
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey:Hello everyone, and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Beginner series, season 1, lesson 16, Talking About Activities in Polish, Part 1. I’m Betsey.
Joanna:And I’m Joanna.
Betsey:In this lesson you’ll learn how to talk about activities you like and dislike.
Joanna:This conversation takes place on the street.
Betsey:It’s between Ewa and Jan.
Joanna:They’re friends so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Betsey:Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Ewa:Co lubisz robić?
Jan:Lubię grać w tenisa i pływać. A ty?
Ewa:Lubię czytać książki i chodzić do kina.
Jan:Lubisz chodzić do kina? Świetnie!
Jan:Dzisiaj w kinie Rozrywka grają nowy film Andrzeja Wajdy. Idziemy?
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Ewa:Co lubisz robić?
Jan:Lubię grać w tenisa i pływać. A ty?
Ewa:Lubię czytać książki i chodzić do kina.
Jan:Lubisz chodzić do kina? Świetnie!
Jan:Dzisiaj w kinie Rozrywka grają nowy film Andrzeja Wajdy. Idziemy?
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Ewa:Co lubisz robić?
Betsey:What do you like to do?
Jan:Lubię grać w tenisa i pływać. A ty?
Betsey:I like to play tennis and swim. And you?
Ewa:Lubię czytać książki i chodzić do kina.
Betsey:I like to read books and go to the movies.
Jan:Lubisz chodzić do kina? Świetnie!
Betsey:You like going to the movies? That’s great!
Jan:Dzisiaj w kinie Rozrywka grają nowy film Andrzeja Wajdy. Idziemy?
Betsey:Today at the movie theater Rozrywka they are playing a new movie by Andrzej Wajda. Shall we go?
Betsey:What shall we talk about this time?
Joanna:About one of the best-known Polish directors in the world.
Betsey:Is this the person mentioned in the dialogue?
Joanna:Yes - Andrzej Wajda.
Betsey:So tell us a little bit about him.
Joanna:Andrzej Wajda started his career as a director more than 50 years ago and is very famous not only in Poland, but also abroad.
Betsey:Some of his movies were nominated for Academy Awards.
Joanna:Yes, there were 4 movies nominated, and one of them was ‘Katyń’, made in 2007, which tells the story of the infamous Katyn massacre
Betsey:What are his movies usually about?
Joanna:Most of the time, they’re related to Poland’s tragic history.
Betsey:He was also the recipient of an honorary Oscar for contribution to world cinema.
Joanna:That’s right, he received that award in the year 2000.
Betsey:So check out his films, listeners! Okay, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Betsey:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
:The first word we shall see is Joanna:co [natural native speed]
Joanna:co [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:co [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:czytać [natural native speed]
Betsey:to read
Joanna:czytać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:czytać [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:dzisiaj [natural native speed]
Joanna:dzisiaj [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:dzisiaj [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:kino [natural native speed]
Betsey:movie theater, cinema
Joanna:kino [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:kino [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:robić [natural native speed]
Betsey:to do
Joanna:robić [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:robić [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:lubić [natural native speed]
Betsey:to like
Joanna:lubić [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:lubić [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:pływać [natural native speed]
Betsey:to swim
Joanna:pływać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:pływać [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:grać [natural native speed]
Betsey:to play
Joanna:grać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:grać [natural native speed]
:And last Joanna:iść [natural native speed]
Betsey:to go by foot
Joanna:iść [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:iść [natural native speed]
Betsey:Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Joanna:The first word we’ll look at is ‘kino’
Betsey:“movie theater”
Joanna:in the dialogue, Jan asked Ewa to go to the movies with him, but the words we use in Polish to say this are completely different to English.
Betsey:Okay, remind us how the Polish sentence sounds please.
Joanna:‘Chodźmy do kina’
Betsey:we translated this sentence as “let’s go to the movies”, but the literal translation is - “Let’s go to the movie theater”
Joanna:Please note that in this case, we have to change the nominative form ‘kino’ into ‘kina’
Betsey:what are some other examples of sentences with this noun?
Joanna:‘W tym mieście są cztery kina’
Betsey:“There are four movie theaters in this city.”
Joanna:‘Chodźmy do kina sprawdzić ceny’
Betsey:“Let’s go to the movie theater and check the prices.”
Joanna:‘Chodźmy dziś do kina’
Betsey:“Let’s go to the movies today.”
Betsey:Okay, what’s the next word?
Betsey:“to do”, “to make” and sometimes “to take”
Joanna:In Polish, we don’t distinguish between “to make” and “to do”, like we do in English
Betsey:So whichever one you’re talking about in Polish it’s always the same verb.
Joanna:That’s right, ‘robić’.
Betsey:Let’s hear a few examples.
Joanna:Robię śniadanie.
Betsey:“I’m making breakfast”
Joanna:‘On robi zdjęcia’
Betsey:“He’s taking pictures”
Joanna:...and maybe the last example - ‘Co robisz?’
Betsey:“What are you doing?”
Joanna:So even though in English we use two or three different words, in Polish it’s always the same, ‘robić’.
Betsey:That’s definitely good news, because it’s very easy.
Joanna:Yes! So now that we’re convinced that studying Polish is easy, let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Betsey:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about activities you like to do.
Joanna:In the dialogue, Ewa asked Jan - ‘Co lubisz robić?’
Betsey:which translates into “What do you like to do?”
Joanna:the components of this question are - the pronoun ‘co’
Betsey:…which means “what”...
Joanna:…‘lubisz’ - the second person form of the verb ‘lubić’...
Betsey:...which means - “like”...
Joanna:...and at the very end, the verb in infinitive form - ‘robić’.
Betsey:Which means “to do”.
Joanna:so altogether, we have - ‘Co lubisz robić?’
Betsey:“what do you like to do?”
Joanna:Listeners, please repeat after me - Co lubisz robić?’ [pause]
Betsey:For the conjugation table of the Polish verb “to do”, please check the lesson notes.
Joanna:Do you remember Jan’s answer to this question?
Betsey:Yes, he said - “ I like to play tennis and swim”
Joanna:In Polish - ‘Lubię grać w tenisa i pływać’
Betsey:And then Ewa also told us what she likes to do.
Joanna:She said - ’Lubię czytać książki i chodzić do kina’
Betsey:“I like to read books and go to the movies”
Joanna:As you can see, the pattern of both sentences is exactly the same.
Betsey:Let’s break down Jan’s answer.
Joanna:First we have the verb ‘lubię’, which is the first person singular form of the verb ‘lubić’...
Betsey:...which means “to like”...
Joanna:...then come the activities you like, in Jan’s case it’s grać w tenisa i pływać’, which are in the infinitive form...
Betsey:“to play tennis and swim”.
Joanna:Please note that after the first person form of the verb ‘lubić’, the activity is in the infinitive form
Betsey:So, if I want to say that I like to watch movies, the pattern of the sentence is exactly the same as in English, right?
Joanna:Exactly. So in Polish it would be - ‘lubię oglądać filmy’, where ‘oglądać’ stands for the English “to watch”.
Betsey:Now, listeners, try to say what you like to do, following the instructions we gave you a few moments ago...[pause].........Ok, now Joanna, what do you like to do?
Joanna:‘Lubię słuchać muzyki’
Betsey:This means “I like to listen to music”.
Joanna:So Betsey, what do you like doing? - ‘co lubisz robić?’
Betsey:“I like to travel”
Joanna:That’s ‘Lubię podróżować’. Nice, me too!
Betsey:Joanna, what’s another thing you like doing?
Joanna:‘Lubię gotować’
Betsey:That was “I like to cook”. Great!
Joanna:As you can see, the structure of these kinds of sentences is very simple. Be sure to check the lesson notes to see some more examples of activities.
Betsey:And that’s going to do it for this lesson, thanks for listening, everyone!
Betsey:That just about does it for this lesson.
Joanna:We’ll see you next time!

