
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hello everyone and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Upper Beginner, season 1, lesson 17 - Learn Your Polish History. I’m Brandon.
Marzena: And I’m Marzena.
Brandon: In this lesson you'll learn about the locative case.
Marzena: This conversation takes place at home.
Brandon: It’s between Tom and Jane
Marzena: The speakers are friends, so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Brandon: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Jane: Co robisz?
Tom: Czytam książkę o historii Polski.
Jane: Nie wiedziałam, że lubisz historię.
Tom: Bardzo lubię. A ty jakie książki lubisz?
Jane: Lubię książki o aktorach, o ich życiu i aktorstwie.
Brandon: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jane: Co robisz?
Tom: Czytam książkę o historii Polski.
Jane: Nie wiedziałam, że lubisz historię.
Tom: Bardzo lubię. A ty jakie książki lubisz?
Jane: Lubię książki o aktorach, o ich życiu i aktorstwie.
Brandon: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Jane: Co robisz?
Brandon: What are you doing?
Tom: Czytam książkę o historii Polski.
Brandon: I'm reading a book about the history of Poland.
Jane:Nie wiedziałam, że lubisz historię.
Brandon: I didn't know that you liked history.
Tom:Bardzo lubię. A ty jakie książki lubisz?
Brandon: I like it a lot. And what books do you like?
Jane: Lubię książki o aktorach, o ich życiu i aktorstwie.
Brandon: I like books about actors, about their life and acting.
Brandon: Let’s talk a little bit about Polish history.
Marzena: OK, how about an early history of Poland?
Brandon: Sounds interesting! What can you tell us about that?
Marzena: In the old days, Poland was ruled by kings. Prior to this, the man who united the country was Mieszko I. He ruled a pre-Polish state between 960 and 992.
Brandon: Were there any important events during his rule?
Marzena: Yes, and there was one in particular that was extremely important for the history of Poland! There’s a date that every Pole remembers and it’s 966. That was the year Mieszko I was baptized, which resulted in the Christianization of Poland, and brought about the existence of Poland as a country.
Brandon: I hope we hear more about Poland’s history in our next lesson! Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocabulary.
Vocab list
Brandon: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Marzena: czytać [natural native speed]
Brandon: to read
Marzena: czytać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: czytać [natural native speed]
Marzena: książka [natural native speed]
Brandon: book
Marzena: książka [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: książka [natural native speed]
Marzena: historia [natural native speed]
Brandon: history
Marzena: historia [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: historia [natural native speed]
Marzena: aktor [natural native speed]
Brandon: actor
Marzena: aktor [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: aktor [natural native speed]
Marzena: życie [natural native speed]
Brandon: life
Marzena: życie [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: życie [natural native speed]
Marzena: aktorstwo [natural native speed]
Brandon: theatrical art, acting
Marzena: aktorstwo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: aktorstwo [natural native speed]
Marzena: o [natural native speed]
Brandon: about
Marzena: o [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: o [natural native speed]
And Last:
Marzena: że [natural native speed]
Brandon: that
Marzena: że [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: że [natural native speed]
Brandon: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Marzena, what’s our first word?
Marzena: historia
Brandon: “history”
Marzena: There’s one more meaning of this feminine noun and it’s “story”.
Brandon: Can you make an adjective from this noun?
Marzena: Yes, you can. The masculine form is historyczny
Brandon: ...and it means “historical”
Marzena: It can be used like in the phrase magazyn historyczny
Brandon: Which means “historical magazine”
Marzena: Other phrases that use the word historia include - historia Polski.
Brandon: “history of Poland”
Marzena: niesamowita historia
Brandon: “incredible story”
Marzena: Historia lubi się powtarzać, which is a very popular saying that literally means
Brandon: “History likes to repeat itself”
Marzena: The next word I want to tell you about is aktor
Brandon: Meaning “actor”. It’s a masculine noun and names a man whose profession is acting.
Marzena: If a woman does the same job, we will call her aktorka.
Brandon: in English “actress”
Marzena: Then the profession itself is called - aktorstwo
Brandon: in English “acting”. There are different kinds of actors, so let’s take a look at them in Polish. After each word you will have a few seconds to repeat after Marzena. Then I will give you the English.
Marzena: Let’s start with - aktor filmowy
Brandon: (pause) “movie actor”
Marzena: aktor teatralny
Brandon: (pause) “theater actor”
Marzena: Also, you can say debiut aktorski to name a play or a role in which some actor has debuted.
Brandon: In English, this literally means “acting debut”. Okay, now onto the grammar.
Brandon: In this lesson, you’ll learn more about Polish cases. This time we will focus on the locative case.
Marzena: You use it every time you talk about the location of a person or object, and also when you’re saying that you talk or think about someone or something.
Brandon: In the other words, the locative case answers questions starting with “where”, “about what”, and “about”. It also corresponds to English prepositions like "about", "on", "at" and "in" Marzena, how do we form the locative case?
Marzena: You have two choices – you can either memorize them when you’re learning new words, or try to follow a few forming rules.
Brandon: Let’s talk about those rules.
Marzena: Okay. So we will start with masculine and neuter nouns. If the stem of those ends in a hard consonant, in locative it’s softened and the noun takes the ending -e. For example, the noun zeszyt...
Brandon: ...which means “notebook”
Marzena: ...in locative will be zeszycie
Brandon: Let’s go through a few more examples. First the plain form, then the locative and at the end the English meaning
Marzena: OK. biuro - biurze
Brandon: “office”
Marzena: stół - stole
Brandon: “table”
Marzena: arbuz - arbuzie
Brandon: “watermelon”. Of course there are a few more variations and exceptions, so be sure to check the notes of this lesson.
Marzena: When it comes to feminine nouns, if the stem ends with a hard consonant, it’s softened and the ending -e is added
Brandon: Let’s go through a few examples, like we did before
Marzena: OK! książka - książce
Brandon: “book”
Marzena: matka - matce
Brandon: “mother”
Marzena: biblioteka - bibliotece
Brandon: “library”
Marzena: Lastly, in the case of plural nouns, they all take the same ending in the locative case and it’s -ach. For example: kawiarnie - kawiarniach
Brandon Which means “cafes”
Marzena: spotkania - spotkaniach
Brandon: “meetings”
Marzena: lody - lodach
Brandon: “ice-creams”


Brandon: And that’s all for this lesson.
Marzena: There are more rules about locative case forming in the lesson notes, so make sure to check them.
Brandon: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time. Bye!

