
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hello everyone, and welcome to PolishPod101.com. This is the Upper Beginner series, Season 1, Lesson 1: Have You Been to a Polish Music Festival?” I’m Brandon.
Marzena: And I’m Marzena.
Brandon: In this lesson, you'll learn all about the plural forms of Polish adjectives..
Marzena: This conversation takes place in a cafe.
Brandon: It’s between Tom and Jane.
Marzena: Since the speakers are around the same age, they’ll be using informal Polish.
Brandon: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Tom: Lubisz festiwale?
Jane: Tak, szczególnie kulturalne.
Tom: Ja lubię festiwale muzyczne. W Polsce organizują bardzo dobre.
Jane: Na przykład?
Tom: Przystanek Woodstock i Festiwal w Opolu.
Jane: Nie znam ani jednego ani drugiego.
Brandon: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Tom: Lubisz festiwale?
Jane: Tak, szczególnie kulturalne.
Tom: Ja lubię festiwale muzyczne. W Polsce organizują bardzo dobre.
Jane: Na przykład?
Tom: Przystanek Woodstock i Festiwal w Opolu.
Jane: Nie znam ani jednego ani drugiego.
Brandon: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Tom: Lubisz festiwale?
Brandon: Do you like festivals?
Jane: Tak, szczególnie kulturalne.
Brandon: Yes, especially cultural ones.
Tom: Ja lubię festiwale muzyczne. W Polsce organizują bardzo dobre.
Brandon: I like music festivals. In Poland they organize very good ones.
Jane: Na przykład?
Brandon: For example?
Tom: Przystanek Woodstock i Festiwal w Opolu.
Brandon: Woodstock Station and Opole Festival.
Jane: Nie znam ani jednego ani drugiego.
Brandon: I don't know either of them.
Brandon: We all know that summer is the time for music festivals. Are there any organized in Poland?
Marzena: Yes, there are two special ones.
Brandon: Can you tell us about them?
Marzena: Of course. The biggest one is called Przystanek Woodstock, which can be translated as Woodstock Station.
Brandon: What kind of festival is that?
Marzena: It’s actually a really special one. It’s completely free of charge, and is organized by Jerzy Owsiak—a well-known journalist in Poland who also runs a large charity organization called WOŚP.
Brandon: On top of being free to attend, what else makes it special?
Marzena: It’s not only about music. The festival has many other events and workshops.
Brandon: That sounds pretty cool! What about the other festival?
Marzena: It’s an annual festival in Opole city that attracts an older audience than Woodstock. It focuses only on Polish music and is always broadcasted on TV.
Brandon: Be sure to add those events to your calendar for Poland, listeners! For more details about Polish music festivals, please check out the lesson notes. Now let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Brandon: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Joanna: festiwal [natural native speed]
Brandon: festival
Joanna: festiwal [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: festiwal [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: szczególnie [natural native speed]
Brandon: especially
Joanna: szczególnie [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: szczególnie [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: kulturalny [natural native speed]
Brandon: cultural
Joanna: kulturalny [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: kulturalny [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: lubić [natural native speed]
Brandon: to like
Joanna: lubić [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: lubić [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: organizować [natural native speed]
Brandon: to organize
Joanna: organizować [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: organizować [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: przykład [natural native speed]
Brandon: example
Joanna: przykład [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: przykład [natural native speed]
: Next:
Joanna: przystanek [natural native speed]
Brandon: station
Joanna: przystanek [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: przystanek [natural native speed]
: And Last:
Joanna: znać [natural native speed]
Brandon: to know, to be familiar with
Joanna: znać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna: znać [natural native speed]
Brandon: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Marzena, what’s our first word?
Marzena: Kulturalny.
Brandon: What does that mean?
Marzena: It has two meanings. The first one, used in the dialogue, means “cultural.” For example, the phrase magazyn kulturalny.
Brandon: Meaning “cultural magazine.”
Marzena: Or impreza kulturalna.
Brandon: Meaning “cultural event.”
Marzena: The second meaning is “well-mannered,” so you can use this word to describe a person.
Brandon: Okay, what’s the next word?
Marzena: Przystanek.
Brandon: This means “stop,” like in the phrase “bus stop.”
Marzena: So you can see przystanek used in names for places where you can have transportation stops, such as a bus or a train stop.
Brandon: Is there any other meaning for this noun?
Marzena: There is, and it’s related to taking a break.
Brandon: Could you tell us a little bit more about that.
Marzena: For example, when you travel and take a break along the way, in Polish the break is called przystanek.
Brandon: Let’s hear it in a sentence.
Marzena: Ile mamy po drodze przystanków?
Brandon: “How many stops do we have on the way?”
Marzena: You can use this question with a tour bus driver when you want to know how many times he plans to stop before reaching the destination.
Brandon: Okay, and what’s the last word?
Marzena: Organizować.
Brandon: “To organize.”
Marzena: Some other words are related to this verb as well. For example, organizator.
Brandon: “Male organizer.”
Marzena: We use this word to indicate a person, group of people, or company that organizes something. Another word is organizatorka.
Brandon: “Female organizer.”
Marzena: And organizacja.
Brandon: “Organization.”
Marzena: For more information on these words, please refer to the lesson notes.
Brandon: Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Brandon: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use plural forms of Polish adjectives.
Marzena: If you’ve been studying with us from the beginning, you already know everything about the singular forms of adjectives.
Brandon: But if you need a reminder, be sure to review the Absolute Beginner series.
Marzena: That knowledge will be useful in mastering the plural forms of adjectives.
Brandon: Polish has two plural forms, called the masculine-personal and non-masculine-personal.
Marzena: Now, how do you know which is which?
Brandon: I am sure you’ll teach us the easiest way!
Marzena: Of course! The easier, the better! First of all, the non-masculine-personal is much more common than the other one. The other thing to remember is that all of the nouns and adjectives which are neuter or feminine in the singular form will be non-masculine-personal in the plural form.
Brandon: Okay, that’s easy. So, with these two kinds of plural adjectives, I guess they’ll take on different endings, right?
Marzena: That’s right. So y-adjectives, meaning those ending with “y,” take on an -i ending, and i-adjectives, meaning those ending with “i,” take on a -y ending.
Brandon: All of the masculine words that are singular and refer to persons will be masculine-personal when plural. With these, you don’t have to learn anything new because the forms are exactly the same as the neuter forms in the singular.
Marzena: Let’s go through a few examples.
Brandon: I think that’s a good idea. First, we’ll give you the singular form of an adjective followed by the masculine-personal and non-masculine-personal forms. Please repeat each one after Marzena. After that, I’ll tell you the English translation. Let’s start with “y-”adjectives.
Marzena: Ważny (pause), ważni (pause), ważne.
Brandon: (pause) “Important.”
Marzena: Szczęśliwy (pause), szczęśliwi (pause), szczęśliwe.
Brandon: (pause) “Happy.”
Marzena: Słaby (pause), słabi (pause), słabe.
Brandon: (pause) “Weak.” Some adjectives require more changes for the masculine-personal form than the adjectives we just provided. You’ll find more information about these words in the lesson notes, as well as a table with examples. Now let’s go through the i-adjectives. Listeners, it’ll be the same drill as before.
Marzena: Drogi (pause), drodzy (pause), drogie.
Brandon: (pause) “Expensive.”
Marzena: Wysoki (pause), wysocy (pause), wysokie.
Brandon: (pause) “Tall; high.”


Marzena: And that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone!
Brandon: If you have any questions or comments about this lesson, please leave us a message at PolishPod101.com.
Marzena: We are here to help you!
Brandon: We’ll see you in the next lesson, when we’ll talk more about adjectives. Bye!
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