Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

John: Idioms Related to Animals
John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. I'm John.
Marzena: And I'm Marzena!
John: This is Must-Know Polish Slang Words and Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 5. In this lesson, you'll learn idioms related to animals.
John: Poles love idioms with animals. Here are some of the most popular ones.
John: The expressions you will be learning in this lesson are...
Marzena: jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni
Marzena: nie kupuj kota w worku
Marzena: uparty jak osioł
Marzena: wybierać się jak sójka za morze
John: Marzena, what's our first expression?
Marzena: jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni
John: It literally means "one swallow does not make spring," but when it's used as a slang expression, it means “don’t make assumptions about something based on one incident.”
Marzena: [SLOW] jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni [NORMAL] jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Marzena: jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this expression when you want to express that there needs to be more than what there currently is.
John: Now, let's hear an example sentence.
Marzena: [NORMAL] Z czego się tak cieszysz? Jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni. [SLOW] Z czego się tak cieszysz? Jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni.
John: "What are you so happy about? Don’t make assumptions."
Marzena: [NORMAL] Z czego się tak cieszysz? Jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni.
John: Okay, what's the next expression?
Marzena: nie kupuj kota w worku
John: It literally means "do not buy a cat in a bag," but when it's used as a slang expression, it means "don't buy a pig in a poke."
Marzena: [SLOW] nie kupuj kota w worku [NORMAL] nie kupuj kota w worku
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Marzena: nie kupuj kota w worku
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this expression when you want to warn somebody not to buy something that he or she can't see.
John: Now, let's hear an example sentence.
Marzena: [NORMAL] Sprawdziłeś ten komputer? Ja bym tak nie kupował kota w worku. [SLOW] Sprawdziłeś ten komputer? Ja bym tak nie kupował kota w worku.
John: "Have you checked this computer? I wouldn't buy it without checking it first."
Marzena: [NORMAL] Sprawdziłeś ten komputer? Ja bym tak nie kupował kota w worku.
John: Okay, what's our next expression?
Marzena: uparty jak osioł
John: It literally means "stubborn as a donkey," but when it's used as a slang expression, it means "pigheaded."
Marzena: [SLOW] uparty jak osioł [NORMAL] uparty jak osioł
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Marzena: uparty jak osioł
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this expression when you want to say that someone is really stubborn. Be sure to use it in an informal setting, usually with family and friends, when using it directly toward a person.
John: Now, let's hear an example sentence.
Marzena: [NORMAL] Z nim się nie dogadasz. On jest uparty jak osioł. [SLOW] Z nim się nie dogadasz. On jest uparty jak osioł.
John: "You cannot come to an understanding with him. He is pigheaded."
Marzena: [NORMAL] Z nim się nie dogadasz. On jest uparty jak osioł.
John: Okay, what's the last expression?
Marzena: wybierać się jak sójka za morze
John: It literally means "to get ready like a jay going overseas," but when it's used as a slang expression, it means "to take a long time to do something."
Marzena: [SLOW] wybierać się jak sójka za morze [NORMAL] wybierać się jak sójka za morze
John: Listeners, please repeat.
Marzena: wybierać się jak sójka za morze
[pause - 5 sec.]
John: Use this expression when you want to show how annoyed you are with someone taking their time to get ready.
John: Now, let's hear an example sentence.
Marzena: [NORMAL] Mój mąż to się zawsze wybiera jak sójka za morze. [SLOW] Mój mąż to się zawsze wybiera jak sójka za morze.
John: "My husband always takes a long time to prepare."
Marzena: [NORMAL] Mój mąż to się zawsze wybiera jak sójka za morze.
John: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I'll describe four situations, and you choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
John:You want to tell to your friend that it’s better to check something before they buy it.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Marzena: nie kupuj kota w worku
John: "don't buy a pig in a poke"
John: You want to express that there should be more evidence before you can really say if this is true or not.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Marzena: jedna jaskółka wiosny nie czyni
John: "don’t make assumptions about something based on one incident”
John:You want to say that somebody really takes their time to prepare.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Marzena: wybierać się jak sójka za morze
John: "to take a long time to do something"
John: Your friend is really stubborn. How would you express this?
[pause - 5 sec.]
Marzena: uparty jak osioł
John: "pigheaded"


John: There you have it; you have mastered four Polish Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at PolishPod101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and see you next time!
Marzena: Cześć.

