
Lesson Transcript

Welcome to Can-Do Poland by PolishPod101.com.
Cześć wszystkim! Jestem Emil Nowak.
Hi everyone! I'm Emil Nowak.
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about your family in Polish.
This is Ben Lee and he’s at a coffee shop with his friend Anna Kowalska.
Ben is showing her some pictures. She points to one of them and asks,
"Is this your family?"
Czy to jest twoja rodzina?
Listen to the conversation, and focus on the response.
Czy to jest twoja rodzina?
Tak. To jest moja rodzina. Mój ojciec, moja matka, moja siostra i ja.
Once more with the English translation.
Czy to jest twoja rodzina?
"Is this your family?"
Tak. To jest moja rodzina. Mój ojciec, moja matka, moja siostra i ja.
"Yes. This is my family. My father, my mother, my sister, and me.”

