
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella: Hello everyone and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner, season 1, lesson 18, Are there still knights in Poland? I’m Gabriella.
Joanna: And I’m Joanna.
Gabriella: In this lesson you'll learn the numbers from 200 to 1000.
Joanna: This conversation takes place near a tourist attraction.
Gabriella: It’s between Gosia and Alex.
Joanna: The speakers are friends, so they will be using informal Polish.
Alex: Łał! Ten zamek jest ogromny!
Gosia: Podoba ci się?
Alex: Jest świetny!
Gosia: Ten zamek zbudowali Krzyżacy w 1406.
Alex: Ponad 600 lat temu!!
Gabriella: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Alex: Łał! Ten zamek jest ogromny!
Gosia: Podoba ci się?
Alex: Jest świetny!
Gosia: Ten zamek zbudowali Krzyżacy w 1406.
Alex: Ponad 600 lat temu!!
Gabriella: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Alex: Łał! Ten zamek jest ogromny!
Alex: Wow! This castle is enormous!
Gosia: Podoba ci się?
Gosia: Do you like it?
Alex: Jest świetny!
Alex: It's awesome!
Gosia: Ten zamek zbudowali Krzyżacy w 1406.
Gosia: Teutonic Knights built this castle in 1406.
Alex: Ponad 600 lat temu!!
Alex: More than 600 years ago!!
Gabriella: In the dialogue we heard about Teutonic Knights’ castle, so please tell us more about it Joanna!
Joanna: It’s a castle that was built in 1406 and is located in a small town called Malbork.
Gabriella: Why is it famous?
Joanna: It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and also the largest brick building in all of Europe.
Gabriella: Can you take tours around the castle?
Joanna: Yes, of course! It takes about 3 hours to see the main buildings and the rooms of the fortress
Gabriella: Sounds really great! Are there any special events organized?
Joanna: There’s a very famous one that’s also the biggest outdoor spectacle in Europe - oblężenie Malborka
Gabriella: which means “siege of Malbork”
Joanna: It’s a great chance to see a reenactment of the siege of the castle which took place in the past, and also to watch lance, swords and archery tournaments. You can also take part in all kinds of workshops that transport you back to medieval Poland
Gabriella: That sounds really fun! Don’t miss out on that, listeners!
Gabriella: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is...
Joanna: Ten [natural native speed]
Gabriella: this
Joanna: Ten [slowly - broken down by syllable] Ten [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Zamek [natural native speed]
Gabriella: castle
Joanna: Zamek [slowly - broken down by syllable] Zamek [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Świetny [natural native speed]
Gabriella: great
Joanna: Świetny [slowly - broken down by syllable] Świetny [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Zbudować [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to build
Joanna: Zbudować [slowly - broken down by syllable] Zbudować [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Ogromny [natural native speed]
Gabriella: huge
Joanna: Ogromny [slowly - broken down by syllable] Ogromny [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Ponad [natural native speed]
Gabriella: more than
Joanna: Ponad [slowly - broken down by syllable] Ponad [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Lata [natural native speed]
Gabriella: years
Joanna: Lata [slowly - broken down by syllable] Lata [natural native speed]
Gabriella: And last...
Joanna: Temu [natural native speed]
Gabriella: ago
Joanna: Temu [slowly - broken down by syllable] Temu [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Joanna, what’s the first word?
Joanna: ‘ogromny’
Gabriella: “huge”
Joanna: This is a masculine form. For the feminine and neuter forms, please refer to the lesson notes
Gabriella: What’s the root of this adjective?
Joanna: It’s ‘ogrom’, which means big amount of something
Gabriella: In English “greatness” or “hugeness”
Joanna: Listeners, please repeat after me - ‘ogromny’ (pause)... ‘ogrom’ (pause)
Gabriella: Okay, what’s the next word?
Joanna: ‘świetny’
Gabriella: “great, splendid”
Joanna: ‘ świetny’ is a word that’s very popular among the younger generation
Gabriella: Does it have any other forms?
Joanna: Yes, it can become an adverb, which is ‘świetnie’
Gabriella: meaning “great” in English, but there’s something special about it, isn’t there?
Joanna: There is!
Gabriella: Tell us all about it!
Joanna: Poles are a pretty sarcastic nation and ‘świetnie’ is a word we often use when we want to show that we’re unhappy or irritated.
Gabriella: How do we know when someone really means that something is great, and when they’re irritated?
Joanna: By the intonation.
Gabriella: Please give our listeners a small demonstration. Let’s start with the regular “great”. Listeners, please repeat after Joanna
Joanna: “świetnie”
Gabriella: now the irritated or unhappy version
Joanna: ‘świetnie’
Gabriella: Now that we heard it, I think it’s pretty easy to recognize which is which!
Joanna: Yes, but when YOU speak, you have to make sure you do it the right way
Gabriella: Okay, what’s the last word?
Joanna: ‘zamek’
Gabriella: “castle”
Joanna: It’s an interesting word, because there are other meanings, which have nothing to do with “castle”
Gabriella: what are they?
Joanna: “zipper” or “lock”
Gabriella: So random!
Joanna: Don’t worry, there aren’t many words like that in Polish
Gabriella: Oh, good! I’m relieved.. Now let’s move on to the grammar.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn numbers 200 to 1,000
Joanna: This is the last stage of studying Polish numbers
Gabriella: Let’s get right to it!
Joanna: Ok - ‘dwieście’
Gabriella: “two hundred”
Joanna: ‘trzysta’
Gabriella: “three hundred”
Joanna: ‘czterysta’
Gabriella: “four hundred”
Joanna: ‘pięćset’
Gabriella: “five hundred”
Joanna: ‘sześćset’
Gabriella: “six hundred”
Joanna: ‘siedemset’
Gabriella: “seven hundred”
Joanna: ‘osiemset’
Gabriella: “eight hundred”
Joanna: ‘dziewięćset’
Gabriella: “nine hundred”
Joanna: ‘tysiąc’
Gabriella: “one thousand”
Gabriella: I can see a similar pattern again.
Joanna: Well spotted! Again, just like before, you have to memorize only ‘dwieście’, then the next two have the same suffix, which is ‘-sta’. So we have the number ‘trzy’ and the suffix ‘-sta’, so together it’s ‘trzysta’
Gabriella: meaning “three hundred”
Joanna: The same with ‘czterysta’
Gabriella: meaning “four hundred”
Joanna: it’s built from the number ‘cztery’ and the suffix ‘-sta’
Gabriella: Then, the following five numbers have different endings but the pattern stays the same
Joanna: Exactly. Here we will be adding the ending ‘-set’
Gabriella: Let’s break down, for example, “five hundred”
Joanna: it’s ‘pięć’ and ‘-set’, together making ‘pięćset’
Gabriella: How about “nine hundred”?
Joanna: It’s ‘dziewięć’ and the suffix ‘-set’, together making ‘dziewięćset’
Gabriella: Well, I think counting in Polish is very easy and straightforward. But let’s not get lazy, and keep practising! Let’s try with more complex numbers. Since we’ve already learned up to 1000.
Joanna: It’s actually exactly the same as in English, because you just put the component numbers together
Gabriella: Ok, how do we say 170 in Polish?
Joanna: It’s ‘sto siedemdziesiąt’. Just the numbers ‘sto’ and ‘siedemdziesiąt’ put together.
Gabriella: Now let’s give our listeners a chance to practice!
Joanna: Very good idea! Now, Gabriella will tell you a number in English, then give a few seconds for you to say it in Polish, and then check it against the correct answer given by me.
Gabriella: Everyone ready? 537
Joanna: ‘pięćset trzydzieści siedem’
Gabriella: Next one - 481
Joanna: ‘czterysta osiemdziesiąt jeden’


Gabriella: How did you go, listeners? If you’re still having some trouble, just refer to the lesson notes and try practicing it just like we did now!
Joanna: We hope you enjoyed this lesson! Papa!
Gabriella: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time!

