
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hello everyone and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Upper Beginner, season 1, lesson 18, Feeling the Need for Speed in Poland. I’m Brandon.
Marzena: And I’m Marzena.
Brandon: In this lesson you'll learn more about the locative case.
Marzena: This conversation takes place at home.
Brandon: It’s between Tom and Jane.
Marzena: The speakers are friends, so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Brandon: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jane: Wychodzimy?
Tom: Daj mi jeszcze chwilę. Chcę sprawdzić wiadomości sportowe.
Jane: A co dokładnie?
Tom: O zawodach Formuły 1. Robert Kubica to najlepszy polski kierowca. Słyszałaś o nim?
Jane: Nie, nigdy.
Brandon: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jane: Wychodzimy?
Tom: Daj mi jeszcze chwilę. Chcę sprawdzić wiadomości sportowe.
Jane: A co dokładnie?
Tom:O zawodach Formuły 1. Robert Kubica to najlepszy polski kierowca. Słyszałaś o nim?
Jane:Nie, nigdy.
Brandon: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Brandon: Are we going?
Tom:Daj mi jeszcze chwilę. Chcę sprawdzić wiadomości sportowe.
Brandon: Give me a second. I want to check the sports news.
Jane:A co dokładnie?
Brandon: What exactly?
Tom:O zawodach Formuły 1. Robert Kubica to najlepszy polski kierowca. Słyszałaś o nim?
Brandon: About the Formula One tournament. Robert Kubica is the best Polish driver. Have you heard of him?
Jane:Nie, nigdy.
Brandon: No, never.
Brandon: Which famous Pole are we talking about in this lesson, Marzena?
Marzena: In the dialogue, they were talking about Robert Kubica, the first representative of Poland in Formula One driving.
Brandon: What can you tell us about him?
Marzena: His adventures in driving started very early! At the age of 10, he started driving go-karts and took part in the Polish Karting Championships, and won 8 times over 3 seasons.
Brandon: That’s impressive! How did he move on to Formula 1?
Marzena: It happened after he moved to the Italian Karting league and won their International Championships. In 2000, he started a career as a racing driver. He was a member of the BMW and Renault team. Unfortunately because of a serious accident, he was severely injured.
Brandon: Is he planning to go back to racing?
Marzena: Yes, people say that 2014 will be the year of his come back.
Brandon: We wish him good luck! Okay, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Vocab list
Brandon: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Marzena: wychodzić [natural native speed]
Brandon: to leave, to go out
Marzena: wychodzić [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: wychodzić [natural native speed]
Marzena: dawać [natural native speed]
Brandon: to give
Marzena: dawać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: dawać [natural native speed]
Marzena: chwila [natural native speed]
Brandon: moment
Marzena: chwila [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: chwila [natural native speed]
Marzena: wiadomości [natural native speed]
Brandon: news
Marzena: wiadomości [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: wiadomości [natural native speed]
Marzena: zawody [natural native speed]
Brandon: tournament
Marzena: zawody [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: zawody [natural native speed]
Marzena: kierowca [natural native speed]
Brandon: driver
Marzena: kierowca [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: kierowca [natural native speed]
Marzena: nigdy [natural native speed]
Brandon: never
Marzena: nigdy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: nigdy [natural native speed]
And Last:
Marzena: najlepszy [natural native speed]
Brandon: the best
Marzena: najlepszy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: najlepszy [natural native speed]
Brandon: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Marzena, what’s our first word?
Marzena: wiadomości
Brandon: This means “news”
Marzena: It is in plural form and refers to news on TV or radio. If you make it singular, you get wiadomść and the meaning will change to “message”
Brandon: Let’s give our listeners an example for each meaning.
Marzena: For example, Zawsze oglądam wiadomości wieczorne.
Brandon: meaning “I always watch the evening news”
Marzena: or Masz wiadomość na poczcie głosowej
Brandon: meaning “You’ve got a message on your voicemail”
Marzena: The next word we’ll talk about is kierowca
Brandon: Which means “driver”
Marzena: This is a very interesting word, because it only has a masculine form.
Brandon: Why is that?
Marzena: Originally, this profession was done only by men, so even if a woman is a driver, you use the same masculine form.
Brandon: So for example if Robert is a driver you will say in Polish..
Marzena: Robert jest kierowcą.
Brandon: If we have a female driver, let’s say her name is Gosia, you will say..
Marzena: Gosia jest kierowcą
Brandon: So there’s no change in the form of the noun.
Marzena: That’s right, no change. You can use the noun kierowca to refer to a person who is simply driving a car, it doesn’t necessarily have to be their profession.
Brandon: Are there any sayings that use this word?
Marzena: Yes, there’s a pretty interesting one - niedzielny kierowca
Brandon: Which means “Sunday driver”. Much like English, it refers to inexperienced or bad drivers! Okay, now let’s move onto the grammar.
Brandon: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to form the locative case of nouns. You will deepen your knowledge about this case, as we will be talking about verbs that are followed by the locative case.
Marzena: Let’s get right into it!
Brandon: I’m already excited!
Marzena: Hopefully our listeners are too! Here are prepositions that link with the locative case - w (meaning “in” or “at”), na (meaning “at” or “on”) and o (meaning “about”).
Brandon: Now let’s go through a few examples of words that answer the question “where” and are often followed by the locative case. Listeners, repeat after Marzena…
Marzena: być
Brandon: (pause) This means “to be”
Marzena: mieszkać
Brandon: (pause) “to live”
Marzena: pracować
Brandon: (pause) “to work”
Marzena: spać
Brandon: (pause) “to sleep”. For more examples, take a look at the lesson notes. Now let’s look at some sample sentences.
Marzena: Here we go - Jestem teraz na spotkaniu.
Brandon: “I’m at the meeting now.”
Marzena: Here we have the verb “to be”, być, followed by the preposition na meaning “at”, so the noun spotkanie has to be in the locative - spotkaniu
Brandon: Another example is...
Marzena: Mieszkamy w Warszawie dwadzieścia lat.
Brandon: Which means “We’ve been living in Warsaw for twenty years.”
Marzena: Here the noun is the name of capital city of Poland - Warszawa. It’s in the locative form - Warszawie, because it follows the preposition w which means “in”.
Brandon: There’s one more set of verbs which link with this case, right?
Marzena: Yes, they talk about the location or position of a person or an object, for example - stać
Brandon: (pause) Meaning “to stand”
Marzena: leżeć
Brandon: (pause) “to lie”
Marzena: siedzieć
Brandon: (pause) “to sit”
Marzena: wisieć
Brandon: (pause) “to hang”
Marzena: An example of a sentence with the verb stać could be - Stoję na przystanku już godzinę.
Brandon: “I’ve been standing at the bus stop for an hour already.”
Marzena: Here the noun is przystanek.
Brandon: It’s in the locative case, because the verb referring to it is one from the list.
Marzena: And we also have the preposition na which means “at”.
Brandon: Remember to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson.
Marzena: Yes, because it’s very important to understand the usage of the locative case, listeners!


Brandon: And that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!

