Vocabulary (Review)

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Let's take a closer look at the conversation.
Do you remember how Maciej Mazur introduces himself?
"I'm Maciej Mazur. And you are?"
Nazywam się Maciej Mazur. A pan?
First is nazywam się, meaning "[I] call myself." Nazywam się.
Note, nazywam się is the shortened form of ja nazywam się. In Polish, ja, "I," is usually omitted.
Nazywam się is from the verb nazywać się, meaning "to call oneself." Nazywać się.
Next is the name, Maciej Mazur. "Maciej Mazur." Maciej Mazur (Enunciated). Maciej Mazur.
Together, Nazywam się Maciej Mazur. Literally, "I call myself Maciej Mazur." But it translates as "My name is Maciej Mazur." Nazywam się Maciej Mazur.
Next is A pan? Which translates as, "And you [are]," in this context. A pan?
First is a. "And," as in "And you are?" A. A.
Next is pan, translating as "you," in this formal context. Pan. Pan.
Note, pan is a formal way to address a male, and it often translates as Mr.
Altogether it's Nazywam się Maciej Mazur. A pan? Literally "I call myself Maciej Mazur. And you?" but translates as "My name is Maciej Mazur. And you?"
Nazywam się Maciej Mazur. A Pan?
Do you remember how Mark says,
"I'm Mark Lee."
Jestem Mark Lee.
First is Jestem. "[I] am." Jestem. Jestem.
Note: jestem is a shortened form of ja jestem, "I am." In Polish, ja, "I," is usually omitted, as it is understood from context.
Next is the name Mark Lee. "Mark Lee." Mark Lee. Mark Lee.
Together, Jestem Mark Lee. "I'm Mark Lee." Jestem Mark Lee.
Next is miło mi, literally, "pleases me," but translates as "Nice to meet you." Miło mi. Miło mi.
This expression can be used in many contexts and is appropriate for both formal and informal situations.
Altogether it's Jestem Mark Lee. Miło mi. Literally, "I'm Mark Lee. Pleases me," but it translates as "My name is Mark Lee. Nice to meet you."
Jestem Mark Lee. Miło mi.
The pattern is
Jestem NAME.
"I'm NAME."
Jestem NAME.
To use this pattern, simply replace the NAME placeholder with your given name or given name and surname.
Note: This pattern requires a proper noun.
Imagine you're Karen Lee. In Polish, Karen Lee. Karen Lee. Karen Lee.
"I'm Karen Lee."
Jestem Karen Lee.
"I'm Karen Lee."
Jestem Karen Lee.
In Polish, there are both informal and formal ways of speaking. What you use depends on whom you're speaking with.
According to Polish etiquette, in a formal situation the person you are talking to should be addressed in a polite manner.
When addressing a male, use pan, meaning "Mr,"
When addressing a female, use pani, meaning "Ms."
This is also the polite way to approach strangers, people significantly older than you, and others in a formal situation.
In the conversation you learned, A pan? "And you," when addressing a male.
If Maciej were addressing a female, he would have said, A pani? "And you?"
In casual situations or when talking to your peers, you can use the informal ty, meaning "you." A ty? "And you."

