
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Polish Season 1, Lesson 24 - Offering an Invitation. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to invite someone out in Polish.
Eric: Here's the informal way to say 'Do you have plans on Friday night?' in Polish.
Marzena: [Normal] Masz plany na piątkowy wieczór?
Eric: First is a word meaning 'you have '
Marzena: [Normal] masz [Slow] masz
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'plans'
Marzena: [Normal] plany [Slow] plany
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'for, on'
Marzena: [Normal] na [Slow] na
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'Friday's evening'
Marzena: [Normal] piątkowy wieczór [Slow] piątkowy wieczór
Eric: Listen again to the informal phrase meaning 'Do you have plans on Friday night?'
Marzena: [Slow] Masz plany na piątkowy wieczór? [Normal] Masz plany na piątkowy wieczór?
Eric: Ok, now let's take a look at the formal way to say 'Do you have plans on Friday night?’ to a man'.
Marzena: [Normal] Czy ma pan plany na piątkowy wieczór?
Eric: First is a word meaning 'whether'
Marzena: [Normal] czy [Slow] czy
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'he has'
Marzena: [Normal] ma [Slow] ma
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'sir, you'
Marzena: [Normal] pan [Slow] pan
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'plans'
Marzena: [Normal] plany [Slow] plany
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'for the Friday's evening'
Marzena: [Normal] na piątkowy wieczór [Slow] na piątkowy wieczór
Eric: Listen again to the formal phrase meaning 'Do you have plans on Friday night?’ when asked to a man.
Marzena: [Slow] Czy ma pan plany na piątkowy wieczór? [Normal] Czy ma pan plany na piątkowy wieczór?
Eric: Next up is the way to say 'I'm going to the movies.'
Marzena: [Normal] Idę obejrzeć film.
Eric: First is a word meaning 'I go'
Marzena: [Normal] idę [Slow] idę
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'to watch'
Marzena: [Normal] obejrzeć [Slow] obejrzeć
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'movie'
Marzena: [Normal] film [Slow] film
Eric: Listen again to the phrase meaning 'I'm going to the movies.'
Marzena: [Slow] Idę obejrzeć film. [Normal] Idę obejrzeć film.
Eric: Finally, here is an informal way to say 'Will you join?'
Marzena: [Normal] Przyłączysz się?
Eric: This expression has only one word meaning 'you join'
Marzena: [Normal] przyłączysz się [Slow] przyłączysz się
Eric: Listen again to the informal word meaning 'Will you join?'
Marzena: [Slow] Przyłączysz się? [Normal] Przyłączysz się?
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Marzena: Poles tend to plan their evening at the very last minute, since they are quite spontaneous. So don't be surprised if you get invited the same day. Poles also love big gatherings, so it is almost always ok to bring a friend or two with you, but it is always good to ask if it is ok. If you get invited to Polish house remember, do NOT eat before you go. You will be offered plenty of food and saying that you have already eaten will not help.


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!

