
Brandon: (pause) Here again the comparative form is irregular.
Marzena: It’s mniejszy.
Brandon: Meaning “smaller.”
Marzena: And the superlative is najmniejszy.
Brandon: Meaning “the smallest.”


Brandon: And that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone! Bye!
Marzena: Bye.
Marzena: Listeners, can you understand Polish TV shows, movies or songs?
Brandon: How about friends and loved ones’ conversations in Polish?
Marzena: If you want to know what’s going on, we have a tool to help.
Brandon: Line-by-line audio.
Marzena: Listen to the lesson conversations Line-By-Line, and learn to understand natural Polish fast!
Brandon: It’s simple really.
Marzena: With a click of a button, listen to each line of the conversation.
Brandon: Listen again and again, and tune your ear to natural Polish.
Marzena: Rapidly understand natural Polish with this powerful tool.
Brandon: Find this feature on the lesson’s page in the Lesson Materials section at PolishPod101.com.

