
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Michael: Hi everyone, and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Business Polish for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 24 - Can You Follow Polish Instructions? Michael here.
Marzena: Cześć, I'm Marzena.
Michael: In this lesson, you’ll learn more instructions. The conversation takes place at the office.
Marzena: It's between Monika and Tomek.
Michael: The speakers are supervisor and employee, therefore, they will speak formal Polish. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Monika: Proszę zanieść to do działu kadr. Tam powinni panu wyrobić wejściówkę i kartę fitness.
Tomek: Oczywiście.
Monika: Jak już pan wróci, proszę przygotować grafik spotkań na najbliższy tydzień i wysłać go do mnie i Karoliny.
Tomek: Jasne. Coś jeszcze?
Monika: Nie, to wszystko. Jak pan skończy proszę dać mi znać.
Tomek: Oczywiście.
Michael: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Monika: Proszę zanieść to do działu kadr. Tam powinni panu wyrobić wejściówkę i kartę fitness.
Tomek: Oczywiście.
Monika: Jak już pan wróci, proszę przygotować grafik spotkań na najbliższy tydzień i wysłać go do mnie i Karoliny.
Tomek: Jasne. Coś jeszcze?
Monika: Nie, to wszystko. Jak pan skończy proszę dać mi znać.
Tomek: Oczywiście.
Michael: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Monika: Take it to the HR department, please. They should give you the entrance card and fitness card.
Tomek: Absolutely.
Monika: When you are back, please prepare the appointment schedule for the next week and send it to me and Karolina.
Tomek: Of course, something else?
Monika: No, that's all. Please let me know once you’re finished.
Tomek: Of course.
Michael: The theme of this lesson is instructions, and there were many instructions in that conversation.
Marzena: Yes, Monika had many instructions for Tomek to follow.
Michael: I hope he followed them correctly.
Marzena: Me, too. Actually, there was something else I wanted to tell you about in this lesson.
Michael: Oh? What’s that?
Marzena: Do you ever need an urgent day off, but not for reasons such as childcare or sickness?
Michael: There have been a few days when I’ve been a little hungover...
Marzena: Well, in Poland there is something called kacowe, or, "hangover leave." Many companies have this.
Michael: So you can just call in and ask for an urgent day off?
Marzena: That’s right. In some companies, you could even specify that it’s a hangover and that would be okay.
Michael: That’s pretty amazing. I’m surprised that companies allow that.
Marzena: Polish companies always have a backup system so there are people that can cover your work.
Michael: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Michael: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Marzena: zanieść [natural native speed]
Michael: "to bring"
Marzena: zanieść [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: zanieść [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: dział kadr [natural native speed]
Michael: "HR department"
Marzena: dział kadr [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: dział kadr [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: wejściówka [natural native speed]
Michael: "entrance card"
Marzena: wejściówka [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: wejściówka [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: wrócić [natural native speed]
Michael: "to come back"
Marzena: wrócić [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: wrócić [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: przygotować [natural native speed]
Michael: "to prepare"
Marzena: przygotować [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: przygotować [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: grafik [natural native speed]
Michael: "schedule"
Marzena: grafik [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: grafik [natural native speed]
Michael: And last...
Marzena: dać znać [natural native speed]
Michael: "to let someone know"
Marzena: dać znać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: dać znać [natural native speed]
Michael: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Marzena: grafik spotkań
Michael: meaning "appointments schedule."
Michael: Let’s break down this phrase.
Marzena: Grafik means "schedule" or "a designer."
Michael: It is a masculine noun. The final word means "meeting."
Marzena: That is spotkań, which is the genitive case of spotkania.
Michael: You can use this phrase to talk about scheduled appointments.
Marzena: It can be used in formal and informal settings.
Michael: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Marzena: Sure. For example, you can say... Gdzie jest mój grafik spotkań?
Michael: ... which means "Where is my appointment schedule?"
Michael: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Marzena: dać znać
Michael: meaning "to let know."
Michael: What can you tell us about this phrase, Marzena?
Marzena: First is dać, which means "to give." Znać means "to know."
Michael: Together, they literally mean "to give know." It’s better translated as "to let someone know."
Marzena: You use it to ask someone to tell someone else something.
Michael: It can be used in formal and informal settings.
Marzena: In formal settings, it should be used with proszę; "please."
Michael: Can you give us an example using this word?
Marzena: Sure. For example, you can say... Proszę dać mi znać.
Michael: ... which means "Let me know, please."
Michael: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Michael: In this lesson, you'll learn about more instructions. In lesson 12, we learned some instructions. In this lesson, we will learn a simpler, yet more polite way to give instructions. So, in lesson 12, we learned that we needed to change the third person singular form.
Marzena: Usually by dropping the final -e, -ie, -y, -i.
Michael: This time, we’ll simply use the verb "to ask for" in the right form. In most cases, this is the singular first person form.
Marzena: That is proszę, "I ask." We can also use prosi.
Michael: "he asks"
Marzena: prosimy
Michael: "we ask"
Marzena: or proszą
Michael: "they ask." This is then followed by a perfective verb in its infinitive form. Let’s hear some example sentences.
Marzena: Proszę tutaj posprzątać.
Michael: "Clean here, please."
Marzena: Prosimy nie zamykać drzwi.
Michael: "Do not close the door, please."
Marzena: Proszę to zrobić na jutro.
Michael: "Do this by tomorrow, please."
Marzena: Proszę zrobić trzy kopie.
Michael: "Make 3 copies, please." Now, how can we reply to instructions such as these, Marzena?
Marzena: We can say things such as Oczywiście.
Michael: "Of course."
Marzena: Nie ma problemu.
Michael: "Not a problem."
Marzena: Oczywiście, w czym jeszcze mogę pomóc?
Michael: "Of course, how may I help you?"
Marzena: Czy to może zaczekać?
Michael: "Can it wait?"
Marzena: Obawiam się, że nie zdążę.
Michael: "I’m afraid that I won’t make it (on time)."


Michael: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Marzena: Do zobaczenia!

