
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Welcome to 3-Minute Polish Season 1, Lesson 17 - Why? In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask and answer the question ‘why?’ in Polish.
Eric: Here's the informal way to ask a man 'Why are you late?' in Polish.
Marzena: [Normal] Dlaczego się spóźniłeś?
Eric: First is a word meaning 'why'
Marzena: [Normal] dlaczego [Slow] dlaczego
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'you are late'
Marzena: [Normal] się spóźniłeś [Slow] się spóźniłeś
Eric: Note the rising intonation. Listen again to the informal question meaning 'Why are you late?’ when asked to a man.
Marzena: [Slow] Dlaczego się spóźniłeś? [Normal] Dlaczego się spóźniłeś?
Eric: Here's the way to say, 'I missed the train.’ if you are a woman.
Marzena: [Normal] Spóźniłam się na pociąg.
Eric: First is a word meaning 'I missed/was late'
Marzena: [Normal] spóźniłam się [Slow] spóźniłam się
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'on'
Marzena: [Normal] na [Slow] na
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'train'
Marzena: [Normal] pociąg [Slow] pociąg
Eric: Listen again to the response meaning 'I missed the train.' if you are a woman.
Marzena: [Slow] Spóźniłam się na pociąg. [Normal] Spóźniłam się na pociąg.
Eric: Here's a question meaning 'Why do you leave so early?'
Marzena: [Normal] Czemu wracasz tak wcześnie?
Eric: First is a word meaning 'why'
Marzena: [Normal] czemu [Slow] czemu
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'go back'
Marzena: [Normal] wracasz [Slow] wracasz
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'so'
Marzena: [Normal] tak [Slow] tak
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'early'
Marzena: [Normal] wcześnie [Slow] wcześnie
Eric: Listen again to the question meaning 'Why do you leave so early?'
Marzena: [Slow] Czemu wracasz tak wcześnie? [Normal] Czemu wracasz tak wcześnie?
Eric: Here's a response meaning, 'To not be late for the bus.'
Marzena: [Normal] Żeby się nie spóźnić na autobus.
Eric: First is a word meaning 'that'
Marzena: [Normal] żeby [Slow] żeby
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'not to be late'
Marzena: [Normal] się nie spóźnić [Slow] się nie spóźnić
Eric: Next is the word meaning 'on'
Marzena: [Normal] na [Slow] na
Eric: Last is the word meaning 'bus'
Marzena: [Normal] autobus [Slow] autobus
Eric: Listen again to the response, 'To not be late for the bus.'
Marzena: [Slow] Żeby się nie spóźnić na autobus. [Normal] Żeby się nie spóźnić na autobus.
Cultural Insight
Eric: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Marzena: Just like the "where are you going" question from an earlier lesson in this series, asking "why" can be regarded as a very rude and annoying thing to do. But this only goes for someone's personal life. If you want to ask why Poles do something, or why something is like it is, it will be perfectly ok to do so.


Eric: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!

