
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Michael: Hi everyone, and welcome back to Polishpod101.com. This is Business Polish for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 19 - A Polish Business Presentation. Michael here.
Marzena: Cześć, I'm Marzena.
Michael: In this lesson, you’ll learn about business presentations. The monologue takes place in the seminar room.
Marzena: The speaker is Tomek.
Michael: The speaker is speaking to strangers, therefore, he will speak formal Polish. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Tomek: Witam państwa i dziękuję za tak liczne przybycie.
Tomek: Chciałbym państwu zaprezentować nasz nowy produkt - porzeczkę suszoną metodą próżniową.
Tomek: Nasza porzeczka jest bardzo lekka, zawiera tylko 7 do 8% wody.
Tomek: Dzięki naszej innowacyjnej metodzie, zachowuje ona swój naturalny smak i aromat.
Tomek: Ma także bardzo mocny, ciemny kolor.
Tomek: Co wyróżnia nasz produkt? Przede wszystkim ilość składników odżywczych i niesamowita konsystencja.
Michael: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Tomek: Witam państwa i dziękuję za tak liczne przybycie.
Tomek: Chciałbym państwu zaprezentować nasz nowy produkt - porzeczkę suszoną metodą próżniową.
Tomek: Nasza porzeczka jest bardzo lekka, zawiera tylko 7 do 8% wody.
Tomek: Dzięki naszej innowacyjnej metodzie, zachowuje ona swój naturalny smak i aromat.
Tomek: Ma także bardzo mocny, ciemny kolor.
Tomek: Co wyróżnia nasz produkt? Przede wszystkim ilość składników odżywczych i niesamowita konsystencja.
Michael: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Tomek: Welcome and thank you for coming here.
Tomek: I would like to present our new product — vacuum-dried currants.
Tomek: Our currants are very light, and contain only 7 - 8% water.
Tomek: Thanks to our innovative technology, they retain their natural taste and flavor.
Tomek: They also have a very strong, dark color.
Tomek: What makes them different? Primarily their nutrition and amazing consistency.
Michael: Tomek’s presentation was very convincing. I want to buy some of the currants he was advertising.
Marzena: Me too! They sound good! Where can we buy them?
Michael: Hopefully we’ll find out as this series progresses!
Marzena: Tomek sounded like he’d put a lot of work into his presentation, didn’t he?
Michael: Yes, it sounded very professional and well-researched.
Marzena: This is pretty typical of presentations in Poland.
Michael: Poles like to be well-prepared?
Marzena: We do.
Michael: What kind of things should our listeners do if they have to give a presentation in Poland?
Marzena: Well, presentations usually always have a PowerPoint presentation and visuals as needed.
Michael: And it’s best if you rehearse the presentation beforehand. So, how do we say "to prepare a presentation" in Polish?
Marzena: przygotować prezentację
Michael: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Michael: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Marzena: państwo [natural native speed]
Michael: "you"
Marzena: państwo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: państwo [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: przybyć [natural native speed]
Michael: "to come"
Marzena: przybyć [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: przybyć [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: porzeczka [natural native speed]
Michael: "currant"
Marzena: porzeczka [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: porzeczka [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: próżniowy [natural native speed]
Michael: "vacuum"
Marzena: próżniowy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: próżniowy [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: metoda [natural native speed]
Michael: "method"
Marzena: metoda [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: metoda [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: innowacyjny [natural native speed]
Michael: "innovative"
Marzena: innowacyjny [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: innowacyjny [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Marzena: mocny [natural native speed]
Michael: "strong"
Marzena: mocny [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: mocny [natural native speed]
Michael: And last...
Marzena: wszystko [natural native speed]
Michael: "everything"
Marzena: wszystko [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Marzena: wszystko [natural native speed]
Michael: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Marzena: państwo
Michael: meaning "you."
Michael: This is a noun.
Marzena: Yes, państwo can mean "country."
Michael: But here it is used as a personal pronoun meaning "you."
Marzena: This word can be used when addressing an audience or when talking to a group of people.
Michael: It’s formal language, and is only used in formal situations.
Marzena: When written, a capital letter should be used.
Michael: Can you give us an example using this word?
Marzena: Sure. For example, you can say... Drodzy państwo, proszę się nie denerwować.
Michael: ... which means "Dear all, please do not stress yourself."
Michael: Okay, what's the next word?
Marzena: przede wszystkim
Michael: meaning "primarily."
Michael: Although it’s made out of two words, it’s treated as one word.
Marzena: Przede means "before" and you will usually encounter it spelled without the last "e."
Michael: The last word means "all."
Marzena: Yes, that’s wszystkim.
Michael: It literally means "before all," but we can translate it as "primarily."
Marzena: It can be used in both formal and informal settings.
Michael: Can you give us an example using this word?
Marzena: Sure. For example, you can say... Przede wszystkim chciałbym ci podziękować za pomoc.
Michael: ... which means "Primarily I would like to thank you for your help."
Michael: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Michael: In this lesson, you'll learn about business presentations. To make a good business presentation, you need to use formal Polish. First, you will address the audience.
Marzena: You would usually use the verb witać, meaning "to welcome", followed by the formal plural "you," państwo.
Michael: Marzena, can you give us some phrases that will help?
Marzena: Witam państwa serdecznie.
Michael: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome."
Marzena: Chciałbym/Chciałabym powitać państwa serdecznie w imieniu naszej firmy.
Michael: "I would like to welcome you on the behalf of our company."
Marzena: In the last sentence, we use the verb powitać instead of witać.
Michael: The difference is the aspect.
Marzena: Powitać is perfective, whereas witać is imperfective.
Michael: Now here are some of the sentences we can use when presenting a product.
Marzena: Chciałbym/Chciałabym państwu zaprezentować…
Michael: "I would like to present to you…"
Marzena: Chciałbym/Chciałabym państwu przedstawić…
Michael: "I would like to present (introduce) you to…" Now, let’s hear some phrases to end a presentation.
Marzena: Dziękuję bardzo za uwagę.
Michael: "Thank you very much for your attention."
Marzena: Dziękuję za uwagę. Czy są jakieś pytania?
Michael: "Thank you for your attention. Do you have any questions?" When you give your presentation, you will want to describe your product. You can do this using adjectives.
Marzena: Remember that the form is going to change depending on the gender of the noun it describes.
Michael: Marzena will give us some adjectives. Listen carefully, because she’ll give us all of the forms; first the masculine, then the feminine, and finally the neuter.
Marzena: innowacyjny, innowacyjna, innowacyjne
Michael: "innovative"
Marzena: naturalny, naturalna, naturalne
Michael: "natural"
Marzena: niezwykły, niezwykła, niezwykłe
Michael: "extraordinary." Let’s finish with a couple of phrases that will help you introduce your product.
Marzena: Nasz produkt zawiera tylko…
Michael: "Our product contains only…"
Marzena: Co wyróżnia nasz produkt to….
Michael: "What makes our product different is…"


Michael: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Marzena: Do zobaczenia!

