Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello everybody. My name is Marzena. Welcome to Top Polish Words and today, we will learn How to Respond to How Are You.
1. Jak się masz? “How are you?”
So our first phrase for today is, Jak się masz? Jak się masz? or “How are you?” is something you can use with your friends, with your family, with somebody you know. If you are talking to somebody you don’t know or if you are talking to somebody you should have a respect for like to your teacher or to your boss, somebody you are not very familiar with, then you will not say Jak się masz? You will say “Jak się pan ma?” if it’s a guy or “Jak się pani ma?” if it’s a girl.
2. A ty? “And you?”
Basically A ty? Which means “And you?” is also used the same as the Jak się masz? It’s also used to close family, to close friends, to somebody you know because ty means you and we don’t say that in Polish as often as in English. So you use it to people you know, to people of the same age, but if somebody is older than you and you own them respect, you will not say ty. You will say “pan” if it’s a guy or “pani” if it’s a girl. So you will say not “a ty?” but you will say “a pan?”, “a pani?”.
3. Co u ciebie ostatnio słychać? “How have you been recently?”
We basically use it more or less as often as as how are you? So Jak się masz? Co u ciebie słychać? and you can add “recently.” So Co u ciebie ostatnio słychać? You can use both whichever you like. Just remember that if you ask a Polish person how are you or how have you been recently Jak się masz? Co u ciebie słychać? Co u ciebie ostatnio słychać? you may hear the whole answer. So a lot of people will not only say good or fine and then how are you. They will actually start to elaborate on their whole life. So they may say, oh, I am very bad or I have problems here and there. So unless you have few minutes to listen to that, don’t ask.
4. W porządku. “I’m fine.”
Now, how can you answer questions like that. So you can say, W porządku. Which means, “I’m fine.”
If you don’t want to talk about it, you just say W porządku. “I’m fine.”
5. Nie jest źle. “I’m not bad.”
You can say Nie jest źle which basically means, “I’m not bad.” But literally it means, “it’s not bad.” So if you don’t want to say that well, I am great because you are not great but you are like just fine. You can say, Nie jest źle. Nie jest źle.
6. U mnie też dobrze. “I’m fine too.”
If you are fine too, you can say,
U mnie też dobrze. “I’m fine too.”
U mnie też dobrze. Which literally means, “at my place, it’s good as well.”
U mnie też dobrze. U mnie “at my place” też dobrze “it’s fine as well.” “it’s good as well.”
7. Źle się czuję. “I’m feeling bad.”
Another one is, “I’m feeling bad.” Which in Polish you will say,
Źle się czuję. Źle się czuję.
The same for a guy or a girl, Źle się czuję. And this one I think you will hear a lot. People like to complain and Polish people, we do love to complain. So that one that you may actually hear. Źle się czuję.
8. Ze mną wszystko w porządku. “I’m okay.”
So whenever you want to say “I’m okay” you can say, Ze mną wszystko w porządku. “I’m okay.” Ze mną wszystko w porządku. Porządku means just in order. So, if you want to translate it, literally it means, “with me”, Ze mną, wszystko “everything” “is in order” w porządku.
Ze mną wszystko w porządku. “With me, everything is in order.” So I’m fine or just short, you can say porządku.
9. Czuję się świetnie. “I’m great.”
Czuję się świetnie. Czuję się świetnie which basically means, “I’m great.”
If you are okay, you can just say, Czuję się świetnie.
10. Bywało lepiej. “It used to be better.”
If you are not too well, but you don’t want to elaborate, you can say Bywało lepiej.
Bywało lepiej means, “it used to be better.”
So if you are not too bad, but you are not in a very, very good situation right now and you don’t want to elaborate on it, you can just simply say Bywało lepiej. And the other person will know that well, it’s not the best time for you. Bywało lepiej.
That’s all for today. Thank you for watching. Once again, my name is Marzena and today, we learned how to respond to how are you. How would you respond to how are you? Please leave us a comment. See you!

