
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella: Hello everyone and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner, season 1, lesson 17, Do You Want Polish Zloty or Euro? I’m Gabriella.
Joanna: And I’m Joanna.
Gabriella: In this lesson you'll learn numbers 50 to 100.
Joanna: This conversation takes place at a currency exchange.
Gabriella: It’s between Alex and a sales clerk.
Joanna: The speakers are strangers, so they will be using formal Polish.
Alex: Dzień dobry. Chcę sprzedać dolary.31
Clerk: Ile?
Alex: 31
Clerk: To będzie 98 złotych.
Alex: Dobrze. Dziękuję bardzo. Do widzenia.
Gabriella: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Alex: Dzień dobry. Chcę sprzedać dolary.
Clerk: Ile?
Alex: 31
Clerk: To będzie 98 złotych.
Alex: Dobrze. Dziękuję bardzo. Do widzenia.
Gabriella: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Alex: Dzień dobry. Chcę sprzedać dolary.
Alex: Good afternoon. I want to sell dollars.
Clerk: Ile?
Clerk: How much?
Alex: 31
Alex: 31
Clerk: To będzie 98 złotych.
Clerk: It's going to be 98 zloty.
Alex: Dobrze. Dziękuję bardzo. Do widzenia.
Alex: That's fine. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Gabriella: Are currency exchange offices easy to find in Polish cities?
Joanna: In general yes. There are many, and they’re usually located in the city center and department stores.
Gabriella: How do you say “currency exchange office” in Polish?
Joanna: It’s ‘kantor’. That’s what you will see above the entrance, or just the English word ‘exchange’
Gabriella: How about rates? I mean.. what’s the best place to exchange currency?
Joanna: Exchange offices are a good place, but the best thing to do is to compare prices by checking a few different offices - rates will vary. It’s very important if you’re planning to exchange a larger amount of money
Gabriella: Is haggling acceptable?
Joanna: Yes, if you’re exchanging a large sum of money, you can ask for a better exchange rate.
Gabriella: For more information about exchange offices, be sure to check the lesson notes.
Gabriella: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is...
Joanna: Chcieć [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to want
Joanna: Chcieć [slowly - broken down by syllable] Chcieć [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Sprzedać [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to sell
Joanna: Sprzedać [slowly - broken down by syllable] Sprzedać [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Dolar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: dollar
Joanna: Dolar [slowly - broken down by syllable] Dolar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Dziękować [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to thank
Joanna: Dziękować [slowly - broken down by syllable] Dziękować [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Bardzo [natural native speed]
Gabriella: very, very much
Joanna: Bardzo [slowly - broken down by syllable] Bardzo [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Dzień [natural native speed]
Gabriella: day
Joanna: Dzień [slowly - broken down by syllable] Dzień [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Joanna: Ile [natural native speed]
Gabriella: how much, how many
Joanna: Ile [slowly - broken down by syllable] Ile [natural native speed]
Gabriella: And last...
Joanna: Dobrze [natural native speed]
Gabriella: well
Joanna: Dobrze [slowly - broken down by syllable] Dobrze [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Joanna, what’s the first word?
Joanna: ‘sprzedawać’
Gabriella: “to sell”
Joanna: There are many words that derive from that verb
Gabriella: So let’s go through them one by one
Joanna: Okay, the first two examples are verbs and they are - ‘wyprzedawać’
Gabriella: “to sell out”
Joanna: and ‘odsprzedawać’
Gabriella: “to resell”
Joanna: There is also a phrase that makes an interesting use of the verb ‘sprzedawać’
Gabriella: These are always interesting!
Joanna: It goes like this - ‘sprzedawać się jak świeże bułeczki’
Gabriella: and it means..
Joanna: “to sell like hot cakes”
Gabriella: that’s the equivalent, but what’s the literal meaning?
Joanna: “to sell like fresh breadrolls”
Gabriella: Can you give us an example of a sentence with this saying?
Joanna: Sure! For example - Telewizory sprzedają się jak świeże bułeczki
Gabriella: meaning “TV sets sell like hot cakes”
Joanna: ..or like breadrolls
Gabriella: Exactly! Okay, what’s next?
Joanna: This time it’s a phrase - ‘do widzenia’
Gabriella: “goodbye”
Joanna: That phrase is made of two words. The first one is ‘do’,
Gabriella: which means “to”
Joanna: and the other one is ‘widzenia’
Gabriella: meaning “seeing”
Joanna: So a literal meaning of ‘do widzenia’ is “to or until next seeing / meeting”
Gabriella: That makes sense. Okay, now let’s move on the grammar.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn the numbers from 50 to 100. Now, we talked about numbers in lessons 8 and 9
Joanna: So up to now, we’ve learned how to count up to 49.
Gabriella: Let’s do a bit of review, and this time start from the number 20, and finish with 100
Joanna: I will start with the Polish and, as always everyone, repeat after me, so that you can practice pronunciation straight away!
Gabriella: Here we go!
Joanna: ‘dwadzieścia’
Gabriella: (pause) “twenty”
Joanna: ‘trzydzieści’
Gabriella: (pause) “thirty”
Joanna: ‘czterdzieści’
Gabriella: (pause) “forty”
Joanna: ‘pięćdziesiąt’
Gabriella: (pause) “fifty”
Joanna: ‘sześćdziesiąt’
Gabriella: (pause) “sixty”
Joanna: ‘siedemdziesiąt’
Gabriella: (pause) “seventy”
Joanna: ‘osiemdziesiąt’
Gabriella: (pause) “eighty”
Joanna: ‘dziewięćdziesiąt’
Gabriella: (pause) “ninety”
Joanna: ‘sto’
Gabriella: (pause) “one hundred”
Gabriella: Good job everyone!
Joanna: As you can see, the numbers above twenty are very easy to learn
Gabriella: Yes, for you, everything is so easy!
Joanna: Fair enough, but you can’t deny it this time though!
Gabriella: So why are they so easy?
Joanna: Because the only ones you have to memorize are “dwadzieścia”, ‘trzydzieści’ and ‘czterdzieści’
Gabriella: so “twenty”, “thirty” and “forty”
Joanna: they’re a little bit special, but all the numbers above are made the same way, ending with -dziesiąt. All you have to do is add that suffix to one of the numbers you have already mastered.
Gabriella: Can you give us an example?
Joanna: Sure! Let’s take ‘pięćdziesiąt’
Gabriella: meaning “fifty”
Joanna: It’s made from ‘pięć’ and the suffix ‘-dziesiąt’, so together it’s ‘pięćdziesiąt’
Gabriella: Let’s do the same with “seventy”
Joanna: Okay. That’s built from ‘siedem’ and ‘-dziesiąt’, together it’s ‘siedemdziesiąt’
Gabriella: The trick is to learn the basic 10 numbers, and then you can count freely up to 100, with only a few exceptions on the way.
Joanna: That’s true. So, listeners, make sure that you regularly practice these numbers!


Gabriella: And that’s going to do it for this lesson, thanks for listening...
Joanna: And don’t miss our next lesson, in which we will learn
Gabriella: ...the numbers 200 to 1,000! Thanks for listening everyone, bye!
Joanna: Papa.

