
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey: Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 24 - Who's A Picky Pole Then?
Betsey:Hello everyone and welcome to PolishPod101.com. This is Beginner series, season 1, lesson 24 - Who’s a Picky Pole Then? I’m Betsey.
Joanna:And I’m Joanna.
Betsey:In this lesson, you’ll learn everything about the genitive case.
Joanna:The conversation takes place in a supermarket.
Betsey:It’s between Ewa and Jan.
Joanna:They’re friends, so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Betsey:Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Jan:Czy lubisz sok pomarańczowy?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię soku pomarańczowego.
Jan:Czy lubisz zieloną herbatę?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię zielonej herbaty.
Jan:To może lubisz ciemne piwo?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię ciemnego piwa.
Jan:To co lubisz?
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jan:Czy lubisz sok pomarańczowy?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię soku pomarańczowego.
Jan:Czy lubisz zieloną herbatę?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię zielonej herbaty.
Jan:To może lubisz ciemne piwo?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię ciemnego piwa.
Jan:To co lubisz?
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Jan:Czy lubisz sok pomarańczowy?
Betsey:Do you like orange juice?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię soku pomarańczowego.
Betsey:No, I don't like orange juice.
Jan:Czy lubisz zieloną herbatę?
Betsey:Do you like green tea?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię zielonej herbaty.
Betsey:No, I don't like green tea.
Jan:To może lubisz ciemne piwo?
Betsey:Maybe you like dark beer?
Ewa:Nie, nie lubię ciemnego piwa.
Betsey:No, I don't like dark beer.
Jan:To co lubisz?
Betsey:What do you like, then?
Betsey:What are the most popular alcohols in Poland?
Joanna:Definitely vodka and beer.
Betsey:Tell us a little bit about them!
Joanna:There’s a wide variety of both kinds of alcohol. The most popular brands of vodka are definitely Absolwent and Żubrówka. Żubrówka is a unique kind of vodka, because every bottle contains a blade of bison grass, which gives the vodka a unique flavor. Some other brands that are also famous abroad, are Belvedere and Chopin.
Betsey:I’ve heard of those! And what about beer?
Joanna:There’s an even bigger variety of beers than vodka! From local beers, to those available all over Poland, to different producers, amounts of alcohols, flavors, and so on.
Betsey:What about soft drinks?
Joanna:Coffee is very popular - Poles usually drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day. Many people need something sweet, like a piece of cake or another pastry, while drinking coffee. Tea is another popular hot drink - usually with sugar and lemon juice. We also drink lots of fizzy drinks, and among those, Coke is definitely the most popular.
Betsey:Okay, now that we know all about drinks in Poland, it’s time to go the vocabulary.
Betsey:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
:The first word we shall see is Joanna:sok pomarańczowy [natural native speed]
Betsey:orange juice
Joanna:sok pomarańczowy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:sok pomarańczowy [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:herbata [natural native speed]
Joanna:herbata [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:herbata [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:ciemny [natural native speed]
Joanna:ciemny [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:ciemny [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:co [natural native speed]
Joanna:co [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:co [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:czy [natural native speed]
Betsey:question particle
Joanna:czy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:czy [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:lubić [natural native speed]
Betsey:to like
Joanna:lubić [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:lubić [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:piwo [natural native speed]
Joanna:piwo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:piwo [natural native speed]
:And last Joanna:zielony [natural native speed]
Joanna:zielony [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:zielony [natural native speed]
Betsey:Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Joanna:The first word is ‘herbata’
Betsey:Which means “tea”
Joanna:‘herbata’ is a feminine noun, which is used for this hot drink, which is one of the most popular in Poland. Poles drink approximately 1kilogram of tea every year, which puts us in 5th place in the world!
Betsey:wow! that’s A LOT!
Joanna:Yes! There are many different kinds of ‘herbata’, which can be bought in regular supermarkets or in special shops, which only sell tea. In Polish, these are called ‘herbaciarnia’
Betsey:“tea shop”
Joanna:One of the phrases commonly used with the noun herbata’ is ‘zielona herbata’
Betsey:“green tea”
Joanna:or ‘czarna herbata’
Betsey:“black tea”
Joanna:We also often say ‘zwykła herbata’
Betsey:which means “regular tea”
Joanna:if you hear ‘zwykła herbata’, the person saying that is thinking of Indian tea, or regular Lipton tea or Earl Grey - something that has no special fruit flavor, for example.
Betsey:Okay, what’s the next word?
Joanna:this neuter noun derives from a very old Slavic word, which meant “a drink”
Betsey:You’ve told us that there are a few kinds of beers in Poland, can you give us a few examples?
Joanna:Sure. Let’s start with - ‘piwo bezalkoholowe’
Betsey:“non-alcoholic beer”
Joanna:‘ciemne piwo’
Betsey:“dark beer”
Joanna:‘piwo z nalewaka’
Betsey:“draft beer”
Betsey:Now it’s time to move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Betsey:In this lesson, you’ll learn more about cases.
Joanna:So far, we’ve learned about the nominative, accusative, and instrumental cases - hopefully you remember them all!
Betsey:This time, we’re going to learn about the genitive case.
Joanna:The genitive case is one of the most commonly used ones in Polish.
Betsey:What’s the role of this case?
Joanna:It marks the direct object after a negated verb. We had some good examples of this in our dialogue.
Betsey:Let’s go through them one by one.
Joanna:‘Nie lubię soku pomarańczowego’
Betsey:“I don’t like orange juice”
Joanna:The verb ‘lubię’ is negated here, so the form we get in this sentence is ‘nie lubię’.
Betsey:“I don’t like”
Joanna:and that’s why the direct object ‘sok pomarańczowy’ has to be in the genitive case - ‘soku pomarańczowego’
Betsey:“orange juice”
Joanna:Then, the other example is - ‘nie lubię zielonej herbaty’
Betsey:“I don’t like green tea” Here again, the verb is negated
Joanna:Exactly. The sentence is built just like the one before. Just the direct object changed. Here we have ‘zielonej herbaty’, the genitive form of ‘zielona herbata’
Betsey:“green tea”
Joanna:On the other hand, if the direct object appears after a verb in positive form, it will require the accusative case.
Betsey:Let’s use the last sample sentence and turn it into “I like green tea”
Joanna:In Polish it will be - ‘Lubię zieloną herbatę’
Betsey:Here the object “green tea” is in the accusative case.
Joanna:Yes, it’s zieloną herbatę
Betsey:So, in summary, verbs in their positive form require the accusative case, and verbs in their negative form require the genitive case. Joanna, since it’s Polish, I’m sure there are exceptions to this rule!
Joanna:There are, but we can’t go into them now, so please check the lesson notes.
Betsey:It’s very important, so don’t forget to do that!
Joanna:In the lesson notes, you will also find tables with genitive singular forms of adjectives and nouns, and genitive questions.
Betsey:Now let’s practice a bit more. Joanna, is there any music you don’t like?
Joanna:Yes, I don’t like classical music.
Betsey:So how do we say - “I don’t listen to classical music”
Joanna:‘Nie słucham muzyki klasycznej.’
Betsey:Here the verb “listen” is negated, so it requires the genitive case.
Joanna:Exactly, ‘muzyki klasycznej’ is a genitive form of ‘muzyka klasyczna’
Betsey:How about one more example?
Joanna:Ok. What do you want to say this time?
Betsey:Let’s go for - “I don’t have a TV”
Joanna:In Polish - ‘Nie mam telewizora’
Betsey:And here again, since the verb is in its negative form, it requires the genitive case.
Joanna:The nominative form is ‘telewizor’, but in our sentence we had ‘telewizora’.
Betsey:Ok, well, that’s all for this lesson! We hope that these lessons have helped you understand cases.
Betsey:That just about does it for this lesson.
Joanna:Thanks for listening, everyone!
Betsey:We’ll see you next time, bye!

